曹 勇,生于湖南郴州
2020年4月~2020年9月,东京工业大学,建筑学系,特别研究员,合作教授:Tetsuro Tamura (田村哲郎)
2016年10月~2020年6月,东京工业大学,建筑学系,研究员,合作教授:Tetsuro Tamura (田村哲郎)
2018年4月~2019年3月,日本理化学研究所,计算科学研究中心,访问研究员,合作教授:Makoto Tsubokura (坪倉誠)
2013年9月~2016年12月,东京工业大学,博士学位,环境理工专攻,导师:Tetsuro Tamura (田村哲郎)
学位论文:LES study of aerodynamics of two-dimensional bluff bodies in crossflow at very high Reynolds numbers
东方理工联培导师:杨永超 博士,美国密歇根理工大学机械工程-工程力学系助理教授(2019年至今),yangyongchaohit@gmail.com
发表国际期刊论文40多篇、参编3本专著、持美国专利2项。2018年至今担任Structural Control and Health Monitoring期刊编委。获2015年联合国国际可持续发展会议最佳论文奖、2017年美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)Raymond C. Reese研究奖、2018年R&D 100 奖和2020年实验力学学会(SEM)最佳论文奖。
东方理工高等研究院 陈十一院士团队 (包括Prof. Yongchao Yang 杨永超 教授)招聘力学与工程科学方向 研究助理教授/博士后/博士生/科研助理/实习生:
兼职工程与力学领域国际权威及主流期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Computers & Fluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Ocean Engineering, Marine Structures, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Building and Environment, Wind and Structures等通讯审稿人
Special Issue Editor, MDPI Mathematics, "Advanced Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Solutions in Applied Mechanics and Engineering"
日本文部省Flagship 2020项目(日本新一代国家超算开发利用项目),骨干,结题,约255万,2017年4月~2020年3月
Huang, G., Song, B., Wu, H., Duong, V., Zhou, D., Cao, Y.* (2025). Aerodynamic forces and flows around a wall-mounted body in typhoon boundary layers. Physics of Fluids, 37, 015119.
Zhao, F., Wang, R., Zhu, H., Cao, Y., Bao, Y.*, Zhou, D., Cheng, B., Han, Z. (2024). Free-surface effects on the flow around two circular cylinders in tandem. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1001, A7.
Shi, Y., Tao, T., Wu, H., Chen, Y., Han, Z., Zhou, D., Chen, W. L., Cao, Y.* (2024). Assessment of turbulence model effects on WRF-LES of separated turbulent flows past a 3D hill. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 254, 105910.
Xie, P., Li, R., Chen, Y., Song, B., Chen, W. L., Zhou, D., Cao, Y.* (2024). A Physics-informed deep learning model to
reconstruct turbulent wake from random sparse data. Physics of Fluids, 36, 065145.
Wu, H., Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Chen, W. L., Han, Z. L., Cao, Y.* (2024). High-flexibility reconstruction of small-scale motions in wall turbulence using a generalized zero-shot learning. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 990, R1.
Li, R., Song, B., Chen, Y., Jin, X., Zhou D., Han, Z., Chen, W. L., Cao, Y.* (2024). Deep learning reconstruction of high-Reynolds-number turbulent flow field around a cylinder based on limited sensors. Ocean Engineering, 304, 117857.
Song, B., Bao, Y., Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Cao, Y.* (2024). Wake suppression of a cylinder immersed in turbulence using rotating rods. Physics of Fluids, 36 (1), 015117.
吴昊恺, 陈耀然, 周岱, 陈文礼, 曹勇*. (2024). 基于CNN与GAN深度学习模型近壁面湍流场超分辨率重构的精细化研究. 力学学报, 56(6), 1-12.
刘达琳, 陶韬, 曹勇*, 周岱, 韩兆龙. (2024). 基于 WRF-LES 模式的大气边界层近地风场精细化模拟研究. 36365线路检测中心学报, 58(2), 220-231.
Chen, Y., Cai, C., Cao, L., Zhang, D., Kuang, L., Peng, Y., Pu, H., Wu, C., Zhou, D., Cao, Y. (2024). WindFix: Harnessing the power of self-supervised learning for versatile imputation of offshore wind speed time series. Energy, 287, 128995.
Wu, H., Chen, Y., Xie, P., Zhou, D., Tamura, T., Zhang, K., Cao, S., Cao, Y.* (2023). Sparse-measurement-based peak wind pressure evaluation by super-resolution convolutional neural networks. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 242, 105574.
Cao, Y., Li, W., Tao, T., Wang, S., Zhou, D. (2023). Peak suction on a wall-mounted square cylinder by conditional POD: Effects of incident angles, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 239, 105460.
Cao, Y., Tao, T., Shi, Y., Cao, S., Zhou, D., Chen, W. L. (2023). Large-eddy simulation of separated turbulent flows over a three-dimensional hill using WRF and OpenFOAM, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 236, 105357.
Kuang, L., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Chen, Y., Han, Z., Zhang, K., Wang, J., Bao, Y., Cao, Y., Liu, Y. (2023). Strategy for mitigating wake interference between offshore vertical-axis wind turbines: Evaluation of vertically staggered arrangement. Applied Energy, 351, 121850.
Chen, Y., Zhang, D., Li, X., Peng, Y., Wu, C., Pu, H., Zhou, D., Cao, Y., Zhang, J., (2023). Significant wave height prediction through artificial intelligent mode decomposition for wave energy management. Energy and AI, 14, 100257.
Ran, Y., Chen, W.L., Cao, Y., Li, H., Gao, D. (2023). On the distributed blowing control of flow around a square cylinder at a low Reynolds number. Ocean Engineering, 285, 115240.
Chen, Y., Zhang, D., Li, X., Peng, Y., Zhang, X., Han, Z., Cao, Y., Dong, Z. (2023). Surrogate models for twin-VAWT performance based on Kriging and artificial neural networks. Ocean Engineering, 273, 113947.
Kuang, L., Zhang, R., Su, J., Shao, Y., Zhang, K., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Tu, Y., Zhou, D., Han, Z., Bao, Y., Cao, Y., (2023). Systematic investigation of effect of rotor solidity on vertical-axis wind turbines: Power performance and aerodynamics analysis. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 233, 105284.
Cao, Y.*, Liu, X., Zhou, D., Ren, H. (2022). Investigation of local severe suction on the side walls of a high-rise building by standard, spectral and conditional POD. Building and Environment, 217, 109047.
Cao, Y.*, Ping, H., Tamura, T., Zhou, D.** (2022). Wind peak pressures on a square-section cylinder: Flow mechanism and standard/conditional POD analyses. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 222, 104918.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T., Zhou, D.**, Bao, Y., Han, Z. (2022). Topological description of near-wall flows around a surface-mounted square cylinder a high Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 933, A39.
Ping, H., Cao, Y., Zhang, K., Han, Z., Zhou, D., Zhu, H., Bao, Y. (2022). Vortex-induced vibrations of two rigidly coupled circular cylinders in tandem arrangement. Ocean Engineering, 263, 112316.
Chen, Y., Kuang, L., Su, J., Zhou, D., Cao, Y., Chen, H., Han, Z., Zhao, Y., Fu, S. (2022). Investigation of pitch angles on the aerodynamics of twin-VAWT under staggered arrangement. Ocean Engineering, 254, 111385.
Song, B., Ping, H., Zhu, H., Zhou, D., Bao, Y., Cao, Y., Han, Z. (2022). Direct numerical simulation of flow over a cylinder immersed in the grid-generated turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 34(1), 015109.
Dong Z., Chen Y., Zhou D.*, Su J., Han Z., Cao Y., Bao Y., Zhao F., Wang R., Zhao Y., Xu Y. (2022). The mean wake model and its novel characteristic parameter of H-rotor VAWTs based on random forest method, Energy, 239, 122456.
Zhao, F., Wang, R., Zhu, H., Cao, Y., Bao, Y., Zhou, D., Han, Z. (2022). Wake dynamics and hydrodynamic forces of a circular cylinder beneath a free surface. Ocean Engineering, 265, 112669.
Zhao, F., Wang, R., Zhu, H., Ping, H., Bao, Y.*, Zhou, D.**, Cao, Y., Cui, H. (2021). Large-eddy simulations of flow past a circular cylinder near a free surface. Physics of Fluids, 33(11), 115108.
Wang, W.*, Cao, Y., Okaze, T. (2021). Comparison of hexahedral, tetrahedral and polyhedral cells for reproducing the wind field around an isolated building by LES. Building and Environment, 195, 107717.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T. (2020). Low-frequency unsteadiness in the flow around a square cylinder with critical angle of 14° at the Reynolds number of 2.2×104. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 97, 103087.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T. (2020). Large-eddy simulation study of Reynolds number effects on the flow around a wall-mounted hemisphere in a boundary layer. Physics of Fluids, 32(2), 025109.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T., Kawai, H. (2020). Spanwise resolution requirements for the simulation of high-Reynolds-number flows past a square cylinder. Computers & Fluids, 196, 104320.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T., Kawai, H. (2019). Investigation of wall pressures and surface flow patterns on a wall-mounted square cylinder using very high-resolution Cartesian mesh. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 188, 1-18.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T. (2018). Aerodynamic characteristics of a rounded-corner square cylinder in shear flow at subcritical and supercritical Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 82, 473-491.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T. (2018). Shear effects on flows past a square cylinder with rounded corners at Re= 2.2×104. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 174, 119-132.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T. (2017). Supercritical flows past a square cylinder with rounded corners. Physics of Fluids, 29(8), 085110.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T. (2016). Large-eddy simulations of flow past a square cylinder using structured and unstructured grids. Computers & Fluids, 137, 36-54.
Chen, W. L.*, Cao, Y., Li, H., Hu, H. (2015). Numerical investigation of steady suction control of flow around a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 59, 22-36.
Cao, Y.*, Tamura, T. (2015). Numerical investigations into effects of three-dimensional wake patterns on unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of a circular cylinder at Re= 1.3×105. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 59, 351-369.
Cao Yong, Haokai Wu, Yaoran Chen, Dai Zhou, An evaluation method of extreme wind pressure on building facades based on machine learning. 27th Wind Engineering Symposium, Dec 5-7, 2022, Tokyo Japan.
Cao Yong, Tetsuro Tamura, Dai Zhou, Analyses of local severe wind suction on a square-section cylinder by high-resolution simulation and conditional POD method. 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics. Jul 31-Aug. 5, 2022, Yokohama Japan. (Keynote Speech in Mini-Symposium)
Cao Yong, Flow dynamics and conditional POD analysis of local severe suction on the side walls of square-section buildings. Wind-Hazard Mitigation・Wind-Resistant Construction field joint Open Research Meeting, Feb. 28, 2022, Tokyo Polytechnic University.
曹 勇, 田村 哲郎. LESによるドームの空力特性に対するレイノルズ数効果の研究. 第33回数値流体力学シンポジウム, 2019年11月, 札幌.
Cao Yong, Tamura Tetsuro, Kawai Hidenori, Ikeda Jun, Tsubokura Makoto. Direct numerical simulation of separating-reattaching flows at high Reynolds numbers: spanwise resolution requirement. The 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering, September 1-6, 2019, Beijing.
Tamura Tetsuro, Cao Yong, Nagao Yuki, Kawai Hidenori, Nishiguchi Koji, Tsubokura Makoto. High performance computing of wind-induced pressures on various domes under real conditions. IASS 60th Anniversary Symposium and 9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, October 7-10, 2019, Barcelona.
Kawaguchi Masaharu, Tamura Tetsuro, Mashiko Wataru, Cao Yong, Kawai Hidenori. An analysis of tornado using meteorological model and engineering LES: wind gust structures in the urban area and its impact on the buildings. The 10th International Conference on Urban Climate, August 6-10, 2018, New York.
Cao Yong, Kawai Hidenori, Tamura Tetsuro, Bale Rahul, Onishi Keiji, Tsubokura Makoto. Flow topology and surface pressure on a wall-mounted square cylinder. The 7th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, June 18-22, 2018, Seoul.
Tamura Tetsuro, Kawai Hidenori, Duong Viet Dung, Cao Yong, Onishi Keiji, Bale Rahul, Tsubokura Makoto. Application of LES based on BCM to Wind Engineering. The 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics and the 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, June 11-15, 2018, Glasgow.
曹 勇, 河合 英徳, 田村 哲郎, バレラ フール, 大西 慶治, 坪倉 誠. 床面に設置された三次元角柱の周りの平均流速のトポロジーと表面圧力分布. 第31回数値流体力学シンポジウム, 2017年12月, 京都.
川口 真晴, 田村 哲郎, 曹 勇, 益子 渉, Tao Tao, 河合 英徳. メソスケール擾乱を考慮した竜巻のLES ―建物群への突風作用の推定―. 第31回数値流体力学シンポジウム, 2017年12月, 京都.
曹 勇, 河合 英徳, 田村 哲郎, Bale Rahul, 大西 慶治, 坪倉 誠. 乱流境界層内の 3 次元角柱に作用する空力特性に関する BCM-LES 解析. 日本流体力学会年会2017, 2017年8月, 東京.
Duong Viet Dung, 曹 勇, 田村 哲郎, 河合 英徳, Bale Rahul, 大西 慶治, Makoto Tsubokura. BCM-LES of Separated Shear Layer Instability Around 2D Square Cylinder. 日本流体力学会年会2017, 2017年8月, 東京.
川口 真晴, 田村 哲郎, Tao Tao, 河合 英徳, 曹 勇. 気象モデル・LES融合解析を用いた地表付近の突風時空間構造の推定. 日本流体力学会年会2017, 2017年8月, 東京.
Cao Yong, Tamura Tetsuro. Validation of unstructured LES: flow past a square cylinder at Re=2.2e4. The 31st TSFD Symposium, March 9, 2016, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.
Cao Yong, Tamura Tetsuro. Assessment of unstructured LES with both structured LES and experimental database: Flow past a square cylinder at Re=2.2×104. The 29th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium, December 15-17, 2015, Fukuoka, Japan.
Cao Yong, Tamura Tetsuro. LES investigation on span-wise pressure correlation on a circular cylinder at higher subcritical regime. The 28th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium, December 9-11, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
Cao Yong, Tamura Tetsuro. LES investigation on span-wise correlation of flow around a circular cylinder at subcritical regime. The 3rd China-Japan-Korea International Workshop on Wind Engineering, September 26-27, 2014, Asahikawa, Japan.
2020年,第一作者论文当选Physics of Fluids的期刊封面(半球亚临界到超临界雷诺数相关研究)
2018年,获得Elsevier出版社颁发的杰出审稿人(Outstanding Reviewer)荣誉称号