共发表SCI论文30余篇,其中包括International Journal of Plasticity 4篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1篇。
2024-2027 南通市项目--百兆瓦压缩空气储能新型玻纤复合套管研究,负责人
2023-2026 国家科技部重点研发--喷射成形超高强铝合金热变形工艺与组织调控技术,课题负责人
2022-2024 国家自然科学基金—数据驱动的镁合金动态再结晶多尺度建模研究,负责人
2023-2023 企业项目—考虑多因素复合材料性能分析方法,负责人
2021-2022 国家重点实验室课题—6xxx 系汽车铝板罗平线缺陷形成机理与预测方法研究,负责人
2021-2022 企业项目—复合材料疲劳、蠕变性能的测试与分析,负责人
2018-2021 美国能源部(DOE)—基于计算材料的晶体塑性-应变梯度本构模型研究,主要完成人
2018-2021 国家自然科学基金—镁合金板材伪弹性变形机制与细观建模,主要完成人
2016-2018 美国能源部(DOE)—面向汽车轻量化设计的碳纤维复合材料的多尺度集成计算模型,主要完成人
2012-2016 国家自然科学基金—基于多晶体弹塑性本构模型的镁合金板材成形极限研究,主要完成人
2012-2013 GM R&D 通用汽车—汽车用镁合金板材成形性能改进研究 ,主要完成人
2010-2012 上海市科委计划资助—高强铝合金板材温热冲压成形宏微观研究,主要完成人
43. Zhang, Y., Li, D., Zhou, G., Tao, L., Liu, Z., Fan, G., & Wu, H. (2024). Unusual hardening mediated by {10-12} twins of strongly textured titanium at cryogenic temperature. International Journal of Plasticity, 104206.
42. Liu, R., Zhang, Z., Zhou, G., Jia, Z., Li, D., & Wu, P. (2024). A polycrystal plasticity-cellular automaton integrated modeling method for continuous dynamic recrystallization and its application to AA2196 alloy. International Journal of Plasticity, 182, 104127.
41. He, J., Zheng, F., Ma, W., Zhou, G.*, Fan, G., Chen, Z., ... & Li, D. (2024). Statistical modeling of 3D fiber geometry in pultruded GFRP composite: A multi-scale approach. Composites Science and Technology, 256, 110734.
40. Hu, Y., Zhou, G.*, Lee, M. G., Wu, P., & Li, D. (2024). A temporal graph neural network for cross-scale modelling of polycrystals considering microstructure interaction. International Journal of Plasticity, 179, 104017.
39. Zhou, G., Hu, Y., Cao, Z., Lee, M. G., & Li, D. (2024). A physics-constrained neural network for crystal plasticity modelling of FCC materials. Scripta Materialia, 241, 115861.
38. Zhang, Z., Liu, R., Li, D., Peng, Y., Zhou, G., Jia, Z., & Ma, W. (2024). Investigation on deformation behaviors and dynamic recrystallization mechanism of spray formed Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy under hot compression. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 28, 4401-4416.
37. Hu, Y., Zhou, G.*, Liu, R., Yuan, X., Cao, L., Yang, B., ... & Wu, P. (2023). On the correlation between roping, texture, and morphology of aluminium alloy sheets. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 26, 571-586.
36. Hu, Y., Zhou, G.*, Yuan, X., Li, D., Cao, L., Zhang, W., & Wu, P. (2022). An artificial neural network-based model for roping prediction in aluminum alloy sheet. Acta Materialia, 118605. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=9.2)
35. Yang, H., Zhou, G*., Wang, H., Wu, P., Lee, M. G., & Li, D. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Study on Strain Path and Crystal Orientation Dependences of Phase Transformation Behaviors of QP1180 Steel. International Journal of Plasticity, 103499.(SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=8.5)
34. LIU, R. X., Kai, L. I., ZHOU, G. W. *, TANG, W. Q., Yao, S. H. E. N., Ding, T. A. N. G., & LI, D. Y. (2022). Simulation of strain induced abnormal grain growth in aluminum alloy by coupling crystal plasticity and phase field methods. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 32(12), 3873-3886. (SCI 2区,IF=2.6)
33. Q Sun, G Zhou*, H Tang*, Z Chen, J Fenner, Z Meng, M Jain, X Su. A combined experimental and computational analysis of failure mechanisms in open-hole cross-ply laminates under flexural loading. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 108803. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=7.6)
32. G Zhou, R Liu, D Li, Y Peng, P Wu. Analysis of strain rate sensitivities of different deformation mechanisms in AZ31B magnesium alloy sheet at various temperatures. JOM, 2021,73(5): 1419-1427. (SCI).
31. G Zhou*, Q Sun*, Z Meng, D Li, Y Peng, D Zeng, X Su. Experimental investigation on the effects of fabric architectures on mechanical and damage behaviors of carbon/epoxy woven composites. Composite Structures, 2021, 257:113366. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=5.1)
30. G Zhou*, H Tang, Q Sun*, D Li, Y Peng, D Zeng, X Su. Analysis of the crushing behaviors of woven carbon fiber reinforced plastic hat section component under dynamic bending and axial crushing loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 161:107426.
29. Q Sun#, G Zhou#, H Tang*, Z Meng*, M Jain, X Su, W Han*. In-situ effect in cross-ply laminates under various loading conditions analyzed with hybrid macro/micro-scale computational models. Composite Structures, 2021, 261:113592. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=5.1)
28. Q Sun*, G Zhou*, Z Meng*, M Jain, X Su. An integrated computational materials engineering framework to analyze the failure behaviors of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites for lightweight vehicle applications. Composites Science and Technology. 2021, 202:108560. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=7.0)
27. G Zhou*, Q Sun, D Li, Z Meng, Y Peng, Z Chen, D Zeng, X Su. Meso-scale modeling and damage analysis of carbon/epoxy woven fabric composite under in-plane tension and compression loadings. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 190:105980. (SCI 2区,IF=4.6)
26. Z Li, G Zhou, D Li*, H Wang, W Tang, Y Peng, H S Zurob, P Wu. Crystal plasticity based modeling of grain boundary sliding in magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2021, 31(1):138-155. (SCI)
25. G Zhou, W Jeong, E R Homer, D T Fullwood, M G Lee, J H Kim, H Lim, H Zbib, R H Wagoner*. A predictive strain-gradient model with no undetermined constants or length scales. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 145:104178. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=5.0)
24. Z Li, G Zhou, D Li*, M K Jain, Y Peng*, P Wu. Forming limits of magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet at elevated temperatures. International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 135:102822. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=6.5)
23. H Tang#, Z Chen#*, H Xu*, Z Liu, Q Sun, G Zhou, W Yan, W Han*, X Su. Computational micromechanics model based failure criteria for chopped carbon fiber sheet molding compound composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 108400. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=7.0)
22. G Zhou#*, Q Sun#, D Li, Z Meng*, Y Peng, D Zeng, X Su. Effects of fabric architectures on mechanical and damage behaviors in carbon/epoxy woven composites under multiaxial stress states. Polymer Testing, 2020, 90:106657. (SCI 2区,Top期刊,IF=3.2)
21. G Zhou#, Q Sun#, J Fenner, D Li*, D Zeng, X Su, Y Peng. Crushing behaviors of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites under dynamic bending and axial crushing loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020, 140:103539. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=3.6)
20. W Tang, G Zhou, Y Shao, D Li*, Y Peng, H Wang. On the role of yttrium in microstructure evolution and texture modification during magnesium alloy extrusion. Materials Characterization, 2020, 162:110189. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=3.5)
19. L T Hansen, D T Fullwood, E R Homer, R H Wagoner, H Lim, J D Carroll, G Zhou, H J Bong. An investigation of geometrically necessary dislocations and back stress in large grained tantalum via EBSD and CPFEM. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020,772: 138704. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=4.6)
18. J Gao, M Shakoor, G Domel, M Merzkirch, G Zhou, D Zeng, X Su, W K Liu*. Predictive multiscale modeling for unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymers. Composites Science and Technology. 2020, 186:107922. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=7.0)
17. H Tang#, Z Chen#, G Zhou, X Sun, Y Li, L Huang, H Guo*, H Kang, D Zeng, C E Pinto, X Su. Effect of fiber orientation distribution on constant fatigue life diagram of chopped carbon fiber chip-reinforced Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) composite. International Journal of Fatigue. 2019, 125: 394-405. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=4.3)
16. H Tang#, G Zhou#, Z Chen#, L Huang, K Avery, Y Li, H Liu, H Guo*, H Kang, D Zeng, C E Pinto, X Su. Fatigue behavior analysis and multi-scale modelling of chopped carbon fiber chip-reinforced composites under tension-tension loading condition. Composite Structures, 2019, 215:85-97. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=5.1)
15. T Tang#, G Zhou#, Z Li, D Li*, L Peng, Y Peng*, P Wu, H Wang, M G Lee. A polycrystal plasticity based thermo-mechanical-dynamic recrystallization coupled modeling method and its application to light weight alloys. International Journal of Plasticity, 2019, 116:159-191. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=6.5)
14. Q Sun#, G Zhou#, H Guo*, Z Meng, Z Chen, H Liu, H Kang, X Su. Failure mechanisms of cross-ply carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates under longitudinal compression with experimental and computational analyses. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 167:147-160. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=7.6)
13. Q Sun#, G Zhou#, Z Meng#, H Guo*, Z Chen, H Liu, H Kang, S Keten, X Su. Failure criteria of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites informed by a computational micromechanics model. Composites Science and Technology. 2019, 172:81-95. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=7.0)
12. Z Chen#, H Tang#, Y Shao*, Qi Sun, G Zhou, Y Li, H Xu*, D Zeng, X Su. Failure of chopped carbon fiber Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) composites under uniaxial tensile loading: Computational prediction and experimental analysis. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019, 118:117-130. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=6.4)
11. H Tang#, Z Chen#, G Zhou#, Y Li, K Avery, H Guo, H Kang, D Zeng, X Su. Correlation between failure and local material property in chopped carbon fiber chip‐reinforced sheet molding compound composites under tensile load. Polymer Composites, 2019,40(S2):E962-E974.
10. Q Sun, H Guo*, G Zhou, Z Meng, Z Chen, H Kang, S Keten*, X Su. Experimental and computational analysis of failure mechanisms in unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates under longitudinal compression loading. Composite Structures, 2018, 203:335-348. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=5.1)
9. Q Sun, Z Meng, G Zhou, S Lin, H Kang, S Keten*, H Guo*, X Su. Multi-scale computational analysis of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites under various loading conditions. Composite Structures, 2018, 196:30-43. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=5.1)
8. G Zhou#, Z Li#, D Li*, Y Peng, H Wang, P Wu. Misorientation development in continuous dynamic recrystallization of AZ31B alloy sheet and polycrystal plasticity simulation. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018,730:438-456. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=4.6)
7. Z Chen, Y Shao, Q Sun, G Zhou, H Xu*, D Zeng, X Su. A Comparative Study of Two ASTM Shear Test Standards for Chopped Carbon Fiber SMC. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 2018,11:277-284. (EI)
6. G Zhou*, Q Sun, Z Chen, D Zeng, X Su. Experiment and simulation study on unidirectional carbon fiber composite component under dynamic three-point bending loading. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 2018,11:499-504. (EI)
5. G Zhou, Z Li, D Li*, Y Peng, H S Zurob, P Wu. A polycrystal plasticity based discontinuous dynamic recrystallization simulation method and its application to copper. International Journal of Plasticity, 2017, 91:48-76. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=6.5)
4. G Zhou, M K Jain, P Wu, Y Shao, D Li*, Y Peng. Experiment and crystal plasticity analysis on plastic deformation of AZ31B Mg alloy sheet under intermediate temperatures: How deformation mechanisms evolve. International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 79:19-47. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=6.5)
3. Y Shao, T Tao, D Li*, G Zhou, S Zhang, Y Peng. Polycrystal modeling of hot extrusion texture of AZ80 magnesium alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2016, 26:1063-1072. (SCI 2区,IF=2.6)
2. G Zhou, K Ananthaeswara, G Mitukiewicz, D Li, R K Mishra, M K Jain. FE simulations of gas blow forming and prediction of forming limit diagram of AZ31 magnesium sheet. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 218:12-22. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=4.6)
1. G Mitukiewicz, K Anantheshwara, G Zhou, R K Mishra, M K Jain*. A new method of determining forming limit diagram for sheet materials by gas blow forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214:2960-2970. (SCI 1区,Top期刊,IF=4.6)