



电子邮件:kai.zhang AT sjtu.edu.cn











  1. 结构风工程

  2. 海洋风机空气动力学

*: corresponding author

  • Tu, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, K.*, He, R., Han, Z. & Zhou, D. (2024) A multi-fidelity framework for power prediction of wind farm under yaw misalignment. Applied Energy (accepted).

  • Wu, H., Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Chen, W. L., Han, Z. L., Cao, Y. (2024) High-flexibility reconstruction of small-scale motions in wall turbulence using a generalized zero-shot learning. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 990, R1.

  • Wang, Z.-F., Tu, Y., Zhang, K.*, Han, Z., Cao., Y., & Zhou, D. (2024) An optimization framework for wind farm layout design using CFD-based Kriging model. Ocean Engineering, 293, 116644. 

  • Shao, Y., Su, J., Tu, Y., Kuang, L., Han, Z., Zhang, K. & Zhou, D. (2023) Assessment of the aerodynamic benefits of collocating horizontal- and vertical-axis wind turbines in tandem using actuator line model. Physics of Fluids, 35, 075115.

  • Tu, Y., Zhang, K.*, Han, Z., Zhou, D. & Bilgen, O. (2023) Aerodynamic characterization of two tandem wind turbines under yaw misalignment control using actuator line model. Ocean Engineering, 281, 114992.

  • Zhang, K., Zhu, H., Cao, Y. & Zhou, D. (2023) Reynolds number effects on the bistable flows over a wavy circular cylinder. Ocean Engineering, 271, 113776. 

  • Zhang, K., Bao, Y., Zhou, D. & Han, Z. (2023) End boundary effects on wakes dynamics of inclined circular cylinders. Ocean Engineering, 269, 113543.

  • Marques Ribeiro, H. H., Yeh, C.-A. Zhang, K. & Taira, K. (2022) Wing sweep effects on laminar separated flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 950, A23.

  • Zhang, K.* & Haque, N. (2022) Wake interactions between two side-by-side circular cylinders with different sizes. Physical Review Fluids, 7, 064703.

  • Burtsev, A., He, W., Hayostek, S., Zhang, K., Theofilis, V., Taira, K. & Amitay, M. (2022) Linear modal instabilities around post-stall swept finite aspect ratio wings at low Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 944, A6.

  • Zhang, K.*, Taira, K. (2022) Laminar vortex dynamics around forward-swept wings. Physical Review Fluids, 7, 024704.

  • Zhang, K.*, Shah, B. and Bilgen, O. (2022) Low-Reynolds-number aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils with piezocomposite trailing control surfaces. AIAA Journal, 1-6.

  • Morimoto, M., Fukami, K., Zhang, K. and Fukagata, K. (2022). Toward practical uses of neural networks for fluid flow estimation. Neural Computing and Applications, 34, 3647–3669.

  • Ping, H., Zhu, H., Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Bao, Y. and Han, Z. (2021). Vortex-induced vibrations of two rigidly coupled circular cylinders of unequal diameters at low Reynolds number. Physics of Fluids, 33, 103603.

  • Fukami, K., Murata, T., Zhang, K. and Fukagata, K. (2021). Sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics with low-dimensionalized flow representations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 926, A10.

  • Morimoto, M., Fukami, K., Zhang, K., Nair, A. G. and Fukagata, K. (2021). Convolutional neural networks for fluid flow analysis: toward effective metamodeling and low-dimensionalization. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 35, 633–658.

  • Zhang, K.*, Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., Burtsev, A., Theofilis, V. and Taira, K. (2020). Laminar separated flows over finite-aspect-ratio swept wings. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 905, R1.

  • Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Katsuchi, H., Yamada, H., Han, Z. and Bao, Y. (2020). Bistable states in the wake of a wavy cylinder. Physics of Fluids, 32(7), 074112.

  • Zhang, K.*, Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., He, W., Theofilis, V. and Taira, K. (2020). On the formation of three-dimensional separated flows over wings under tip effects. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 895, A9.

  • Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H., Bao, Y., Han, Z. and Zhu, H. (2018). Numerical study of flow past a transversely oscillating wavy cylinder at Re= 5000. Ocean Engineering, 169, 539-550.

  • Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H. and Lu, J. (2018). Large eddy simulation of flow over inclined wavy cylinders. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 80, 179-198.

  • Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H., Zhang, T. and Han, Z. (2017). Numerical simulation of vortex induced vibrations of a flexibly mounted wavy cylinder at subcritical Reynolds number. Ocean Engineering, 133, 170-181.

  • Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H. and Han, Z. (2016). Numerical study on the effect of shape modification to the flow around circular cylinders. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 152, 23-40.

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