




1993年生,一般力学 博士,助理研究员。

本科、硕士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学航天工程与力学系,2018年至2020年受国家公派在University of Michigan, Ann Arbor进行了2年的联合培养,2021年于36365线路检测中心获博士学位。2021年进入36365线路检测中心力学博士后流动站工作,2023年留校任助理研究员。





ASME Member

AIAA Member


JVC, JSV, ASR等国际知名期刊审稿人




[1]蔡国平,刘翔, 李海泉, 房光强.《航天器电池阵/天线动力学与控制》, 科学出版社, 2022. (学术专著)

[2]蔡国平, 刘翔. 《结构振动主动控制》, 科学出版社, 2021. (工信部“十四五”规划教材、科学出版社“十四五”规划研究生教材)

[3] Liu Xiang, Lv Liangliang, Cai Guoping. Nonlinear model order reduction and vibration control of a membrane antenna structure. Advances in Space Research, 2023. 

[4] Chen Tianze, Liu Xiang*, Cai Guoping, You Chaolan. Attitude and vibration control of a solar sail. Advances in Space Research, 2023.

[5] Tang, Yingzhuo, Liu Xiaofeng, Cai Guoping, Liu Xiang*, You Chaolan, Yao Saijin. Active vibration control based on the equivalent dynamic model of a large space telescope truss structure. International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2022.

[6] Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping. Model updating and vibration control of membrane antenna spacecraft based on on-orbit modal identification. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022.

[7] Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of wrinkled membrane structure. Engineering Computations, 2022.

[8] Liu Xiang, Lv Liangliang, Cai Guoping. Active nonlinear vibration control of a membrane solar array structure. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022, 236(15):3186-3200.

[9] Liu Xiang, Cai Guoping. Thermal analysis and rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of a satellite with membrane antenna. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022, (2022).

[10] Tang Yingzhuo, Liu Xiaofeng, Cai Guoping, Liu Xiang*. Active vibration control of a large space telescope truss based on unilateral saturated cable actuators. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2022, 38(9): 1-13. 

[11] Patrick Dorin, Xiang Liu, K. W. Wang. Emergence of bilayer-locked states and synthesis of elastic wave networks in a programmable 3D topological metamaterial. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 120(22): 221703.

[12] Liu Xiang, Lv Liangliang, Peng Fujun, Cai Guoping. Wave-based active vibration control of a membrane structure. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2021.

[13] Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping, Wang Kon-Well. Reconfigurable topologically protected wave propagation in metastable structure. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 492: 115819. 

[14] Liu Xiang, Cai Guoping, Wang Kon-Well. Dispersion analysis of a two-dimensional metastable metastructure considering damping and nonlinear effects. Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129: 114902. 

[15] Liu Xiang, Lv Liang-Liang, Cai Guo-Ping. Hybrid control of a satellite with membrane antenna considering nonlinear vibration. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 117: 106962.

[16] Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping, Wang Kon-Well. Synthesizing and reconfiguring metastable modular metamaterials for adaptive wave propagation control. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 468: 115114. 

[17] Fan Liang, Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping. Attitude tracking and vibration control of membrane antenna satellite. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020, 357: 10584-10599.

[18] Liu Xiang, Zhang Hua, Lv Liang-Liang, Peng Fu-Jun, Cai Guo-Ping. Nonlinear vibration control of a membrane antenna structure. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 233(9): 3273-3285. 

[19] Fan Liang, Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping. Dynamic modeling and modal parameters identification of satellite with large-scale membrane antenna. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 63(12): 4046-4057.

[20] Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping, Peng Fu-Jun, Zhang Hua, Lv Liang-Liang. Nonlinear vibration analysis of a membrane based on large deflection theory. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2018, 24(12): 2418-2429.

[21] Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping, Peng Fu-Jun, Zhang Hua. Dynamic model and active vibration control of a membrane antenna structure. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2018, 24(18): 4282-4296.

[22] Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping, Peng Fu-Jun, Zhang Hua. Piezoelectric actuator placement optimization and active vibration control of a membrane structure. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2018, 31(1): 66-79. 

[23] Liu Xiang, Cai Guo-Ping, Peng Fu-Jun, Zhang Hua. Active control of large-amplitude vibration of a membrane structure. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 93(2): 629-642. 

[24] Liu Xiang, Zhang Hua, Lv Liang-Liang, Peng Fu-Jun, Cai Guo-Ping. Vibration control of a membrane antenna structure using cable actuators. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018, 355(5): 2424-2435. 

[25] Liu Xiang, Zhang Hua, Lv Liang-Liang, Peng Fu-Jun, Cai Guo-Ping. Wave based active vibration control of a membrane antenna structure. Meccanica, 2018, 53: 2793-2805. 





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