






2024-02 至 今, 36365线路检测中心, 船舶与建筑工程学院, 长聘副教授 (Tenured Associate Professor)
2022-10 至 2024-02, 壳牌石油公司(美国),深海钻井工程师、浅层钻井专家 (Shell Oil Company USA, Staff Drilling Engineer of Appomattox, Tophole Drilling SME)
2016-10 至 2022-09, 壳牌石油公司(美国), 深海岩土、油井浅层专家 (Shell Oil Company USA, Offshore Geotechnical Specialist, Tophole Drilling SME)
2010-09 至 2013-07, 新加坡国立大学, 助理研究员 (National University of Singapore, Research Engineer)


2013-08 至 2016-08, 德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校 (UT Austin), 土木工程, 博士,导师:Professor Robert B. Gilbert (美国工程院院士)

2011-08 至 2013-07, 新加坡国立大学 (NUS), 海洋岩土工程, 硕士,导师:Professor Chow Yean Khow, Professor Choo Yoo Sang

2005-09 至 2009-06, 同济大学, 土木工程(桥梁工程), 学士,导师:吴定俊教授


  1. 海洋平台-结构-系泊-岩土相互作用(包括浮式平台、海底管道、立管、固定式平台桩基、浮式平台锚固、海上风电基础、海底滑坡地质灾害等);

  2. 深海钻井、结构、岩土工程安全控制机制及风险应对规避(包括深海油井基础、浅层钻井结构稳定性、水力压裂强度、深海浅水流灾害防护、深海钻井MPD/CML等);

  3. 基于人工智能的海底综合性物探-地质-岩土勘察及场地表征(包括风电场和油气田)。


My research interests are on the safe, reliable, and economical harvest of ocean energy. Buidling on a multi-disciplinary collaborations, the key areas consist of:

  1. Offshore Geotechnics: the focus is on the engineering solutions for soil-structure interactions and subsea geohazards for offshore energy devlepments (including oil&gas and renewables);

  2. Deepwater Drilling: the focus is on the drilling hazards (shallow water flow etc.) and structural issues (casing design etc.) for deepwater tophole construction, also extends to managed pressure drilling etc.

  3. Offshore Site Investigation: the focus is on novel site investigation methods using geophysical, geological and geotechnical tools with machine learning (iGGG).

Welcome to contact me if you are interested to pursue graduate study here at SJTU or if you are interested in a post-doc position here!

(1)期刊Lithosphere (SCI收录,中科院大类学科地学3区)副主编,主管岩土工程

(2)海洋结构维护国际标准协会专家组成员: Task panel for preparing ISO 19901-9 Structural Integrity Management 2nd edition

(3)美国石油协会-国际石油协会 (API-IOGP) 专家组成员:Panel member for API RG 7 – OGP WG 10 TP 6, Risers & Flowlines

(4)校外博士生导师: 美国德州农工大学;美国德州大学奥斯汀分校

(5)国际知名期刊审稿人:Marine Structures, Ocean Engineering, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (ASME), Computers and Geotechnics, Structural Safety等




2019-2021:石油公司联系研究项目 BLUW JIP ,参与

2019-2020:壳牌吸力贯入式式板锚离心机试验研究 (20万美元)(因新冠疫情项目取消),主持

2019-2020:壳牌深海油井头部结构在疲劳应力作用下的软土阻尼量化研究 (7万美元),主持

2019-2019:壳牌深海油井采用灌注式施工的问题研究 (3万美元),主持



2018-2018:壳牌深海浅基础的系统分析 (2万美元),主持

2017-2018:壳牌深海立管-土体相互作用缩尺模型试验研究 (6万美元),主持












·        Geotechnical lead for Shell Whale Floating Platform System, Gulf of Mexico;

·        Machine learning for geophysical and geotechnical integration for ASOW offshore wind project.


·        Shell Appomattox semisubmersible platform global motion dynamic analysis;

·        Shell Auger Tension Leg Platform tendon and platform dynamic analysis;

·        Shell BC10 FPSO, Brazil mooring integrity analysis.


·        Shell Appomattox drilling;

·        Shell Ursa Subsea Wells Development.


·        Shell Poinsettia Fixed Offshore Platform structural integrity assessment under earthquakes;

·        Risk and reliability of offshore platforms under GoM hurricanes.

发表的期刊论文 (* 是通讯作者)

  • 12. Zhang, Y., Chen, JB*., Hu, S., Zhang, H., & Kaynia, A. M. (2023). Hysteretic damping of soils for well conductor fatigue analysis. Marine Structures, 89, 103392.

  • 11. Al-Janabi*, HA, Aubeny, CP, Chen, JB, (2021). “Cyclically loaded pipelines and risers in cohesive soils”, Ocean Engineering, 241, 110056.

  • 10. Chen, JB*, Vissinga, M, Shen, Y, Beal, E., Hu, S, Newlin, J. (2021). “Machine Learning Based Digital Integration of Geotechnical and Ultra-High Frequency Geophysical Data for Offshore Site Characterizations”, J. of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE). Vol. 147, Issue 12.

  • 9. Chen, JB*, Gilbert, RB. (2021). “Calibration of load and resistance factors for API RP2A-LRFD 2nd edition for fixed offshore platforms”, Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE). Vol. 147, Issue 2.

  • 8. Chen, JB*, & White, D. (2021). Partially Mobile Shallow Subsea Foundations: A Practical Analysis Framework. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(8), 04021064.

  • 7. Chen, JB*, Gilbert, RB, Ku, A, Chen, J-Y, Marshall, PW. (2020).  “Calibration of model uncertainties for fixed steel offshore platforms based on observed performance in Gulf of Mexico Hurricanes”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE). Vol. 146, Issue 6. (美国土木工程克劳兹奖章论文).

  • 6. Chen, JB*, Gilbert, RB, Murff, JD, Marshall, PW. (2020). “Three dimensional lower and upper bound analyses of pile systems”, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE). Vol. 20, Issue 12.

  • 5. Al-Janabi*, HA, Aubeny, CP, Chen, JB. (2020). “Luo, M. Experimental measurement of monotonic and cyclic lateral resistance of riser and pipelines in Gulf of Mexico clays”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Vol. 57, Number 10.

  • 4. Chen, JB*, Gilbert, RB. (2017). “Offshore pile system biases and reliability”, Georisk, Vol. 11, Issue 1.

  • 3. Chen, JB*. (2017). “A monotonic bounding surface critical state model for clays”, Acta Geotechnica, Vol. 12, Issue 1.

  • 2. Chen, JB*, Gilbert, RB, Choo, YS, Marshall, PW, Murff, JD. (2016). “Two-dimensional lower bound analysis of offshore pile foundation systems”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods for Geomechanics, Vol. 40, Issue 9.

  • 1. 吴定俊,张吉,陈锦波,李奇 (2014). 基础-墩-梁组合体系自振特性变化规律分析,土木工程学报2014年第47卷第1期。


  • 18. Chen, JB, Cutrim, F. S., de Souza, C. O., de Souza, B. S., Hu, S., Newlin, J. A., ... & Junior, N. M. (2023). Axial Resistance of Drill & Grouted Well Conductors in Deepwater Clays Based on Operational Experience. In Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX.

  • 17. Pusker, F, Chen, JB, (2022). “Performance of Gulf of Mexico Structures in Hurricanes”, 5th Offshore Structure Reliability Conference, Delft, Netherlands.

  • 16. Chen, JB, Chen, Y, Barras, J, Nadathur, V, Zhang, M, Tang, ZX, Huang, E. (2021). “The Auger Tension Leg Platform: Calibration of Minimum Bottom Tendon Tension Based on Field Measurements in Hurricanes”, Offshore Technological Conference, Houston, TX (OTC最佳论文获奖论文).

  • 15. Chen, JB, Newlin, J, Heyl, C, Karayaka, M. (2021). “Design of large-size suction embedded plate anchors for permanent mooring systems in the Gulf of Mexico”, Offshore Technological Conference, Houston, TX.

  • 14. Chen, JB, Sang, L, Willems, B, Newlin, J, Ruden, O, Sarker, R, Luo, M, Hu, S. (2020). “A Machine Learning Based Quantitative Integration of Geotechnical and Geophysical Data for Deepwater Site Characterization”, 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, TX (ISFOG 2020 has been postponed to 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

  • 13. Chen, JB, White, D, Hadley, C, Ouyang, K, Newlin, J, Luo, M, Hu, S. (2020). “Axial Soil Stiffness for Deepwater Pipeline Walking Analysis”, 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, TX (ISFOG 2020 has been postponed to 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

  • 12. Hussien, AM, Gilbert, RB, Huang, Y, Sung, C, Monteiro, LM, Han, J, Chen, JB, Ouyang, K, Luo, M. (2020). “Model Testing of Axially Loaded Flowlines”, 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, TX (ISFOG 2020 has been postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

  • 11. Mercan, B, Chandra, Y, Djayaputra, F, Campell, M, Kebadze, B, Ge, M, Tognarelli, M, Lu, W, Adams, A, Kuzmichev, S, Jin, J, Campbell, B, Pattillo, D, Roveri, F, Pestana, R, Chen, JB, Zhang, HP, Zhang, M, Fett, D, Sanders, R. (2020). “Overview of Joint Industry Project on Measurement Based Wellhead Fatigue”, Offshore Technological Conference, 30748-MS, Houston, TX.

  • 10. Shen, Y, Sang, L, Chen, JB, Willems, B, Newlin, J, Ruden, O, Sarker, R, Luo, M, Hu, S. (2019). “Quantitative integration of geophysical and geotechnical data for characterization of near seafloor sediments”, Smart City Workshop, Singapore.

  • 9. Chen, JB, Newlin, J, Zhang, H, Hu, S, Luo, M. (2019). “Large deformation finite element analysis of riser-soil interactions with strain-softening soils”, Offshore Technological Conference, 29376-MS, Houston, TX.

  • 8. Chen, JB, Newlin, J, Luo, M, Zhang, H, Hadley, C, Hu, S. (2019). “Practice of riser-soil interactions at touch down zones for steel catenary risers”, Offshore Technological Conference, 29553-MS, Houston, TX.

  • 7. Al-Janabi, HA, Aubeny, CP, Chen, JB, Luo, M. (2019). “Experimental measurement of touchdown zone stiffness for SCR in Gulf of Mexico clays”, Offshore Technological Conference, 29504-MS, Houston, TX.

  • 6. White, D, Chen, JB, Gourvenec, S, O’Loughlin, C. (2019). “On the selection of an appropriate consolidation coefficient for offshore geotechnical design”, ASME 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. OMAE-95800, Glasgow, UK.

  • 5. Chen, JB, Gilbert, RB, Manuel, L, Ku, A. (2018). “Comparative assessment of component and system reliability for offshore platform pile foundations”, ASCE GSP Honoring Jean-Louis Briaud, IFCEE, Orlando, FL.

  • 4. Gourvenec, S, Stanier, S, White, D, Morgan, N, Banimahd, M, Chen, JB. (2017). “Whole life assessment of subsea shallow foundation capacity”, Offshore Site Investigation and Gotechnics, London, UK.

  • 3. Marshall, PW, Thang, V, Chen, JB. (2017). “Design and applications for SCS composite shells with enhanced bond”, Structural Stability Research Council Annual Stability Conference, San Antonio, TX.

  • 2. Chen, JB, Gilbert, RB. (2016). “Deterministic and probabilistic analyses of offshore pile system redundancy”, 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability & Applications, Shanghai, China.

  • 1. Gilbert, RB, Chen, JY, Chen, JB, Puskar, F. (2014). “Lessons learned about performance reliability of jacket foundation systems in Gulf of Mexico hurricanes”, 2nd Offshore Structure Reliability Conference, Houston.


2024,美国海洋工程新生代领导者(OTC Emerging Leader Class of 2024)

2021,美国土木工程最高奖第二名克劳兹奖章(J. James R. Croes Medal)

2021,国际海洋与海事协会年度最佳论文奖 (Best OTC Paper Award from SANME)

2021,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校40岁以下土木杰出青年校友(大陆首位,Outstanding Young Alumni Under 40 from CAEE)

2016,Kolodzey Travel Grant Award from UT Austin 

2016,Excellent Research Award from UT Austin GAIN Poster


2023,深海钻井部门特殊贡献奖 (Deepwater Drilling Special Recognition Award)

2022,深海土木海洋部门特殊贡献奖 (Civil Marine Special Recognition Award)

2021,壳牌员工股票激励奖 (Performance Stock Share Award)

2020,壳牌员工股票激励奖 (Performance Stock Share Award)

2019,壳牌董事会黄金票选 (Golden Ticket for P&T Director's Award)

2019,壳牌全球深海工程杰出个人(Top 1%)(Outstanding Performance in Deepwater)

2018,深海土木海洋部门特殊贡献奖 (Civil Marine Special Recognition Award)

2017,深海土木海洋部门特殊贡献奖 (Civil Marine Special Recognition Award)

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