















Enqi Zhang, Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Derui Li. Intelligent vibration control of tensile cable based on deep reinforcement learning. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2024. (Online first)

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Jinxiao Wang, Derui Li, Xingfei Yan. Behavior of hybrid bonded/bolted GFRP single-lap joint under static tensile loading: an experimental and numerical study. Journal of Composite Materials, 2024. (Online first)

Kai Wang, Bin Cheng*, Derui Li, Sheng Xiang. A speckle projection‑based 3D digital image correlation method for measuring dynamic liquid surfaces. Experiments in Fluids, 2024, 65: 168.

Linze Shi, Bin Cheng, Sheng Xiang*. A fatigue crack prediction method based on inductive semi-supervised learning and Lamb-wave monitoring for orthotropic steel bridge deck. Engineering Structures, 2025, 322: 119070.

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Jinxiao Wang, Derui Li, Sida Li, Xingfei Yan. Investigation on fatigue behavior of GFRP hybrid bonded/bolted joint under shear loading based on nondestructive monitoring test and numerical modeling, Engineering Structures, 2024, 308: 117998. 

Derui Li, Bin Cheng*, Linze Shi, Sheng Xiang, Qibin Zhao. An automated measurement method for the fatigue crack propagation based on decorrelated digital image correlation. International Journal of Fatigue, 2024, 183: 108265.

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Jinxiao Wang, Derui Li, Xingfei Yan. Experimental and numerical investigation on failure behavior of hybrid bonded/bolted GFRP single-lap joints under static shear loading. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 158:107969. 

Derui Li, Bin Cheng*, Sheng Xiang, Huanxin Zhou. Integrative measurement method for tensile test based on DIC using modified second-order shape function. Measurement, 2024, 226: 114098. 

Derui Li, Bin Cheng*, Sheng Xiang. Direct cubic B-spline interpolation: A fuzzy interpolating method for weightless, robust and accurate DVC computation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024, 172: 107886.

Linze Shi, Bin Cheng, Sheng Xiang, Qibin Zhao. Analysis of Lamb wave monitoring of fatigue cracks at floor beam cutout of orthotropic steel bridge decks. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2024, 40(1): 24-32.

Linze Shi, Bin Cheng*, Derui Li, Sheng Xiang, Chengjian Shao, Tiancheng Liu. Fatigue crack monitoring in OSDs using Lamb wave longitudinal transmission. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 212: 108245.

Jinxiao Wang, Bin Cheng*, Sheng Xiang, Sida Li, Xingfei Yan. Static and fatigue behavior of hybrid bonded/bolted glass fiber reinforced polymer joints under tensile loading. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science), 2024, 29:817-830.

Linze Shi, Bin Cheng*, Sheng Xiang, Derui Li, Tiancheng Liu. Monitoring for fatigue crack geometry in orthotropic steel bridge decks by application of reflected Lamb waves. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 192: 111170.

Linze Shi, Bin Cheng*, Derui Li, Sheng Xiang, Tiancheng Liu, Qibin Zhao. A CNN-based lamb wave processing model for field monitoring of fatigue cracks in orthotropic steel bridge decks. Structures, 2023, 57: 105146.

Sheng Xiang, Zhang S, Bin Cheng*, Derui Li, Miao Tang. An experimental investigation on the hydrodynamic performance of floating bridge foundation with taut mooring system. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2023, 26(13): 2408-2428.

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Derui Li, Miao Tang, Zhuo Zeng. Structural dynamic performance of floating continuous beam bridge under wave and current loadings: An experimental study. Applied Ocean Research, 2023, 137: 103604.

Abdelbaset Hesham, Bin Cheng*, Sheng Xiang, Liang Tian. An investigation on fatigue crack propagation behavior of welded connections in UHPC reinforced OSDs using 3D crack simulation. Structures, 2023, 50: 1527-1544.

Soheila Kookalani*, Sandy Nyunn, Sheng Xiang. Form-finding of lifting self-forming GFRP elastic gridshells based on machine learning interpretability methods. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 2022, 84(5): 605-618.

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Fengyu Zhang, Miao Tang. An improved time domain approach for analysis of floating bridges based on dynamic finite element method and state-space model. China Ocean Engineering, 2022, 36: 682-696.

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Miao Tang, Songyan Zhang. Hydrodynamic characteristics of deep-water bridge floating foundations with different mooring systems. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 257: 111635.

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Miao Tang, Hesham Abdelbaset. Effects of spatial inhomogeneity of wave excitations on structural behaviors of multi-span floating bridges. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 243: 110340.

Soheila Kookalani, Bin Cheng*, Sheng Xiang. Shape optimization of GFRP elastic gridshells by the weighted Lagrange ε-twin support vector machine and multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm considering structural weight. Structures, 2021, 33: 2066-2084.

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Soheila Kookalani. An analytic approach to predict the shape and internal forces of barrel vault elastic gridshells during lifting construction. Structures, 2021, 29: 628-637.

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Soheila Kookalani. An analytic solution for form finding of GFRP elastic gridshells during lifting construction. Composite Structures, 2020, 244: 112290. 

Sheng Xiang, Bin Cheng*, Le Zou, Soheila Kookalani. An integrated approach of form finding and construction simulation for glass fiber-reinforced polymer elastic gridshells. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2020, 29: E1698.

Bin Cheng*, Sheng Xiang, Wei Zuo, Nianguan Teng. Behaviors of partially concrete-filled welded integral T-joints in steel truss bridges. Engineering Structures, 2018, 166: 16-30.

冷欣泽, 向升, 程斌*. 浮式桥梁椭圆形浮箱水动力相互作用效应研究. 公路工程, 2024. (已录用)

向升, 冷欣泽, 程斌*. 深水桥梁浮式基础系泊体系研究. 中国公路学报, 2024. (线上发表)

柏晓东*, 凡子豪, 郭安薪, 向升, 高永新, 傅阳, 薛业梦. 极端波浪作用下深水浮桥结构失效概率主动学习方法. 中国公路学报, 2024. (线上发表)

曾卓, 郑宏刚, 向升, 程斌*. 永久性浮式桥梁结构的工程实践概述与展望. 中外公路, 2023. (已录用)

王凯, 李得睿, 向升, 程斌*. 基于光斑投影3D-DIC的动态液面波高场测量方法研究. 力学学报, 2023, 55(10): 2427-2438.

向升, 章宋衍, 程斌*. 基于时域分析的浮式刚构桥浪致动力响应特性研究. 桥梁建设, 2022, 52(3): 98-105.

程斌*, 向升. 深水浮式桥梁研究应用进展. 土木工程学报, 2021, 54(2): 1-20.

汤淼, 向升, 程斌*. 深水浮式桥梁浮箱式承台水动力特性分析. 世界桥梁, 2021, 49(6): 85-91.

向升, 邹乐, 程斌*. 吊装自成型GFRP弹性网壳结构分析与设计. 玻璃钢/复合材料, 2018(8): 89-95.

邹乐, 向升, 程斌*. 吊装自成型GFRP弹性网壳的找形方法与施工过程模拟. 玻璃钢/复合材料, 2018(4): 86-91.

一种基于3D-DIC原理的液面动态波高测量方法 (ZL 202111148310.4)

一种基于DIC的钢结构疲劳裂纹扩展形态测量方法 (ZL 202111160148.8)

一种基于导波传感的钢桥面板疲劳裂纹监测装置及方法 (ZL 202010793859.8)

一种模块化结构力学实验平台背景墙多功能装配式支座 (ZL 202010371631.X)

一种模块化结构力学实验平台拓展式杆系结构 (ZL 202010371575.X)

一种模块化结构力学实验平台系统 (ZL 201910450734.2)

一种吊装自成型GFRP网壳结构及其施工方法 (ZL 201710306260.5)


2021年度中国公路学会科学技术一等奖:公路复杂钢桥塔结构设计建造关键技术及应用 (排名7/15)

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