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1. 高速水动力学
2. 计算流体力学(CFD)




Journal of Hydrodynamics 编委。

1. 2022-2025,水下航行体运动干扰与控制技术,300万,项目负责人

2. 2019-2022,国家自然科学基金面上项目:航行体高速入水多模态空泡流动与湍流结构作用机理的精细研究,63万,项目负责人

3. 2019-2020,国防基础科研稳定支持项目:喷水推进器间隙涡空泡流场时空结构高精度模拟和声源特性的数值研究,90万,项目负责人

4. 2015-2018,国家自然科学基金面上项目:波流耦合作用下航行体出水空泡的非稳态特性和机理及流动控制方法,90万,项目负责人

5. 2012-2014,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于泡群动力学的混合欧拉-拉格朗日型云雾空泡数值模拟方法,25万,项目负责人

6. 2012-2014,教育部博士点基金项目:基于泡群动力学的混合欧拉-拉格朗日型云雾空泡数学模型,4万,项目负责人

7. 2011-2014,国家安全重大基础研究项目专题,60万,项目负责人

8. 2016-2019,国家自然科学基金面上项目:航行体带泄气空泡出水非定常流动特性与机理研究,66万,项目参与人

9. 2014-2017,国家自然科学基金面上项目:浅水波浪场中超空泡的流体动力特性研究,90万,项目参与人

10. 2011-2013,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:带空泡出水物体与非线性自由面相互作用的研究,22万,项目参与人

11. 2009-2012,国家自然科学基金重点项目:超空泡流动结构与稳定性研究,200万,项目参与人

12. 2009-2022期间,参与国家安全重大基础研究,国防水动力预研、航天研究院所企业横向项目等10余项,项目参与人

[31] Liu Longxiang, Chen Ying, Li Jie. Investigation on cylinder water entry in regular wave field using large eddy simulation. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2024, 173: 104759.

[30] Chen Ying, Liu Longxiang, Li Jie, Gong Zhaoxin, Chen Xin. Large eddy simulation of tip-leakage cavitating flow around twisted hydrofoil with effects of tip clearance and skew angle. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 2024, 103: 25-42.

[29] 王峻,刘珑翔,陈瑛. 头部喷气圆柱高速入水空泡与降载特性的数值模拟研究. 水动力学研究与进展, 2023, 38(2): 195-204.

[28] 严晨祎,陈瑛. 旋转圆球入水空泡特性与流场结构的大涡模拟研究. 力学学报, 2022, 54(3): 1-14.

[27] Chen Ying, Li Jie, Gong Zhaoxin, Chen Xin, Lu Chuanjing. LES investigation on cavitating flow structures and loads of water-exiting submerged vehicle using uniform filter of octree-based grids. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 225: 108811.

[26] Chen Ying, Gong Zhaoxin, Li Jie, Chen Xin, Lu Chuanjing. Numerical investigation on the regime of cavitation shedding and collapse during the water-exit of submerged projectile. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2020, 142: 011403.

[25] Gong Zhaoxin, Chen Ying, Li Jie, Chen Xin, Lu Chuanjing. Numerical Study on the Unsteady Characteristics of the Propeller Cavitation in Uniform and Nonuniform Wake Flows. China Ocean Engineering, 2020, 34(5): 1-9.

[24] Chen Ying, Li Jie, Gong Zhaoxin, Chen Xin, Lu Chuanjing. Large Eddy Simulation and investigation on the laminar-turbulent transition and turbulence-cavitation interaction in the cavitating flow around hydrofoil. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 112: 300-322.

[23] Chen Ying, Lu Chuanjing, Chen Xin, Li Jie, Gong Zhaoxin. Numerical investigation of the time-resolved bubble cluster dynamics by using the interface capturing method of multiphase flow approach. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017, 29(3): 485-494.

[22] Chen Ying, Chen Xin, Li Jie, Gong Zhaoxin, Lu Chuanjing. Large Eddy Simulation and investigation on the flow structure of the cascading cavitation shedding regime around 3D twisted hydrofoil. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 129: 1-19.

[21] Chen Ying, Chen Xin, Gong Zhaoxin, Li Jie, Lu Chuanjing. Numerical investigation on the dynamic behavior of sheet/cloud cavitation regimes around hydrofoil. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40: 5835-5857.

[20] Chen Ying, Lu Chuanjing, Chen Xin, Li Jie, Gong Zhaoxin. An approach for the numerical prediction of the compressible supercavitating flows over ultrahigh-speed underwater object. Engineering Computatoins, 2016, 33(8): 2356-2376.

[19] Chen Ying, Lu Chuanjing, Chen Xin, Cao Jiayi, Numerical Investigation on the Cavitation Collapse Regime around the Submerged Vehicles Navigating with Deceleration, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 2015, 49: 153-170.

[18] Pan Zhancheng, Lu Chuanjing, Chen Ying. Study on the characteristic of a forced pitching supercavitating vehicle. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2015, 20(6): 713-720.

[17] 鲁传敬, 陈瑛. 中国学科发展战略——流体动力学(第十三章, 高速水动力学, pp.283-306), 科学出版社, 2014.08.

[16] Chen Xin, Lu Chuanjing, Chen Ying, et al. A numerical analysis of the influence of the cavitator’s deflection angle on flow features for a free moving supercavitated vehicle. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2014, 26(5): 697-705.

[15] Chen Ying, Lu Chuanjing, Cao Jiayi, Chen Xin. Application of Quadratic and Cubic Turbulence Models on Cavitating Flows around Submerged Objects. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012, 24(6): 823-833.

[14] Chen Ying, Lu Chuanjing, Chen Xin. Quadratic and cubic eddy-viscosity models in turbulent supercavitating flow computation. Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett., 2011 (3): 032006.

[13] Chen Xin, Chen Ying, Cao Jiayi, Li Jie. Investigation of boundary effects on the natural cavitating flow around a 2D wedge in shallow water. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2011.

[12] Chen Xin, Lu Chuanjing, Li Jie, Chen Ying. Properties of natural cavitation flows around a 2-D wedge in shallow water. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011, 23(6): 730-736.

[11] 陈瑛, 鲁传敬, 郭建红, 曹嘉怡. 大攻角水下航行体侧面空化特性的数值分析. 弹道学报, 2011, 23(1): 45-49.

[10] 陈瑛, 鲁传敬, 郭建红. 翼型空泡周期性流动的数值模拟及机理分析. 应用力学学报, 2011, 28(1): 1-6.

[9] 曹嘉怡, 鲁传敬, 陈鑫, 李杰, 陈瑛. 导弹水下热发射出筒过程流动特性. 固体火箭技术, 2011, (3): 281-284.

[8] Guo Jianhong, Lu Chuanjing, Chen Ying. Characteristics of flow field around an underwater projectile with natural and ventilated cavitation. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2011, 16(2): 236-241.

[7] Chen Ying, Lu Chuanjing, Guo Jianhong. Modeling and Simulation of Cavitating Flow over Underwater Vehicle with Large Angle of Attack. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2010, 14(12): 1319-1330.

[6] 鲁传敬, 陈瑛. 自然空泡流数值模拟方法研究. 气体物理, 2010, 5(1): 6-15.

[5] 郭建红, 鲁传敬, 陈瑛, 潘展程. 基于输运方程类空化模型的通气空泡流数值模拟. 力学季刊, 2009, 30(3): 378-384.

[4] 郭建红, 鲁传敬, 陈瑛, 潘展程. 基于高阶和高分辨率格式的自然空泡流数值模拟. 水动力学研究与进展, 2009, 24(2): 224-231.

[3] Chen Ying, Lu Chuanjing. A Homogenous-Equilibrium-Model Based Numerical Code for Cavitation Flows and Evaluation by Computation Cases. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2008, 20(2): 186-194.

[2] 陈瑛, 鲁传敬, 吴磊. 三维小空化数空泡流数值方法. 计算物理, 2008, 25(2): 163-171.

[1] Chen Ying, Lu Chuanjing, Wu Lei. Modeling and Computation of Unsteady Turbulent Cavitation Flows. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2006, 18(5): 559-566.

1. 2019至今,计算方法与程序设计基础, 授课对象:工程力学系本科生
2. 2011至今,流体力学中的现代数值方法(I),授课对象:研究生
3. 2013至今,自由表面水动力学,授课对象:研究生
4. 2013,大型工程软件应用,授课对象:工程力学系本科生
5. 2014,工程力学本科班专业实习

1. 三维非定常自然空泡流全流场数值模拟软件(软著登字第0428466号)
2. 三维气汽液多相通气空泡流数值模拟软件(软著登字第0428347号)


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