2005-2008 36365线路检测中心36365线路检测中心流体力学专业 讲师
2009-2017 36365线路检测中心36365线路检测中心流体力学专业 副教授
2018- 36365线路检测中心36365线路检测中心流体力学专业 教授
2011-2015 中国力学学会水动力学专业组副组长
2015- 中国力学学会流体力学专业委员会 秘书
2013- 《力学季刊》编委
2015- 《水动力学研究与进展》编委
2018-2021 自然科学基金面上项目 “可压缩介质中细长体高速入水过程流动机理实验方法与数值模拟研究”
2013-2016 自然科学基金面上项目 "开阔海域海啸诱导磁场的时空分布特征分析"
2009-2011 自然科学基金青年项目 "弹性壳体结构垂直和小偏角斜入水撞击阶段三维水动力特性研究"
2017-2019 预研共用技术 “流场观测与失稳特性分析研究”
2016-2020 国家重点研发计划 “基于多源观测数据联合反演的海啸预警技术研究及应用”
2014-2016 水动力学重点基金 “入水过程流场和水动力学特征研究”
Churui WAN, Benlong WANG*, Qian WANG, Yongliu FANG, Hua LIU, Guoping ZHANG, Lianghao XU, Xiaoxing PENG 2017 Probing and imaging of vapor-water mixture properties inside partial/cloud cavitating flows. Journal of Fluid Engineering ASME. 139: 031303.
Zhihui LIU, Benlong WANG*, Xiaoxing PENG, Dengcheng LIU 2016 Calculation of tip vortex cavitation flows around three-dimensional hydrofoils and propellers using a nonlinear k-e turbulence model. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2016.02: 227-237.
Kai GONG, Songdong SHAO, Hua LIU, Benlong WANG, Soon-Keat TAN 2016 Two-phase SPH simulation of fluid-structure interactions. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 65:155-179.
Qian WANG, Xiaoyu GUO, Benlong WANG, Yongliu FANG, Hua LIU 2016 Experimental measurements of solitary wave attenuation over shallow and intermediate submerged canopy. China Ocean Eng. 30(3):375-392.
Xi ZHAO, Hua LIU, Benlong WANG 2016 Tsunami waveforms and runup of undular bores in coastal waters. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 142(7):06016003.
Xintao XIANG, Leiping XUE, Benlong WANG 2015 Aerodynamic effects of unvented hoods on the initial compression wave generated by a high-speed train entering a tunnel. Journal of Fluid Engineering ASME. 138(3): 031102.
Benlong WANG, Xiaoyu GUO, C.C. MEI 2015 Surface water waves over a shallow canopy. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 768:572-599.
Benlong WANG, Xiaoyu GUO, Hua LIU, Cheng GONG 2015 On the magnetic anomaly at Easter island during the 2010 Chile tsunami. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 5(5):187-190.
Xintao XIANG, Leiping XUE, Benlong WANG 2015 Aerodynamic effects of inclined portals on the initial compression wave generated by a high-speed train entering a tunnel. Journal of Fluid Engineering ASME. 137(12): 121104.
Benlong WANG, Xiaoyu GUO, Hua LIU, Chen HE 2014 Numerical simulations of wake signatures around high-speed ships. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 26(6): 986-989.
Xiaoyu GUO, Benlong WANG, Chiang C. Mei 2014 Flow and solute transport through a periodic array of vertical cylinders in shallow water. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 756: 903-934.
Xiaoyu GUO, Benlong WANG, Hua LIU 2014 Numerical simulation of 2D regular wave overtopping flows over the crest of a trapezoidal smooth impermeable seadike. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 140(3):1439-1450.
Xi ZHAO, Hua LIU, Benlong WANG 2014 Scenarios of local tsunamis in the China Seas by Boussinesq model. China Ocean Engineering, 28(3): 303-316.
Jie DONG, Benlong WANG, Hua LIU 2014 Runup of non-breaking double solitary waves with equal wave heights on a plane beach. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 26(6):939-950.
Benlong WANG, Hua LIU 2013 Space-time behaviour of magnetic anomalies induced by tsunami waves in open ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 469: 20130038.
Benlong WANG, Hua LIU 2013 Kinematic dynamo by large scale tsunami waves in open ocean. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 3(3):032003.
Zhiyuan REN, Benlong WANG, Hua LIU 2013 Numerical analysis of impacts of 2011 Japan Tohoku tsunami on China Coast. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 25(4): 580-590.
X. Zhao, B.L. Wang, and H. Liu 2012 Characteristics of tsunami motion and energy budget during runup and rundown processes over a plane beach. Physics of Fluids, Vol.24(6), 062107
X.Y. Guo, B.L. Wang and H. Liu 2012 Numerical simulation of irregular wave overtopping against a smooth sea dike. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.26(1), 153-166, DOI: 10.1007/s13344-012-0011-7
X. Zhao, B.L. Wang and H. Liu 2009 Modelling the submarine mass failure induced tsunamis by Boussinesq equations. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 36, 47--55.
B.L. Wang, J. Zhang and H. Liu 2008 The effects of depth parameter on solitons of Zhang's integrable Boussinesq model. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77. 064402, DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.77.064402
B.L. Wang, J. Zhang, J. Zhang, H. Liu 2007 The critical ratio between the amplitudes of two overtaking solitary water waves. Physics Review E. 75, DOI: 10.1103 /PhysRevE.75.036608
B.L. Wang and H. Liu 2006 Solving a fully nonlinear highly dispersive Boussinesq model with mesh-less least square-based finite difference method. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 52: 213—235
2017年 36365线路检测中心晨星-优秀青年学者奖励计划
2015年 第二届周培源水动力学奖三等奖 周培源基金会
2013年 上海市力学学会优秀青年学者二等奖