




36365线路检测中心工程力学系教授、博士生导师,AO-SJTU生物力学联合实验室负责人,36365线路检测中心生物力学与医疗器械创新工作室责任教授。曾兼任美国莱特州立大学博士生导师,日本理化学研究所、莫斯科国立第一医科大学客座研究科学家;目前担任《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering》副主编、《Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology》副主编、《Journal of Clinical Ultrasound》副主编以及《Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices》、《医用生物力学》、《力学季刊》、《Journal of Hydrodynamics》编委,中国生物材料学会材料生物力学分会委员,世界华人生物医学工程协会青年委员,上海市力学学会生物力学专委会委员;曾作为会议主席举办国际学术研讨会2次,多次担任国际/国内学术会议分会场主席、科学委员会委员以及国家自然科学基金、欧洲科学基金、波兰科学基金函评专家等。

主要从事心血管生物力学方面的研究工作,注重基础理论研究与临床医学和医疗仪器研发的紧密结合,研究课题涉及人体血液循环系统的理论建模与计算机仿真、医工交叉/融合研究以及心血管无创检测新技术研发与产品转化等。主持国家自然科学基金项目5项以及各类纵横向课题17项;已在国内外学术期刊上发表第一或通讯作者论文六十余篇,论文总被引2500 余次。2015-2018年入选了爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”榜单,2017 获上海市力学学会优秀青年学者一等奖,2019 年获Mimics 创新奖亚太区二等奖,2023年获上海医学科技奖三等奖。


2019.12-至今 36365线路检测中心,教授

2012.8-2019.12 36365线路检测中心,特别研究员/副教授

2007.4-2012.8 日本理化学研究所次世代计算科学研究课题组,研究科学家

2004.4-2007.3 日本国立千叶大学自然科学研究科,工学博士








2023/03至今,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 副主编

2022/09至今,Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 副主编

2021/07至今,Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 副主编

2020/09至今,《Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices 编委

2020/05至今,《力学季刊》 编委

2018/08至今,《医用生物力学》 编委

2016/03至今,Journal of Hydrodynamics》、《水动力学研究与进展》编委

2020/05至今, 世界华人生物医学工程协会  青年委员、终身会员

2020/04至今, 上海市力学学会生物力学专委会 委员

2018/11至今, 中国生物材料学会材料生物力学分会 委员

2018/06至今, 莫斯科国立第一医科大学  客座研究员

2018/05至今, 36365线路检测中心生物力学与医疗器械创新工作室责任教授

2017/09至今,  AO-SJTU生物力学联合实验室 负责人



[1]     Tian, Y., Li, X., Zhao, B., Zhang, J., Liang, F. (2023). Influence of morphological characteristics on the deposition of low-density lipoprotein in intracranial bifurcation aneurysms. Physics of Fluids, 35, 081905.

[2]     Liang, F., Qin, K., Wang, L. (2023). Recent advances in computational methods for cardiovascular and musculoskeletal biomechanics and biomedicine. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 39, e3774 (Editorial).

[3]     Cui, W., Wang, T., Xu, Z., Liu, J., Simakov, S., Liang, F. (2023). A numerical study of the hemodynamic behavior and gas transport in cardiovascular systems with severe cardiac or cardiopulmonary failure supported by venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11, 1177325.

[4]     Li, X., Simakov, S., Liu, Y., Liu, T., Wang, Y., Liang, F. (2023). The Influence of Aortic Valve Disease on Coronary Hemodynamics: A Computational Model-Based Study. Bioengineering, 10(6), 709.

[5]     Zhang, X., Jiang, Y., Liang, F., Lu, J. (2023). Threshold values of brachial cuff-measured arterial stiffness indices determined by comparisons with the brachial–ankle pulse wave velocity: A cross-sectional study in the Chinese Population. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 10, 1131962.

[6]     Liu, T., Li, X., Wang, Y., Zhou, M., Liang, F. (2023). Computational modeling of electromechanical coupling in human cardiomyocyte applied to study hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and its drug response. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 231, 107372.

[7]     Wu, Q., Vassilevski, Y., Simakov, S., Liang, F. (2022). Comparison of algorithms for estimating blood flow velocities in cerebral arteries based on the transport information of contrast agent: An in silico study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 141, 105040.

[8]     Wang, T., Liang, F., Song, G., Guan, J., Zhou, Z. (2022). Predicting the risk of postsplenectomy thrombosis in patients with portal hypertension using computational hemodynamics models: A proof-of-concept study. Clinical Biomechanics, 98, 105717.

[9]     Fang, H., He, G., Cheng, Y., Liang, F., Zhu, Y. (2022). Advances in cerebral perfusion imaging techniques in acute ischemic stroke. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 50(8), 1202-1211.

[10]  Xin, S., Chen, Y., Zhao, B., Liang, F. (2022). Combination of morphological and hemodynamic parameters for assessing the rupture risk of intracranial aneurysms: a retrospective study on mirror middle cerebral artery aneurysms, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 144(8), 081006.

[11]  Hou, J., Li, X., Li, Z., Yin, L., Chen, X., Liang, F. (2022). An in vivo data-based computational study on sitting-induced hemodynamic changes in the external iliac artery. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 144(2), 021007.

[12]  Wu, Q., Vassilevski, Y., Simakov, S., Liang, F. (2022). Comparison of algorithms for estimating blood flow velocities in cerebral arteries based on the transport information of contrast agent: An in silico study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 141, 105040.

[13]  Ge, X., Liu, Y., Tu, S., Simakov, S., Vassilevski, Y., Liang, F. (2021). Model-based analysis of the sensitivities and diagnostic implications of FFR and CFR under various pathological conditions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 37(11), e3257.

[14]  Wang, T., Zhou, Z., Liang, F. (2021). Influences of anatomorphological features of the Portal venous system on postsplenectomy hemodynamic characteristics in patients with portal hypertension: A computational model-based study. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 661030.

[15]  Xu, L., Zhu, Y., Zhang, R., Zhu, T., Wan, J., Liang, F., Zhao, B. (2021). Geometrical and hemodynamic characteristic changes of small anterior communicating artery aneurysms during follow-ups in a retrospective analysis. Neurology India, 69(5), 1338–1342.

[16]  Ge, X., Simakov, S., Liu, Y., Liang, F. (2021). Impact of arrhythmia on myocardial perfusion: A computational model-based study. Mathematics, 9(17), 2128.

[17]  戴宇晨, 梁夫友 (2021). 脑前交通动脉瘤入流动脉管径比对瘤内血流动力学特征的影响. 水动力学研究与进展A, 36(2), 265-272.

[18]  Zhou, X., Yin, L., Xu, L., Liang, F. (2020). Non-periodicity of blood flow and its influence on wall shear stress in the carotid artery bifurcation: An in vivo measurement-based computational study. Journal of Biomechanics, 101, 109617.

[19]  Ge, X., Liu, Y., Yin, Z., Tu, S., Fan, Y., Vassilevski, Y., Simakov, S., Liang, F. (2020). Comparison of instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) and fractional flow reserve (FFR) with respect to their sensitivities to cardiovascular factors: A computational model-based study. Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 2020, 4094121.

[20]  Wang, T., Liang, F., Li, L., Zhang, W., Wang, G., Wang, J., Zhang, C., Qi, X. (2020). A computational model-based study on the exchangeability of hepatic venous pressure gradients measured in multiple hepatic veins. Medical Engineering & Physics, 84, 28–35.

[21]  Xu, L., Yang, T., Yin, L., Kong, Y., Vassilevski, Y., Liang, F. (2020). Numerical simulation of blood flow in aorta with dilation: a comparison between laminar and LES modeling methods. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 124, 509-526.

[22]  Xu, L., Yin, L., Liu, Y., Liang, F. (2020). A computational study on the influence of aortic valve disease on hemodynamics in dilated aorta. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17(1), 606-626.

[23]  Zhang, Z., Xu, L., Liu, R., Liu, X., Zhao, B., Liang, F. (2020). Importance of incorporating systemic cerebroarterial hemodynamics into computational modeling of blood flow in intracranial aneurysm. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 32(3), 510-522.

[24]  Gu, J., Zhuo, Y., Liu, T. J., Li, J., Yin, Z. F., Xu, Z. J., Fan, L., He, Q., Chen, K., Zeng, H. S., Wang, X. F., Fan, Y. Q., Zhang, J. F., Liang, F. Y., Wang, C. Q. (2020). Balloon Deflation Strategy during Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial and Numerical Simulation-Based Analysis. Cardiology Research and Practice, 2020, 4826073.

[25]  张絮洁, 苟中林, 王天琦, 梁夫友 (2020). 生物力学建模仿真在无创心血管检测技术与设备研发中的应用. 生物医学工程学杂志, 37(6), 990-999.

[26]  周鑫栋, 梁夫友 (2020). 低密度脂蛋白在颈动脉中输运与沉积的数值模拟及其影响因素. 医用生物力学, 35(5), 421-429.

[27]  覃开蓉, 梁夫友, 那景童 (2020). 动脉内皮血流动力学微环境建模分析和体外模拟方法与技术研究进展. 实验流体力学, 34(2), 11-24.

[28]  高然, 梁夫友 (2020). 冠状动脉搭桥术中血管外支架与静脉桥力学耦合的数值模拟研究. 生物医学工程学杂志, 37(6), 983-989.

[29]  Li, X., Liu, X., Li, X., Xu, L., Chen, X., Liang, F. (2019). Tortuosity of the superficial femoral artery and its influence on blood flow patterns and risk of atherosclerosis. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 18(4), 883-896.

[30]  Xu, L., Zhao, B., Liu, X., Liang, F. (2019). Computational methods applied to analyze the hemodynamic effects of flow-diverter devices in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms: Current status and future directions. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 3, 100018.

[31]  李杰, 殷兆芳, 梁夫友 (2019). 基于体外实验和数值仿真的冠脉介入手术中球囊去充盈瞬间的血流动力学研究. 医用生物力学, 34(5), 473-480.

[32]  Ge, X., Yin, Z., Fan, Y., Vassilevski, Y., Liang, F. (2018). A multi-scale model of the coronary circulation applied to investigate transmural myocardial flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 34(10), e3123.

[33]  Wang, T., Liang, F., Zhou, Z., Qi, X. (2018). Global sensitivity analysis of hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) measurement with a stochastic computational model of the hepatic circulation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 97, 124–136.

[34]  Liang, F., Guan, D., Alastruey, J. (2018). Determinant factors for arterial hemodynamics in hypertension: Theoretical insights from a computational model-based study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 140(3), 031006.

[35]  Xu, L., Liang, F., Zhao, B., Wan, J., Liu, H. (2018). Influence of aging-induced flow waveform variation on hemodynamics in aneurysms present at the internal carotid artery: a computational model-based study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 101, 51-60.

[36]  Xu, L., Liang, F., Gu, L., Liu, H. (2018). Flow instability detected in ruptured versus unruptured cerebral aneurysms at the internal carotid artery. Journal of Biomechanics, 72, 187-199.

[37]  张絮洁, 章亚平, 殷兆芳, 覃开蓉, 梁夫友 (2018). 基于上臂袖带振荡波估测动脉僵硬度的理论方法及临床实验. 中国医疗设备, 33(4), 22-28.

[38]  Wang, T., Liang, F., Zhou, Z., Shi, L. (2017). A computational model of the hepatic circulation applied to analyze the sensitivity of hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) in liver cirrhosis. Journal of Biomechanics, 65, 23-31.

[39]  Liang, F., Liu, X., Yamaguchi, R., Liu, H. (2016). Sensitivity of flow patterns in aneurysms on the anterior communicating artery to anatomic variations of the cerebral arterial network. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(15), 3731-3740.

[40]  Guan, D., Liang, F., Gremaud, P. A. (2016). Comparison of the Windkessel model and structured-tree model applied to prescribe outflow boundary conditions for a one-dimensional arterial tree model. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(9), 1583-1592.

[41]  Deng, Z., Liang, F. (2016). Numerical analysis of stress distribution in the upper arm tissues under an inflatable cuff: Implications for noninvasive blood pressure measurement. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 32(5), 959-969.

[42]  李逸, 殷兆芳, 梁夫友 (2016). 基于临床数据与循环系统模型融合技术的心血管功能评估中的误差分析. 中国生物医学工程学报, 35(1), 47-54.

[43]  Liang, F., Oshima, M., Huang, H., Liu, H., Takagi, S. (2015). Numerical study of cerebroarterial hemodynamic changes following carotid artery operation: a comparison between multiscale modeling and stand-alone three-dimensional modeling. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 137(10), 101011.

[44]  Liang, F., Yin, Z., Fan, Y., Chen, K., Wang, C. (2015). In vivo validation of an oscillometric method for estimating central aortic pressure. International Journal of Cardiology, 199, 439-441.

[45]  韩旭, 刘晓晟, 梁夫友 (2015). 出口边界条件对脑前交通动脉瘤内血流特征的影响. 水动力学研究与进展A, 30(6), 692-700.

[46]  Liang, F., Senzaki, H., Kurishima, C., Sughimoto, K., Inuzuka, R., Liu, H. (2014). Hemodynamic performance of the Fontan circulation compared with a normal biventricular circulation: a computational model study. American Journal of Physiology- Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 307(7), H1056–H1072.

[47]  Liang, F., Sughimoto, K., Matsuo, K., Liu, H., Takagi, S. (2014). Patient-specific assessment of cardiovascular function by combination of clinical data and computational model with applications to patients undergoing Fontan operation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 30(10), 1000-1018.

[48]  Liang, F. (2014). Numerical validation of a suprasystolic brachial cuff-based method for estimating aortic pressure. Bio-medical materials and engineering, 24(1), 1053-1062.

[49]  Deng, Z., Zhang, C., Yu, P., Shao, J., Liang, F. (2014). Estimation of left ventricular stroke volume based on pressure waves measured at the wrist: a method aimed at home-based use. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 24(6), 2909-2918.

[50]  Liang, F., Senzaki, H., Yin, Z., Fan, Y., Sughimoto, K., Liu, H. (2013). Transient hemodynamic changes upon changing a BCPA into a TCPC in staged Fontan operation: a computational model study. The Scientific World Journal, 2013, 486815.

[51]  Sughimoto, K., Liang, F., Takahara, Y., Mogi, K., Yamazaki, K., Takagi, S., Liu, H. (2013). Assessment of cardiovascular function by combining clinical data with a computational model of the cardiovascular system. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 145(5), 1367-1372.

[52]  Liang, F., Takagi, S., Himeno, R., Liu, H. (2013). A computational model of the cardiovascular system coupled with an upper-arm oscillometric cuff and its application to studying the suprasystolic cuff oscillation wave, concerning its value in assessing arterial stiffness. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 16(2), 141-157.

[53]  Liang, F., Takagi, S., Liu, H. (2012). The influences of cardiovascular properties on suprasystolic brachial cuff wave studied by a simple arterial-tree model. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 12(3), 1-25.

[54]  Liang, F., Liu, H., Takagi, S. (2012). The effects of brachial arterial stiffening on the accuracy of oscillometric blood pressure measurement: A computational model study. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 7(1), 15-30.

[55]  Liang, F., Fukasaku, K., Liu, H., & Takagi, S. (2011). A computational model study of the influence of the anatomy of the circle of willis on cerebral hyperperfusion following carotid artery surgery. Biomedical Engineering Online, 10, 84.

[56]  Liang, F., Takagi, S., Himeno, R., Liu, H. (2009). Biomechanical characterization of ventricular-arterial coupling during aging: a multi-scale model study. Journal of Biomechanics, 42(6), 692–704.

[57]  Liang, F., Takagi, S., Himeno, R., Liu, H. (2009). Multi-scale modeling of the human cardiovascular system with applications to aortic valvular and arterial stenoses. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 47(7), 743–755.

[58]  Liang, F., Taniguchi, H., Liu, H (2007). A multi-scale computational method applied to the quantitative evaluation of the left ventricular function. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 37(5): 700-715.

[59]  Liang F., Yamaguchi, R., Liu H. (2006). Fluid dynamics in normal and stenosed human renal arteries: An experimental and computational study. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 1, 171-182.

[60]  Liang, F., Liu, H. (2006). Simulation of hemodynamic responses to the Valsalva maneuver: An integrative computational model of the cardiovascular system and the autonomic nervous system. Journal of Physiological Sciences, 56(1), 45-65.

[61]  Liang, F., Liu, H. (2005). A closed-loop lumped parameter computational model for human cardiovascular system. JSME International Journal (C), 48(4), 484-493.













[1] 梁夫友, 张絮洁. 融合袖带振荡波波形特征估测中心动脉血压的系统及方法, 中国发明专利,2022(实审中)

[2]梁夫友, 张絮洁. 一种末梢血管血流调节功能的无创检测系统, 中国发明专利, ZL201710346227.5, 2020.

[3] 梁夫友, 吕品, 张纯刚, 于平. 一种基于脉波分析法计算心脏每搏血量的检测方法, 中国发明专利, ZL201410369862.1, 2019.

[4] Saito, Y., Himeno, R., Takagi, S., Liang, F. Vascular viscoelasticity evaluation device, vascular viscoelasticity evaluation method, and program, 美国专利, US201414780259A, 2019.

[5] Saito, Y., Himeno, R., Takagi, S., Liang, F. Vascular viscoelasticity evaluation device, vascular viscoelasticity evaluation method, and program, 欧洲专利, EP14774331A, 2016.

[6] 斋藤之良,姬野龙太郎,高木周,梁夫友. 血管粘弹性评价装置、血管粘弹性评价方法以及程序. 中国发明专利,2017(专利号:ZL201480018409.4

[7] 梁夫友, 李逸, 李力军. 基于振荡式血压计信号的中心动脉压检测系统, 中国发明专利, ZL201310450330.6, 2015.

(1)    2023上海医学科技奖 三等奖(排名5

(2)    2020 全国高等学校力学类专业本科生毕业设计(论文)A类优秀论文奖(指导教师)

(3)    2019  Mimics Innovation Award Second Prize (Asia-Pacific)

(4)    2019 36365线路检测中心“钱学森杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 二等奖(指导教师)

(5)    2018 “知行杯”上海市大学生社会实践项目大赛 三等奖(指导教师)

(6)    2018 36365线路检测中心学生暑期社会实践 一等奖 (指导教师)

(7)    2018 36365线路检测中心教书育人奖 集体二等奖(团队成员)

(8)    2017 上海市力学学会优秀青年学者 一等奖

(9)    2015-2018连续四年入选“中国高被引学者”榜单

(10) 2015-2021指导的研究生7人次在全国生物力学大会上获得优秀论文奖

版权所有 © 2014 36365线路检测中心(中国)股份有限公司 沪交ICP备05053   流量统计