1995-1999年 苏州城建环保学院 建筑工程专业 学士
2003-2006年 36365线路检测中心 岩土工程专业 硕士
2006-2010年 36365线路检测中心 岩土工程专业 博士
1999-2002年 中建八局三公司 助理工程师
2010-2013 上海交大土木系 助理研究员
2014至今 上海交大土木系 副研究员
1 )地面沉降研究; 2)工程中的地下水问题
Lowland Technology International 编委
1) Xu, Y.S., Shen, S.L., Du, Y.J. (2009). Geological and hydrogeological environment in Shanghai with geohazards to construction and maintenance of infrastructures, Engineering Geology, 109(3-4), 241-254.(SCI)
2) Xu, Y.S., Zhang, D.X., Shen, S.L., and Chen, L.Z.(2009). Geo-hazards with characteristics and prevention measures along the coastal regions of China. Natural Hazards, 49(3):479-500. (SCI)
3) Xu, Y.S., Shen, S.L, Cai, Z.Y., and Zhou, G.Y.(2008). The state of land subsidence and prediction approaches due to groundwater withdrawal in China. Natural Hazards, 45(1):123-135. (SCI)
4) Shen, S.L. and Xu, Y.S. (2011).Numerical evaluation of land subsidence induced by groundwater pumping in Shanghai. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 48(9), 1378-1392. (SCI&EI)
5) Xu, Y.S., Ma, L., Du, Y.J., and Shen, S.L. (2012) Analysis of urbanization-induced land subsidence in Shanghai. Natural Hazards, 63(2): 1255-1267. (SCI)
6) Xu, Y.S., Ma, L., Shen, S.L., and Sun, W.J. (2012) Evaluation of land subsidence by considering underground structures that penetrate the aquifers of Shanghai, China. Hydrogeology Journal, 20(8): 1623-1634. (SCI)
7) Xu, Y.S., Shen, S.L., Du, Y.J., Chai, J.C., and Horpibulsuk, S. (2013) Modelling the cutoff behavior of underground structure in multi-aquifer-aquitard groundwater system, Natural Hazards, 66(2): 731-748.(SCI)
8) Xu, Y.S., Huang, R.Q., Han, J., and Shen, S.L. (2013) Evaluation of allowable withdrawn volume of groundwater based on observed data. Natural Hazards, 67(2): 513-522. (SCI)
9) Xu, Y.S., Shen, S.L., Ma, L., Sun, W.J., and Yin, Z.Y. (2014) Evaluation of the blockng effect of retaining walls on groundwater seepage in aquifers with different insertion depths. Engineering Geology, 183(2014): 254-264. (SCI)
10)Xu, Y.S., Yuan, Y., Shen, S.L., Yin, Z.Y., Wu, H.N., and Ma, L. Investigation into subsidence hazards due to groundwater pumping from Aquifer II in Changhzou, China. Natural Hazards, 2015, 78(1): 281-296. (SCI)
11) Liu, X.X., Xu, Y.S.*, Cheng, W.C.*, Shen, S.L., Horpibulsuk, S. Investigation of hydraulic parameters of a weathered mylonite fault from field pumping tests: A case study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2016. (SCI)
12) Yuan, Y., Xu, Y.S.*, Arulrajah, A. Sustainable Measures for Mitigation of Flooding Hazards: A Case Study in Shanghai, China. Water 2017, 9(5), 310.(SCI)
13)Xu YS, Wu HN*, Shen JS*, Zhang N. Risk and impacts on the environment of free-phase biogas in quaternary deposits along the Coastal Region of Shanghai. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 137(2017), 129-137. (SCI)
14)Xu YS*, Shen SL*, Lai Y, Zhou AN. Design of sponge city: Lessons learnt from an ancient drainage system in Ganzhou, China. Journal of Hydrology 2018, 563(2018): 900-908. (SCI)
1)根据地面沉降量与抽水量确定地下水可开采量的方法.专利号:ZL2005 10110425.9.
4)地面沉降控制施工方法. 专利号: ZL200910310460.3.
5)考虑注浆压力的顶管施工引起土体变形的确定方法 专利号: ZL201110440621.8
6)桩基础阻碍地下水渗流的室内模拟试验装置. 专利号: ZL201320430616.3
7)用拉杆防止顶管机和管节旋转的施工装置和施工方法. 专利号: ZL201310327164.0
8)一种高压水平旋喷施工引起土体变形的确定方法. 专利专利号: ZL201410228453.X
2015年:打破惯性思维激发博士生创新潜能. 36365线路检测中心2015年度教学成果一等奖. 排名第二
2017年:城市化诱发软土地质环境恶化的演变机制与理论. 浙江省岩土力学与工程学会自然科学特等奖, 排名第二