1994-1998 36365线路检测中心 建筑工程系 本科
1998-2001 同济大学 地下建筑与工程系 硕士
2001-2004 日本国立岐阜大学 土木工程与力学专业 工学博士
2004-2007 日本地域地盘环境研究所 研究员
2007 日本阪神高速道路株式会社 研究员
2007.8-12 36365线路检测中心 土木工程系 助理研究员
2007.12-2015.12 36365线路检测中心 土木工程系 副教授
2015.12-至今 36365线路检测中心 土木工程系 教授
2. 先进试验
3. 地下工程
4. 海洋岩土工程
中国土木工程学会 土力学及岩土工程分会 理事
中国土木工程学会 隧道及地下工程分会 理事
中国岩石力学与工程学会 岩土工程信息技术与应用分会 理事
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 副主编(2020-)
Underground Space编委(2021-)
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering编委(2019-)
Soils and Foundations编委(2015-2019)
上海市科委:城市超深地下快速路设计与环境保护技术. 2014.07-2016.06
《计算土力学》 (张锋 著 叶冠林 校,人民交通出版社2007年出版)。
1. Yonglin Xiong , Sheng Zhang , Guanlin Ye , Feng Zhang, 2014, Modification of thermo-elasto-viscoplastic model for soft rock and its application to THM analysis of heating tests, Soils and Foundations, 54(2), 176–196. [SCI]
2. Xiao-Hua BAO; Guan-lin YE; Bin YE; Yasuki SAGO; Feng ZHANG, Seismic performance of SSPQ retaining wall—Centrifuge model tests and numerical evaluation, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 61-62 (2014) 63–82. [SCI] http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2014.01.019
3. Wu Chao-jun, Ye Guanlin, Zhang Lulu, Bishop Daniel, Wang Jian-hua, 2014, Depositional environment and geotechnical properties of Shanghai clay: a comparison with Ariake and Bangkok clays. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.Online. (DOI:10.1007/s10064-014-0670-0) [SCI]
4. Guanlin Ye, Bin Ye, Feng Zhang, 2013, Strength and Dilatancy of Overconsolidated Clays in Drained True Triaxial Tests, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 140(4), 06013006 dio: (ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001060 [SCI]
5. Bin Ye • Guanlin Ye • Weimin Ye • Feng Zhang, 2013, A pneumatic shaking table and its application to a liquefaction test on saturated sand, Natural Hazards, Volume 66, Issue 2, pp 375-388 [SCI]
6. Zhang, L.L., Zuo, Z.B., Ye, G.L., Jeng, D.S., and Wang, J.H. Probabilistic parameter estimation and predictive uncertainty based on field measurements for unsaturated soil slope. Computers and Geotechnics, 2013, 48, 72–81. [SCI]
7. DI Dong-chao, YE Guan-lin, XIA Xiao-he, WANG Jian-hua. Application of PETSc in soil-water coupled geotechnical problems. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), June 2013, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp 401-408 [EI]
8. Guan-lin YE, Jia-ren SHENG, Bin YE, Jian-hua WANG,2012, Automated True Triaxial Apparatus and its Application to Over-consolidated Clay, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol.35, No.4, pp.517-528. [SCI]
9. Bao Y.F, Ye G.L., Ye B., Zhang F., (2012), Seismic evaluation of soil-foundation-superstructure system considering geometry and material nonlinearities of both soils and structures, Soils and Foundations, 52(2), April 2012, Pages 257–278 [SCI]
10. Ye B., Ye G.L., Zhang F., 2012, Numerical modeling of changes in anisotropy during liquefaction using a generalized constitutive model, Computers and Geotechnics, 42, May 2012, pp.62-72 [SCI]
11. Ye B., Muramatsu D., Ye G.L., Zhang F.,Numerical assessment of vibration damping effect of soilbags, Geosynthetics International, 18(4), 2011 , pp.159-168 [SCI]
12. Feng ZHANG; Bin YE; Guanlin YE (2011): Unified description of sand behaviour, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, Volume 5, Issue 2 (2011) Pages: 121-150
13. Zhi-Fan Xia, Guan-Lin Ye, Jian-Hua Wang, Bin Ye, Feng Zhang, Fully coupled numerical analysis of repeated shake-consolidation process of earth embankment on liquefiable foundation, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2010, 30(11), pp.1309-1318 [SCI]
14. Zhi-fan Xia, Guan-lin Ye, Jian-hua Wang, Bin Ye and Feng Zhang, Numerical analysis on the influence of thickness of liquefiable soil on seismic response of underground structure, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) , 2010, 15(3), pp.279-284 [EI]
15. Guanlin Ye, Feng Zhang, Atsushi Yashima, Hla Aung and Kiyokaza Naito (2007): Influence of Membrane and Filter Paper on Plane-Strain Testing of Soft Sedimentary Rock, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol.30, No.6, 442-453. (SCI)
16. Guanlin Ye, Feng Zhang, Kiyokaza Naito, Hla. Aung and Atsushi Yashima (2007): Test on soft sedimentary rock under different loading paths and its interpretation, Soils and Foundations, Vol.47, No.5, 897-909. (SCI)
17. Ye Bin, Ye Guanlin, Zhang Feng and Yashima Atsushi (2007): Experiment and numerical simulation of repeated liquefaction-consolidation of sand, Soils and Foundations, Vol.47, No.3, 547-558 (SCI)
18. F. Zhang, A. Yashima, T. Nakai, G. L. Ye and H. Aung (2005): An elasto-viscoplastic model for soft sedimentary rock based on tij concept and subloading yielding surface, Soils and Foundations, Vol.45, No.1, 65-73 (SCI)
19. G.L. Ye, F. Zhang, A. Yashima, T. Sumi and T. Ikemura (2005): Numerical analyses on progressive failure of slope due to heavy rain with 2D and 3D FEM, Soils and Foundations, Vol.45, No.2, 1-17. (SCI)
20. Zhang, F., Yashima, A., Ye, G.L., Adachi, T. and Oka, F. (2003): An elastoplastic strain-softening constitutive model for soft rock considering the influence of intermediate stress, Soils and Foundations, Vol.43, No.5, 107-117 (SCI)
2011年 上海市科技进步二等奖:利用既有结构开发地下大空间新技术(排名第8)
2012年 上海市科技进步二等奖:软土深基坑变形和环境影响预估与控制关键技术(排名第9)
2012年 教育部科技进步2等奖:复杂环境中长距离顶管施工力学分析及控制技术(排名第6)