





2017.06—至今         36365线路检测中心土木工程系          助理教授、长聘教轨副教授、长聘副教授

2022.03—至今         36365线路检测中心土木工程系          副系主任

2019.06—至今        36365线路检测中心土木工程系           博士生导师

2013.11—2017.05   香港理工大学土木及环境学系   博士后/研究员

2009.02—2013.10   香港理工大学土木及环境学系   博士生(导师:戴建国教授和滕锦光院士)


1. 土木工程复合材料(FRP)及组合结构

2. 多材料间界面力学及性能表征

3. 高性能结构材料及新型结构体系

4. 复合材料回收技术及高值化利用






SCI期刊Frontiers in Materials 结构材料领域副主编


1. 上海市自然科学基金项目,TRE复材体系加固灾后损伤混凝土柱的约束机理及设计方法,20万,2023-2026

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,复材栅格/喷射ECC加固受火后钢筋混凝土受弯构件的界面力学及设计方法,60万,2020-2023

3. 上海交大-爱丁堡大学种子基金,Low Carbon FRP Textile-Reinforced Geopolymer for Strengthening of RC Structures8.5万,2023-2024

4. 横向研究课题,热塑性树脂基GFRP筋材研发的关键技术与工程应用,120万,2023-2025

5. 横向研究课题,玻纤增强复合材料筋材耐火及蠕变性能提升与应用关键技术,100万,2022-2024

6. 横向研究课题,FRP栅格增强不同水泥基(MPC/ECC)复材体系加固灾后损伤混凝土柱的力学性能对比研究及设计方法,10万,2023-2025


1. 上海高校本科重点教改项目,2023,骨干成员

2. 36365线路检测中心专业建设组织化试点项目,2023,负责人

3. 36365线路检测中心研究生教材培育项目,2023,负责人

发表国内外重要期刊论文70余篇,其中SCI收录论文58篇(近542篇),第一/通讯作者论文36篇,JCR一区论文45篇,三篇论文曾入选ESI高被引/热点论文。出版英文专著章节1部、中文教材和学术专著各1部。相关研究成果被国家标准《纤维增强复合材料工程应用技术标准–GB 50608》(修订版)以及国家规程《碳纤维片材加固修复混凝土结构技术规程–CECS 146》(修订版)所采纳。


1.      W.Y. Gao, J.G. Teng., J.G. Dai. (2012). “Effect of temperature variation on the full-range behavior of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints.” Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 671-683.

2.      J.G. Dai, W.Y. Gao, J.G. Teng. (2013). “Bond-slip model for FRP laminates externally bonded to concrete at elevated temperature.” Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 217-228.

3.      J.G. Dai, W.Y. Gao, J.G. Teng. (2015). “Finite element modeling of insulated FRP-strengthened RC beams exposed to fire.” Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, Vol. 19, No. 2, 04014046.

4.      W.Y. Gao, J.G. Dai, J.G. Teng. (2015). “Simple method for predicting temperatures in insulated, FRP-strengthened RC members exposed to a standard fire.” Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, Vol. 19, No. 6, 04015013.

5.      W.Y. Gao, J.G. Dai, J.G. Teng. (2018). “Three-level fire resistance design of FRP-strengthened RC beams.” Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, Vol. 22, No. 3, 05018001.

6.      W.Y. Gao, J.G. Dai, J.G. Teng. (2013). “Finite element modeling of reinforced concrete beams exposed to fire.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 52, pp. 488-501.

7.      W.Y. Gao, J.G. Dai, J.G. Teng. (2014). “Simple method for predicting temperatures in reinforced concrete beams exposed to a standard fire.” Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 573-590.

8.      W.Y. Gao, J.G. Dai, J.G. Teng. (2015). “Analysis of Mode II debonding behavior of FRP-to- substrate bonded joints subjected to combined thermal and mechanical loadings.” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 136, pp. 241-264.

9.      W.Y. Gao, J.G. Dai, and J.G. Teng. (2016). “Fire resistance design of un-protected FRP-strengthened RC beams.” Materials and Structures, Vol. 49, No. 12, pp. 5357-5371.

10.  W.Y. Gao, J.G. Dai, and J.G. Teng. (2017). “Fire resistance of RC beams under design fire exposure.” Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 69, No. 8, pp. 402-423.

11.  L.J. Ouyang, W.Y. Gao*, B. Zhen, Z.D. Lu. (2017). “Seismic retrofit of square reinforced concrete columns using basalt and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer sheets: A comparative study.” Composite Structures, Vol. 162, pp. 294-307.

12.  W.Y. Gao, K.X. Hu, J.G. Dai, K. Dong, K.Q. Yu, L.J. Fang. (2018). “Repair of fire-damaged RC slabs with basalt fabric-reinforced shotcrete.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 185, pp. 79-92.

13.  J.J. Zeng, W.Y. Gao*, F. Liu. (2018). “Interfacial behavior and debonding failures of full-scale CFRP-strengthened H-section steel beams.” Composite Structures, Vol. 201, pp. 540-552.

14.  J.J. Zeng, W.Y. Gao*, Z.J. Duan, Y.L. Bai, Y.C. Guo, L.J. Ouyang. (2020). “Axial compressive behavior of polyethylene terephthalate/carbon FRP-confined seawater sea-sand concrete in circular columns.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 234, 117383.

15.  X. Yang, W.Y. Gao*, J.G. Dai, Z.D. Lu. (2020). “Shear strengthening of RC beams with FRP grid-reinforced ECC matrix.” Composites Structures, Vol. 241, 112120.

16.  W. Hou*, Z.Q. Li, W.Y. Gao*, P.D. Zheng, Z.X. Guo. (2020). “Flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened with BFRP bars-reinforced ECC matrix.” Composite Structures, Vol. 241, 112092.

17.  J.J. Zeng, Z.J. Duan, W.Y. Gao*, Y.L. Bai, L.J. Ouyang. (2020). “Compressive behavior of FRP-wrapped seawater sea-sand concrete with a square cross-section.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 262, 120881.

18.  J. Song, W.Y. Gao*, L.J. Ouyang*, J.J. Zeng, J. Yang, W.D. Liu. (2021). “Compressive behavior of heat-damaged square concrete prisms confined with basalt fiber-reinforced polymer jackets.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 242, 112504.

19.  Y.L. Bai, Z.W. Yan, T. Ozbakkaloglu, W.Y. Gao*, J.J. Zeng. (2021). “Mechanical behavior of large-rupture-strain (LRS) polyethylene naphthalene fiber bundles at different strain rates and temperatures.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 297, 123786.

20.  L.J. Ouyang, M.X. Chai, J. Song, L.L. Hu, W.Y. Gao*. (2021). “Repair of thermally damaged circular concrete cylinders with basalt fiber-reinforced polymer jackets.” Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 44, 102673.

21.  D.G. Jia, W.Y. Gao*, D.X. Duan, J. Yang, J.G. Dai. (2021). “Full-range behavior of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints subjected to combined effects of loading and temperature variation.” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 254, 107928.

22.  D. Guo, W.Y. Gao*, J.G. Dai, D. Fernando. (2022). “Effects of temperature variation on the plate-end debonding of FRP-strengthened beams: A theoretical study.” Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 2, 290-305.

23.  D. Guo, W.Y. Gao*, J.G. Dai*. (2022). “Effects of temperature variation on intermediate crack-induced debonding and stress intensity factor in FRP-retrofitted cracked steel beams: An analytical study.” Composite Structures, Vol. 279, 114776.

24.  H. Zhou, W.Y. Gao*, Hugo C. Biscaia, X.J. Wei, J.G. Dai. (2022). “Debonding analysis of FRP-to-concrete interfaces between two adjacent cracks in plated beams under temperature variations.” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 263, 108307.

25.  T.C. Wang, W.Y. Gao*, L.L.Hu, Ehab Hamed, Y.L. Bai, J.J. Zeng, J. Yang. (2022). “Analytical model for predicting the post-fire bond behavior between steel bars and concrete.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 343, 128129.

26.  D. Guo, Y.L. Liu, W.Y. Gao*, J.G. Dai*. (2022). “Bond behavior of CFRP-to-steel bonded joints at different service temperatures: Experimental study and FE modeling.” Construction and Building Materials, 129836, Vol. 363, 129836.

27.  D. Guo, W.Y. Gao*, Y.L. Liu, J.G. Dai*. (2022). “Intermediate crack-induced debonding in CFRP-retrofitted notched steel beams at different service temperatures: Experimental test and finite element modeling.” Composite Structures, Vol. 304, 116388.

28.  W.W. Liu, L.J. Ouyang, W.Y. Gao*, J. Song, T.C. Wang, J. Yang. (2023). “Repair of fire-damaged RC columns with CFRP textile reinforced ECC matrix.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 292, 116530.

29.  T.C. Wang, W.Y. Gao*, W.W. Liu, J. Yang. (2023). “Prediction of residual bond strengths between corroded steel bars and concrete after exposure to high temperatures.” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 283, 109213.

30.  K. Dong, K.X. Hu, W.Y. Gao*, S.T. Yang, J. Yang. (2023). “Fire endurance tests of CFRP-strengthened RC beams with different insulation schemes.” Structures, Vol. 56, 104887.

31.  D. Guo, H.P. Wang, Y.L. Liu, W.Y. Gao*, J.G. Dai*. (2023). “Structural behavior of CFRP-strengthened steel beams at different service temperatures: experimental study and FE modeling.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 293, 116646.

32.  W.W. Liu, T.C. Wang*, J. Liang, L.J. Ouyang, W.Y. Gao*. (2024). “Stress-strain models for FRP-confined thermally damaged concrete.” Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 82, 108265.

33.  Y.L. Bai, W.Q. Niu*, W.J. Xie, W.Y. Gao*. (2024). “Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with hybrid carbon-PET FRP laminates.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 411, 134372.

34.  H.D. Lv, W.W. Xie, W.Y. Gao*. (2024). “Nonlinear bond-slip model for FRP laminates externally bonded to thermally damaged concrete.” Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 27, No.4, pp.585-605.

35.  M.R. Li, T.C. Wang, J. Liang, W.Y. Gao*. (2024). “Local bond-slip model between steel bars and concrete after high-temperature exposure.” Advances in Structural Engineering, Submitted.







1. 高皖扬等. TRM格栅的张拉装置、张拉加固系统及方法

2. 高皖扬等. FRP-混凝土界面粘结滑移本构及荷载位移曲线计算方法(实审)

3. 高皖扬等. 一种高温后钢筋-混凝土粘结强度的确定方法(实审)

4. 高皖扬等. 混凝土基体、电池电极和结构储能一体化混凝土基体电池(实审)



1. 高皖扬等. 基于ABAQUS的FRP筋混凝土受弯构件耐火性能模拟软件V1.0

2. 高皖扬等. 基于Matlab的火灾后钢筋-混凝土的粘结滑移本构模型及界面强度预测软件

3. 高皖扬等. 基于ABAQUS的FRP加固受火损伤钢筋混凝土柱轴压性能分析软件v1.0


1. 知行筑魂、教赛强基、学研赋能、土木工程卓越人才培养探索与实践,上海市教学成果奖,二等奖,上海市教育委员会,2022年,排序9.

2. Savoring East and West, the Digital Pioneer of Asian-European Dining,第九届中国国际互联网+”大学生创业创新大赛,优胜奖,上海市教育委员会,2023年,指导老师.

3. 第四届SAMPE“纤维复合材料在土木工程领域的创新应用设计学生竞赛优秀奖,2023年,指导教师.

4. 第六届中国国际互联网+”生态环境创新创业大赛金奖组(季军)2023年,指导老师.

5. 36365线路检测中心优异学士学位论文(Top 1%),2023年,指导老师.

6.  中国国际大学生创新大赛国际赛道研究生创意组金奖2024年,指导老师.

7. 第二届全国高校土建类学科(专业)优秀学位论文硕士组一等奖2024年,指导老师.















周默苇 (毕业去向:厦门金洱利房地产开发有限公司)



















1. Three-Level Fire Resistance Design of FRP-Strengthened RC Members, 香港工程师学会创新应用大奖 (Grand Award), 国际学术奖励,香港工程师学会(HKIE),2019年,排序1.

2. 高性能混凝土结构火安全及其可恢复性关键技术,山东省科学技术进步奖,一等奖,山东省科技厅,2022年,排序12.

3. 装配式大跨度空腔楼盖耐火排烟一体化关键技术及工程应用中国产学研合作创新成果奖优秀奖中国产学研合作促进会2022年,排序2.

4. Finite Element Modeling of Insulated FRP-Strengthened RC Beams Exposed to Fire最佳会议论文奖国际土木工程FRP学会2010.

5. Simple Method for Predicting Fire Resistance of Un-protected FRP-Strengthened RC Beams最佳会议论文奖,第十三届国际结构工程研讨会,2014.

6. 喷射复材网格增强水泥基复合材料加固受火后混凝土板的试验研究,第九届全国结构抗火研讨会优秀论文,兰州,2017.

7. TRE加固受火损伤钢筋混凝土柱的轴压性能研究,第十二届全国建设工程FRP应用技术交流会暨第一届碳纤维复合材料工程应用研讨会优秀会议报告奖,常州,2023.


1. 2024年度上海市东方英才青年项目

    2. 连续入选2023、2024年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单

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