





  2007/09 - 2011/10,香港理工大学,物流与航运学系,博士

  2003/09 - 2006/01,东北财经大学,统计学, 硕士


  2019/01 - 今,    36365线路检测中心,交通运输工程系, 副教授 博士研究生导师

  2012/10 - 2018/12, 36365线路检测中心,国际航运系,   讲师 硕士研究生导师

  2011/01 - 2012/10, 香港理工大学,物流与航运学系, 讲师

  2006/07 - 2007/08, 香港理工大学,物流与航运学系, 助理研究员





1、SSCI期刊《Maritime Policy & Management》副主编(Associate Editors)






4、上海市浦江人才计划, 基于综合航运数据库的船舶资产评估研究与系统开发,负责人




8、36365线路检测中心文理交叉基金重点项目,北冰洋航线营运战略研究, 参与人






1.            Zaib Ali, Yin Jingbo*, Khan Rafi Ullah. Determining Role of Human Factors in Maritime Transportation Accidents by Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis (FFTA) [J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10(3).

2.            Shi Wenming, Gong Yuting, Yin Jingbo, Nguyen Son, Liu Qian. Determinants of dynamic dependence between the crude oil and tanker freight markets: A mixed-frequency data sampling copula model [J]. Energy, 2022, 254.

3.            Khan Rafi Ullah, Yin Jingbo*, Mustafa Faluk Shair, Wang Siqi. Analyzing human factor involvement in sustainable hazardous cargo port operations [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 250.

4.            Khan Rafi Ullah, Yin Jingbo*, Mustafa Faluk Shair, Farea Adhban Omar Ahmad. A data centered human factor analysis approach for hazardous cargo accidents in a port environment [J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2022, 75.

5.            Fan Lixian, Yu Yao, Yin Jingbo*. Impact of Sulphur Emission Control Areas on port state control's inspection outcome [J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2022.

6.            Zhang Xiayan, Yin Jingbo*. Assessment of investment decisions in bulk shipping through fuzzy real options analysis [J]. Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2021.

7.            Wang Siqi, Yin Jingbo*, Khan Rafi Ullah, Hu Qi-zhou. Integrated Optimization Strategy for Sustainable Shared Designated Driver Ferry Vehicle Scheduling [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, 2021: 1-11.

8.            Wang Jun, Yin Jingbo*, Khan Rafi Ullah, Wang Siqi, Zheng Tie. A Study of Inbound Logistics Mode Based on JIT Production in Cruise Ship Construction [J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13(3).

9.            KhanID Rafi Ullah, Yin Jingbo*, Mustafa Faluk Shair. Accident and pollution risk assessment for hazardous cargo in a port environment [J]. PLOS ONE, 2021, 16(6): 20.

10.        Khan Rafi Ullah, Yin Jingbo*, Mustafa Faluk Shair, Anning Ni. Risk assessment for berthing of hazardous cargo vessels using Bayesian networks [J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2021, 210.

11.        Fan Lixian, Xu Yuhan, Luo Meifeng, Yin Jingbo*. Modeling the interactions among green shipping policies [J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2021, 49(1): 62-77.

12.        Fan Lixian, Gu Bingmei, Yin Jingbo*. Investment incentive analysis for second-hand vessels [J]. Transport Policy, 2021, 106: 215-25.

13.        Wang Zhaochen, Yin Jingbo*. Risk assessment of inland waterborne transportation using data mining [J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2020, 47(5): 633-48.

14.        Wang Siqi, Yin Jingbo*, Khan Rafi Ullah. The Multi-State Maritime Transportation System Risk Assessment and Safety Analysis [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(14).

15.        Khan Rafi Ullah, Yin Jingbo*, Mustafa Faluk Shair, Liu Hailong. Risk Assessment and Decision Support for Sustainable Traffic Safety in Hong Kong Waters [J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 72893-909.

16.        Khan R. U., Jingbo Yin, Mustafa F. S. Factors Affecting Crash Frequencies: A Negative Binomial Regression Based Analysis of Indus Highway, Pakistan [J]. MATEC Web of Conferences, 2019, 296: 01005 (6 pp.)- (6 pp.).

17.        Fan Lixian, Zhang Zimeng, Yin Jingbo*, Wang Xingyuan. The efficiency improvement of port state control based on ship accident Bayesian networks [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2019, 233(1): 71-83.

18.        Fan Lixian, Zhang Zimeng, Yin Jingbo*. Improving the Efficiency of Port State Control Using Bayesian Network [J]. Operations Research and Management Science, 2019, 28(8): 107-15.

19.        Fan Lixian, Wang Mengying, Yin Jingbo*. The impacts of risk level based on PSC inspection deficiencies on ship accident consequences [J]. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2019, 33.

20.        Yin Jingbo, Wu Yijie, Lu Linjun. Assessment of investment decision in the dry bulk shipping market based on real options thinking and the shipping cycle perspective [J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2018, 46(3): 330-43.

21.        Yin Jingbo, Shi Jinhao. Seasonality patterns in the container shipping freight rate market [J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2018, 45(2): 159-73.

22.        Yin Jingbo, Fan Lixian, Li Kevin X. Second ship registry in flag choice mechanism: The implications for China in promoting a maritime cluster policy [J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 107: 152-65.

23.        Yin Jingbo, Fan Lixian. Survival analysis of the world ship demolition market [J]. Transport Policy, 2018, 63: 141-56.

24.        Yang Zhisen, Yang Zaili, Yin Jingbo, Qu Zhuohua. A risk-based game model for rational inspections in port state control [J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 118: 477-95.

25.        Yang Zhisen, Yang Zaili, Yin Jingbo. Realising advanced risk-based port state control inspection using data-driven Bayesian networks [J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 110: 38-56.

26.        Wu Yijie, Yin Jingbo*, Sheng Pan. The Dynamics of Dry Bulk Shipping Market Under the Shipping Cycle Perspective: Market Relationships and Volatility [J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2018, 2672(11): 1-9.

27.        Sheng Pan, Yin Jingbo*. Extracting Shipping Route Patterns by Trajectory Clustering Model Based on Automatic Identification System Data [J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(7).

28.        Fan Lixian, Zhang Zimeng, Yin Jingbo*, Wang Xingyuan. The efficiency improvement of port state control based on ship accident Bayesian networks [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2018, 233(1): 71-83.

29.        Fan Lixian, Zhang Sijie, Yin Jingbo*. Structural Analysis of Shipping Fleet Capacity [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018, 2018: 1-11.

30.        Qin Zeru, Yin Jingbo*, Cao Zhiqiang. Evaluation of Effects of Ship Emissions Control Areas [J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2017, 2611(1): 50-5.

31.        Fan Lixian, Ye Yuanhui, Yin Jingbo*. Bayesian Network Modeling in Maritime Safety [J]. Journal of Navigation of China, 2017, 40(4): 61-5,85.

32.        Yin Jingbo, Luo Meifeng, Fan Lixian. Dynamics and interactions between spot and forward freights in the dry bulk shipping market [J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2016, 44(2): 271-88.

33.        Fan Lixian, Wang Xingyuan, Yin Jingbo*. Application of Integrated Model of AHP and QFD in Evaluation of International Shipping Center [J]. Journal of Navigation of China, 2016, 39(3): 104-8,23.

34.        Jin Jian Gang, Lu Linjun, Sun Lijun, Yin Jingbo. Optimal allocation of protective resources in urban rail transit networks against intentional attacks [J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 2015, 84: 73-87.

35.        Fan Lixian, Yin Jingbo*, Cheng Yaoyao. Evolution of Liner Freight Rates Using Cointegration Test with Regime Shifts [J]. Journal of Navigation of China, 2015, 38(4): 116-20.

36.        Fan Lixian, Yin Jingbo*. Analysis of structural changes in container shipping [J]. Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2015, 18(2): 174-91.

37.        Li Kevin X., Yin Jingbo*, Luo Meifeng, Wang Jin. Leading factors in job satisfaction of Chinese seafarers [J]. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2014, 6(6): 680-93.

38.        Li Kevin X., Yin Jingbo*, Fan Lixian. Ship safety index [J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2014, 66: 75-87.

39.        Fan Lixian, Luo Meifeng, Yin Jingbo*. Flag choice and Port State Control inspections—Empirical evidence using a simultaneous model [J]. Transport Policy, 2014, 35: 350-7.

40.        Yin Jingbo, Fan Lixian, Yang Zhongzhen, Li Kevin X. Slow steaming of liner trade: its economic and environmental impacts [J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2013, 41(2): 149-58.

41.        Li Kevin X., Yin Jingbo, Bang Hee Seok, Yang Zaili, Wang Jin. Bayesian network with quantitative input for maritime risk analysis [J]. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2012, 10(2): 89-118.

42.        范丽先; 张紫梦; 尹静波;利用贝叶斯网络提高港口国检查效率,运筹与管理,2019,28(8)107-115

43.        范丽先; 王行苑; 尹静波; AHPQFD综合模型及其在航运中心评价中的运用,中国航海, 201639(3)104-108

44.        叶宇旻; 尹静波;宁波港海铁联运现状及建议,中国水运,201515(11)98-100

45.        范丽先; 尹静波; 王兟;基于结构方程模型的快递行业顾客满意度研究,物流技术,2015,34(2):111-113

46.        范丽先; 尹静波; 成瑶瑶;基于阈值协整检验的班轮运价演化模式,中国航海,2015,38(4)116-120

1、航运经济与市场理论 Maritime Economic and Market Theory 本科生课程

2、国际航运管理 International Shipping Management 本科生课程

3、船舶贸易与经营 Ship Purchase Sale and Operation 本科生课程

4、海事法律法规 International Maritime Policy and Regulation 本科生课程

5、交通运输专业导论 Introduction of Transportation 本科生课程

6、租船运营与管理 Management and Practice of Tramp Shipping 本科生课程

7、物流基础理论与案例分析 Basic Theories of Logistic and Case Study 研究生课程(2014-2017)

8、交通运输经济学 Transport Economics 研究生课程(2013-2014)

9、现代航运技术 Modern Shipping Technologies 研究生课程(2014-2015)

10、学术写作、规范与伦理 Academic writing, Integrity and Ethics 研究生课程










10、2013 上海浦江学者



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