2006.9-2010.7 香港城市大学建筑学与土木工程系, 博士
2003.9-2006.7 上海大学上海市应用数学和力学研究所,流体力学,硕士
1999.9-2003.7 西北工业大学应用数学系,信息与计算科学,学士
2019.02-至今 36365线路检测中心36365线路检测中心 交通运输工程系 长聘教规副教授(博导)
2010.10-2019.01 上海海事大学物流研究中心 讲师 副教授
2017.09-2018.11 美国康乃尔大学 访问学者
2016.07-2016.09 香港城市大学 Research Fellow
1 人工智能与智能交通 (Application of AI in Intelligent Transport System)
2 新能源车及其能耗分析(New energy vehicles and energy consumption)
3 交通、环境与健康研究 (Transportation, Environment and Community Healthy)
4 无人机在交通及其环境中的应用研究(Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Transportation and Environment)
(Students who are interested in joining our group for Master or Ph.D program are all welcome to contact me via hongdihe@sjtu.edu.cn. Preferred background: Transportation, Environment, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science and other related major)
2021.05-至今 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委
2017.08-至今 世界交通运输大会 交叉学部 交通污染技术委员会主席
2016.09-至今 上海市力学学会 交通流动力学与数据科学专业委员会委员
2014.06-至今 交通科学与计算专题研讨会 组委会成员
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 智能网联环境下混动车油耗与电池能耗的协同优化研究, 2025-2028, 项目负责人
上海市新能源汽车公共数据采集与监测研究中心2024揭榜挂帅项目,基于通用预训练算法的电动车电池状态评估与预警, 2024-2025, 项目负责人
上海市2023年度“科技创新行动计划”软科学研究项目, 上海新能源车服务产业的数据基础制度建设路径研究, 2023-2024, 项目负责人
36365线路检测中心-康奈尔大学合作项目:Spatiotemporal Distributions of Traffic-related Carbon Emission in Near-road Neighbourhoods,2022-2023,项目负责人
36365线路检测中心-大阪大学合作项目:Assessment of mobility as a service (MaaS) in sustainable development,2019-2020,项目负责人
[1] He, HD*, LU, DN., Zhao, HM, Peng, ZR. Characterizing CO2 and NOx emission of vehicles crossing toll stations in highway. Trans. Res. Part D, 2024, 126: 104024.
[2] Huang, H.C., Li, BW., Wang, YZ., Zhang, Z. He, H.D*. Analysis of factors influencing energy consumption of electric vehicles: Statistical, predictive, and causal perspectives. Applied Energy, 2024, 375: 124110.
[3] Huang, HC, He, HD*, Peng, ZR. Urban-scale estimation model of carbon emissions for ride-hailing electric vehicles during operational phase. Energy, 2024, 293: 130665.
[4] Zhao, HM, He, HD*, Lu, DN, Zhou, D, Lu, CX, Fang, XR, Peng, ZR. Evaluation of CO2 and NOx emissions from container diesel trucks using a portable emissions measurement system, Build. Environ. 2024, 252: 111266.
[5] Zhang, Z., Gao, K., He, HD*., Cui, SH., Hu, LY., Yu, Q., Peng, ZR. Environmental impacts of ridesplitting considering modal substitution and associations with built environment. Trans. Res. Part D, 2024, 130: 104160.
[6] He, H.D*., Wang, Z.Y., Zhao, H.M., Pan, W., Lu, W.Z. Spatial-temporal distribution and pedestrian exposure assessment of size-fractionated particles on crosswalk of urban intersection. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30: 83917-83928.
[7] Zhang, Z., Gao, K., He, HD*., Yang, JM., Jia R., Peng, ZR. How do travel characteristics of ridesplitting affect its benefits in emission reduction? evidence from Chengdu. Trans. Res. Part D, 2023, 123: 103912.
[8] Liu, R., He, H.D*., Zhang, Z., Wu, C.L., Yang, J.M., Zhu, X.H., Peng, Z.R. Integrated MOVES model and machine learning method for prediction of CO2 and NO from light-duty gasoline vehicle. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 422, 138612.
[9] Wu, C.L., He, H.D*., Song, R.F., Zhu, X.H., Peng, Z.R., Fu, Q.Y., Pan, J. A hybrid deep learning model for regional O3 and NO2 concentrations prediction based on spatiotemporal dependencies in air quality monitoring network. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 320, 121075.
[10] Liu, X., Shi, X.Q., Peng, Z.R*., He, H.D*. Quantifying the effects of urban fabric and vegetation combination pattern to mitigate particle pollution in near-road areas using machine learning. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 93: 104524.
[11] Lu, D.N., He, H.D*., Zhao, H.M., Lu, K.F., Peng, Z.R., Li, J*. Quantification of traffic-related carbon emission on elevated roads through on-road measurement. Environmental Research, 2023, 116200.
[12] Lu, D.N., He, H.D*., Wang, Z., Zhao, H.M., Peng, Z.R. Impact of urban viaducts on the vertical distribution of fine particles in street canyons. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2023, 14, 101726.
[13] Huang, H.C., Cheng, J., Shi, B.C., He, H.D*. Multi-step forecasting of short-term traffic flow based on Intrinsic Pattern Transform. Physica A. 2023,621, 128798.
[14] Zhu, X.H., He, H.D*., Lu, K.F., Peng, Z.R*., Gao, H.O. Characterizing carbon emissions from China V and China VI gasoline vehicles based on portable emission measurement systems,Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 378, 134458.
[15] Li, C., He, H.D*, Peng, Z.R. Spatial distributions of particulate matter in neighborhoods along the highway using unmanned aerial vehicle in Shanghai. Building and Environment, 2022. 211: 108754.
[16] Wu, C.L., He, H.D*., Song, R.F., Peng, Z.R. Prediction of air pollutants on roadside of the elevated roads with combination of pollutants periodicity and deep learning method. Building Environment 2022, 207: 108436.
[17] Zhang, Z., He, H.D*., Yang, J.M., Wang, H.W., Peng, Z.R. Spatiotemporal evolution of NO2 diffusion in Beijing in response to COVID-19 lockdown using complex network. Chemosphere, 2022. 293: 133631.
[18] Zhao, H.M., He, H.D*., Lu, K.F., Hang, X.L., Ding, Y*., Peng, Z.R. Measuring the impact of an exogenous factor: An exponential smoothing model of the response of shipping to COVID-19. Transport Policy, 2022, 118: 91-100.
[19] Jiang, Y. H., Li, B., He, H.D*., Li, X. B., Wang, D. S., & Peng, Z. R. Identification of the atmospheric boundary layer structure through vertical distribution of PM2. 5 obtained by unmanned aerial vehicle measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 2022, 119084.
[20] Zhu, X. H., Lu, K. F., Peng, Z. R*., He, H. D*., & Xu, S. Q. Spatiotemporal variations of carbon dioxide (CO2) at Urban neighborhood scale: Characterization of distribution patterns and contributions of emission sources. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022, 78, 103646.
[21] Liu, X., Shi, X. Q., He, H. D*., & Peng, Z. R*. Distribution characteristics of submicron particle influenced by vegetation in residential areas using instrumented unmanned aerial vehicle measurements. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022, 78, 103616.
[22] Liu, R., Wang, F.T., Wang, Z.P., Wu, C.L., He, H.D*. Identification of Subway Track Irregularities Based on Detection Data of Portable Detector. Transportation Research Record, 2022. 03611981221097088.
[23] He, H.D*., Gao, H. Oliver. Particulate Matter Exposure at a Densely Populated Urban Traffic Intersection and Crosswalk. Environmental Pollution. 2021, 268:115931 (ESI).
[24] Wu, C.L., Wang, H.W., Cai, W.J., He, H.D*., Ni, A.N., Peng, Z.R. Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on roadside traffic-related air pollution in Shanghai, China. Building Environment 2021, 194: 107718.
[25] Zhao, H.M., He, H.D*., Zhao, J.Q., Ding, Y., Peng, Z.R., Wang, H.W. Characterizing the Particle Variations and Human Exposure in Port and Urban Areas. Transportation Research Record 2021, 2675: 669-684.
[26] Song, R.F., Wang, D.S., Li, X.B., Li, B., Peng, Z.R., He, H.D*. Characterizing vertical distribution patterns of PM2.5 in low troposphere of Shanghai city, China: Implications from the perspective of unmanned aerial vehicle observations. Atmosphere Environment 2021, 265: 118724.
[27] Wang, Z.Y., He, H.D*., Zhao, H.M., Peng, Z.R. Spatiotemporal analysis of pedestrian exposure to submicron and coarse particulate matter on crosswalk at urban intersection. Building Environment 2021, 204:108149.
[28] Tanvir, M.R.A., He, H.D*., Peng, Z.R. Spatio-temporal variability in black carbon concentrations at highway toll plaza: Comparison between manual and electronic toll lanes. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2021, 12: 286-294.
[29] Jia, Y.P., Lu, K.F., Zheng, T., Li, X.B., Liu, X., Peng, Z.R., He, H.D*. Effects of roadside green infrastructure on particle exposure: A focus on cyclists and pedestrians on pathways between urban roads and vegetative barriers. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2021, 12: 1-12.
[30] Luo, Z.G., Wang, Z.Y., Wang, H.W., He, H.D*., Peng, Z.R. Characterizing spatiotemporal distributions of black carbon and PM2.5 at a toll station: Observations on manual and electronic toll collection lanes. Building Environment 2021, 199: 107933.
[31] Zheng, T., Wang, H.W., Li, X.B., Peng, Z.R., He, H.D*. Impacts of traffic on roadside particle variations in varied temporal scales. Atmospheric Environment 2021, 253: 118354.
[32] He, H.D*., Lu, W.Z. Comparison of three prediction strategies within PM2.5 and PM10 monitoring networks. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2020, 11: 590-597.
[33] Chen, Q., Li, X.B., Song, R.F., Wang, H.W., Li, B., He, H.D*., Peng, Z.R. Development and utilization of hexacopter unmanned aerial vehicle platform to characterize vertical distribution of boundary layer ozone in wintertime. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2020, 11: 1073-1083.
[34] Lu, K.F., He, H.D., Wang, H.W., Li, X.B., Peng, Z.R. Characterizing temporal and vertical distribution patterns of traffic-emitted pollutants near an elevated expressway in urban residential areas. Building Environment 2020, 106678.
[35] Wang, H.W., Li, X.B., Wang, D.S., Zhao, J., He, H.D*., Peng, Z.R. Regional prediction of ground-level ozone using a hybrid sequence-to-sequence deep learning approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 253:19841.1
[36] Li, X.B., Peng, Z.R., Lu, Q.C., Wang, D.F., Hu, X.M., Wang, D.S., Li, B., Fu, Q.Y., Xiu, G.L. He, H.D*. Evaluation of unmanned aerial system in measuring lower tropospheric ozone and fine aerosol particles using portable monitors. Atmospheric Environment 2020, 117134.
[37] He, H.D*., Li, M., Wang, W.L., Wang, Z.Y., Xue, Y. Prediction of PM2.5 Concentration based on the Similarity in Air Quality Monitoring Network. Building Environment 2018, 137:11-17.
[38] He, H.D*., Zhang, C.Y., Wang, W.L., Hao, Y.Y., Ding, Y. Feedback control scheme for traffic jam and energy consumption based on two-lane traffic flow model. Transportation Research Part D 2018, 60:76-84.
[39] He, H.D., Shi, W., Lu,W.Z. Investigation of exhaust gas dispersion in the near-wake region of a light-duty vehicle. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2017, 31:775-783.
[40] He, H.D*., Qiao, Z.X., Pan, W., Lu,W.Z. Multiscale multifractal properties between ground-level ozone and its precursors in rural area in Hong Kong. Journal of environmental management 2017, 196: 270-277.
[41] He, H.D*. Multifractal analysis of interactive patterns between meteorological factors and pollutants in urban and rural areas. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 149:47-54.
[42] He, H.D., Pan, W., Lu, W. Z., Xue, Y. Multifractal property and long-range cross-correlation behavior of particulate matters at urban traffic intersection in Shanghai. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2016, 30:1515-1525.
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[44] He, H.D., Lu, W. Z., Xue, Y. Prediction of Particulate Matter at Urban Intersection by using Multilayer Perceptron Model based on Principal Components. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2015, 29: 2107-2114.
[45] He, H.D., Lu, W. Z., Xue, Y. Prediction of Particulate Matter at Urban Intersection by using Artificial Neural Networks combined with Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Building Environment 2014, 78:111-117.
[46] He, H.D., Lu, W.Z. Spectral analysis of vehicle pollutants at traffic intersection in Hong Kong. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2012, 26:1053–1061.
[47] He, H.D., Lu, W.Z. Decomposition of Pollution Contributors to Urban Ozone Levels Concerning Regional and Local Scales. Building Environment 2012, 49:97-103.
[48] He, H.D., Lu, W.Z. Urban Aerosol Particulates on Hong Kong roadsides: Size Distribution and Concentration Levels with Time. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2012, 26:177-187.
[49] He, H.D., Lu, W.Z., Dong, L.Y. An Improved Cellular Automaton Model Considering Effect of Traffic Lights and Driving Behavior. Chinese Physics B 2011, 20:040514.
[50] He, H.D., Lu, W.Z., Dong, L.Y. Jam formation of traffic flow in harbor tunnel. Communications in Theoretical Physics 2011, 56:1140.
[51] Lu, W.Z., He, H.D. Andrew Y T Leung, Assessing air quality in Hong Kong: A proposed, revised air pollution index (API). Building Environment 2011, 46:2562-2569.
[52] Lu, W.Z., He, H.D., Dong, L.Y. Performance assessment of air quality monitoring networks using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Building Environment 2011, 46:577-583.
[53] He, H.D., Lu, W.Z., Xue, Y. Prediction of PM10 concentrations at urban traffic intersections using semi-empirical box modelling with instantaneous velocity and acceleration. Atmospheric Environment 2009, 43:6336-6342.
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本科生课程 《运筹学》(校级课程思政示范课程)
研究生课程 《交通环境工程》
36365线路检测中心教学发展基金:交通强国战略下面向交通运输专业《运筹学》课程的实践教学研究,2021-2022,项目负责人 (结题优秀)
何红弟,王梓烨,吴翠林。 线上与线下学习效果的评价对比及对策研究-以《运筹学》为例。中国教育信息化,2022,28(04):87-92.
何红弟,卢丹妮,徐思晴. 校园防疫案例融入运筹学思政教学中的设计与探索. 大学数学,2024,40(02): 120-125.
【新民晚报】核酸检测与流体力学 校园送餐与运筹学和控制论 来看上海交大课堂里这些案例研究
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何红弟,宋瑞峰,金梦怡,陈骞、高雅. 便携式大气污染物监测智能背包,实用新型专利,2021.
何红弟,李白,曹蓉,鲁开发、罗祯广. 一种用于大气环境三维监测的智能吊舱系统,实用新型专利,2022.
2023年 第六届上海新能源汽车大数据竞赛二等奖(3/543),指导老师
2022年 第五届上海新能源汽车大数据竞赛一等奖(1/492),指导老师
2021年 第三届“交通·未来”大学生科创作品大赛一等奖,指导老师
2021年 36365线路检测中心2021年度教学成果奖一等奖
2013年 上海市教学成果二等奖
2012年 上海市浦江人才计划