1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于多源数据融合的深水中微子望远镜水下定位方法研究,2023-2025(负责人)
2. 三亚崖州湾菁英人才科技专项,基于深度学习视觉的深远海极端波浪高速测量算法研究,2022-2024(负责人)
3. 海南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于强化学习和虚拟模型实验的无人机着艇算法研究,2021-2024(负责人)
4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,深海平台极端海况模型实验环境识别与实型预报方法研究,2021-2025(主要研究人员)
5. 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,基于视觉感知的单摄像头波浪场测量算法研究,2020-2023(负责人)
6. 浦东新区科技发展基金,基于人工智能广域视觉感知的波浪测量系统开发,2020-2022(合作单位负责人)
1. 海洋装备环境感知与数据融合方向
[1] Wei H, Xiao L*, Cheng Z, et al. Measuring near-field wave elevation with monocular vision using self-supervised learning techniques[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2024, 208: 111086.
[2] Wei H, Xiao L*, Tian X, et al. A Hybrid Vision-based Method of Encountered Wave Field Measurement for Navigating Surface Vehicles[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023.
[3] Li D, Xiao L, Wei H*, et al. Spatial-temporal measurement of waves in laboratory based on binocular stereo vision and image processing[J]. Coastal Engineering, 2022, 177: 104200.
[4] Li D, Wei H*, Xiao L, et al. Stereo vision-based measurement of wave evolution around square column in laboratory[J]. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 2023.
[5] Xu W, Yang J*, Wei H, et al. Error-state Kalman filter-based localization algorithm with velocity estimation for deep-sea mining vehicle[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 264: 112331.
[6] 甘兴旺, 魏汉迪*, 肖龙飞, 等. 基于视觉的船舶环境感知数据融合算法研究[J]. 中国造船, 2021.
[7] 李昊波, 肖龙飞*, 魏汉迪, 刘明月. 基于LSTM网络的浮式海洋平台运动在线预报研究[J].船舶力学, 2019
2. 海洋工程混合模型实验方向
[1] Wei H, Xiao L*, Tian X, et al. Four-level screening method for multi-variable truncation design of deepwater mooring system[J]. Marine Structures, 2017, 51: 40-64.
[2] Wei H, Xiao L*, Tian X, et al. Hybrid model testing using pre-offset and asymmetric truncation design for deepwater semi-submersible with highly compliant mooring system[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2018, 23(3): 536-556.
[3] Wei H, Xiao L*, Liu M, Kou Y. Data-driven model and key features based on supervised learning for truncation design of mooring and riser system[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 224: 108743.
[4] Li X, Wei H*, Xiao L, et al. Study on the effects of mooring system stiffness on air gap response[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 239: 109798.
[5] Li X, Wei H*, Xiao L, et al. Virtual model testing method for deepwater floating system[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266: 113041.
3. 海洋结构物非线性水动力分析方向:
[1] Wei H, Xiao L*, Tian X, et al. Nonlinear coupling and instability of heave, roll and pitch motions of semi-submersibles with bracings[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2018, 83: 171-193.
[2] Wei H, Xiao L*, Low Y M, et al. Effects of bracings and motion coupling on resonance features of semi-submersible platform under irregular wave conditions[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2020, 92: 102783.
[3] Wei H, Xiao L*, Liu M, et al. Vulnerability criterion of nonlinear coupled resonance for semi-submersible platform using classification algorithm[J]. Marine Structures, 2022, 83: 103183.
[4] Fang Z, Xiao L*, Wei H, et al. Severe wave run-ups on fixed surface-piercing square column under focused waves[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(6): 063308.
[5] Guo Y, Xiao L*, Lu W, Wei H, Li L, Deng Y. Spatial distribution and interference of wave impact loads among structural components of a semi-submersible[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 212: 107671.
[6] Zhang N, Zhang X*, Xiao L, Wei H, Chen W. Evaluation of long-term power capture performance of a bistable point absorber wave energy converter in South China Sea[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 237: 109338.
[7] Guo Y, Xiao L, Wei H, et al. Classification and Comparison of Wave Impact Modes on Semi-Submersibles[J]. China Ocean Engineering, 2021, 35(2): 161-175.
[8] Li Y, Peng T*, Xiao L, Wei H, Li X , Wave runup prediction for a semi-submersible based on temporal convolutional neural network[J]. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 2022.
[9] Wei H, Xiao L*, Tian X. Nonlinear coupling of heave and pitch for a semi-submersible platform with bracings[C]//The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 2016.
[10] Wei H, Xiao L*, Li X, et al. Empirical Truncation Design of Deepwater Mooring System Using Supervised Learning Method[C]//International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, 51272: V07BT06A023.
[11] Guo Y, Xiao L*, Wei H, et al. Wave Impact Load and Corresponding Nonlinear Response of a Semi-Submersible[C]//International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019, 58769: V001T01A062.
[12] Zhang N, Xiao L*, Wei H, et al. Spatial Distribution of Impact Pressure Impulse on a Semi-Submersible in Irregular Waves[C]//International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, 85895: V05AT06A023.
[13] 魏汉迪, 肖龙飞*, 田新亮, 冯玮. 半潜式平台运动的非线性耦合数学模型研究[J].中国造船, 2017