




  • 教育背景
    Case Western Reserve University,博士, 2013年8月-2018年8月
    天津大学, 硕士,2010年9月-2013年1月
    天津大学, 工学/管理学学士,2006年9月-2010年7月

  • 工作经历

    Case Western Reserve University,高级研究助理(Research Associate),2018年10月至2019年9月
    Indiana Geology and Water Survey,Indiana University,研究助理(Research Assistant),2018年1月至2018年8月
    Case Western Reserve University,研究助理(Research Assistant),2013年8月至2018年8月



1. 期刊任职:
期刊Journal of Testing and Evaluation编委
2. 审稿人:
(1)Energy, Applied Energy,Renewable Energy,Applied Thermal Engineering, Energy Strategy, Geotechnical Testing Journal等高水平期刊审稿人
(2)ASCE Geo-Shanghai 2018, ASCE Geo-Chicago 2016, 2016 International Conference on Transportation, Infrastructure and Materials, Geo-Institute of ASCE, IFCEE 2015等会议审稿人
3. 学术组织任职:
ASCE Geo-Institute, Engineering Geology and Site Characterization Committee委员




1. 上海市城市建设设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,静钻根植桩技术在上海市域铁路工程的研究与应用,2024.1-2024.12,主持

2. 上海浅层地热能工程技术研究中心开放课题,滨海软土新型微胶囊相变能源桩换热承载机理研究,2023.4-2024.10,主持

3.    国家自然科学基金青年项目,42007233,膨润土基微胶囊相变回填材料的特性及对地源热泵能效提升机理研究,2021.1-2023.12,主持

4.     上海市科技创新行动计划扬帆计划项目,20YF1418700,循环温度荷载下微胶囊相变能源桩的热--力响应特性及增效机理研究,2020.7-2023.6,主持

5.     36365线路检测中心双一流建设项目人才启动经费,WF220501012,2019.10-2022.12,主持

6.     Think[Box] FundEstablish a Lab-scale Single Borehole Geothermal Heat Pump System2017.2-2017.12,主持

曾参与多个美国国家自然科学基金,美国交通部,美国Geological Survey等项目课题。


1.     Chaoran Wang, Xiong (Bill) Yu, Chanjuan Han*, “Performance prediction of a ground source heat pump system using denoised Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network optimized by fast Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II”, Geothermics, vol.120, 103002, 2024. (2区,IF:3.9)

2.     Kehao Chen, Yang Shen, Jiaxin Liu, Chaoran Wang, Chanjuan Han*. “Thermomechanical Performance Analysis of MicroPCM-Enhanced Energy Pile Concrete: A Multiscale Numerical Study and Formulation Design Implications”, Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 86, p. 108791, 2024. (2Top期刊,IF:6.4)

3.     Xuan Cao, Gangqiang Kong*, Chanjuan Han*. “Feasibility assessment of implementing energy pile based snowmelt system on a practical bridge deck in diverse climate conditions across China”, Energy, vol. 290, p. 130317, 2024. (1Top期刊,IF:9)

4.     Jiaxin Liu, Chanjuan Han*. “Design and Optimization of Heat Extraction Section in Energy Tunnel Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm”, Renewable Energy, vol.123pp:218-232, 2023. (1Top期刊,IF:8.7)

5.       Bo Qu, Tianle Liu, Cheng Gong, Jiaxin Liu, Yang Shen, Kehao Chen, Chanjuan Han*. “Investigation of Microencapsulate Phase Change Material-based Energy Pile Group: Energy Analysis and Optimization Design”, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.381, p.135204, 2023. (1Top期刊,IF:11.072)

6.       Yang Shen, Bo Qu, Kehao Chen, Cheng Gong, Chanjuan Han*,Environmental and Energy Benefits Assessment of Alkali-activated Concrete (AAC) Energy Pile”, Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 61, p. 105282, 2022. (2Top期刊,IF:7.144)

7.       Chanjuan Han, Y. Shen, K. Chen, C. Gong, T. Liu, and B. Qu, "Characteristics and energy performance of novel MicroPCM C50 energy pile in cooling mode," Energy and Buildings, vol. 274, p. 112442, 2022. (2Top期刊,IF:7.201)

8.       Q. Ai, YongYuan, Xiaomo Jiang, Hui Wang, Chanjuan Han, Xingchun Huang, Kun Wang. "Pathological diagnosis of the seepage of a mountain tunnel," Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol. 128, p. 104657, 2022. (2Top期刊,IF:7.5)

9.       Chanjuan Han*, Chentao Zhu, Yang Shen, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “Energy, Environmental and Economic Performance Evaluation of Energy Pile System under Different Climate Conditions”, Energy Conversion and Management. vol. 252, p. 115041, 2022. (1Top期刊,IF:11.533)

10.     刘佳欣,韩婵娟*,蔡国庆*. “基于模拟退火算法的能源隧道取热段最优化设计”, 深圳大学学报, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 3-12, 2022. (中文核心)

11.     Xijin Zhang, Xudong Fan, Chanjuan Han, Yanjun Li, Erik J. Price, Gary Wnek, Ya-Ting T. Liao, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “Novel strategies to grow natural fibers with improved thermal stability and fire resistance”, Journal of Cleaner Production,320,128729,2021. (1Top期刊, IF:11.072)

12.   Chanjuan Han*; Xiong (Bill) Yu. “Analyses of the thermo-hydro-mechanical responses of energy pile subjected to non-isothermal heat exchange condition”, Renewable Energy, vol.157, pp. 150-163, 2020. (1Top期刊,IF:8.634)

13.   Chanjuan Han, Guangxi Wu, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “Performance Analyses of Geothermal and Geothermoelectrical Pavement Snow Melting System”, ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, vol. 144(6), 2018. (Q3, IF:1.961)

14.   Chanjuan Han, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “An Innovative Energy Pile Technology to Expand the Viability of Geothermal Bridge Deck Snow Melting for Different United States Regions: Computational Assisted Feasibility Analyses”.  Renewable Energy, vol. 123, pp. 417-427, 2018. (1Top期刊,IF:8.643)

15.   Chanjuan Han, K. M. Ellett, S. Naylor, and X. Yu*, "Influence of Local Geological Data on the Performance of Horizontal Ground-coupled Heat Pump System Integrated with Building Thermal Loads," Renewable Energy, vol. 113, pp. 1046-1055, 2017. (1Top期刊,IF:8.643)

16.   Chanjuan Han, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “Feasibility of Geothermal Heat Exchanger Pile-Based Bridge Deck Snow Melting System: A Simulation Based Analysis”, Renewable Energy, vol. 101, pp. 214-224, 2017. (1Top期刊,IF:8.643)

17.   Chanjuan Han, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “Sensitivity Analysis for a Vertical Geothermal Heat Pump system”, Applied Energy, vol. 170, pp. 148-160, 2016. (1Top期刊,IF:11.446)

18.   Chanjuan Han, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “Performance of a Residential Ground Source Heat Pump System in Sedimentary Rock Formation”, Applied Energy, vol. 164, pp. 89-98, 2016. (1Top期刊, IF:11.446)

19.   Yuan Guo, Chanjuan Han, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “Laboratory Characterization and Discrete Element Modeling of Shrinkage and Cracking in Clay Layer”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2018, 55(5): 680-688. (SCI Q1IF: 3.725)

20.   Bin Zhang, Chanjuan Han, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “A Non-Destructive Method to Measure the Thermal Properties of Frozen Soils during Phase Transition”, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 7, pp. 155-162, 2015. (1Top期刊,IF: 6.7)

21.   Chaoran Wang, Chanjuan Han*, “Prediction and optimization of heat extraction in ground source heat pump system using surrogate model”, Geo-Shanghai, 2024.

22.   Jiaxin Liu, Chanjuan Han*, “Optimization of phase change energy tunnel design using artificial intelligent algorithm”, Proceeding of World Geothermal Congress, Beijing, 2023.

23.     Xijin Zhang., Xudong Fan, Chanjuan Han, Chen Wang and Xiong (bill) Yu. “Improving Soil Surface Erosion Resistance by Fungal Mycelium.” Geotechnical Special Publication: Foundations, Soil Improvement, and Erosion, vol.315, pp. 523-531,2020. (EI)

24.   Chanjuan Han, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. “Analyses of the Thermo-Mechanical Responses of Energy Pile Foundation in Non-Isothermal Condition”, Geotechnical Special Publication: IFCEE 2018: Installation, Testing, and Analysis of Deep Foundations. vol.294, pp.724-734, 2018. (EI)

25.   Chanjuan Han, Jianying Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. Multimodal Characterization of the Anisotropic Behaviors of Shale Rocks, Geotechnical Special PublicationIFCEE 2018: Advances in Geomaterial Modeling and Site Characterization, vol.295, pp. 408-417, 2018. (EI)

26.   Chanjuan Han, Xiong (Bill) Yu*. Sensitivity Study on Factors Affecting the Heat Exchange in Geothermal Heat Pump System, Geotechnical Special PublicationIFCEE 2015, vol.295, pp.1701-1710, 2015. (EI)


1.     第六届地热青年论坛特邀报告,“低碳能源桩节能减碳效益”,武汉,中国,20241

2.     第四届能源地下结构与工程学术研讨会特邀报告,“低碳能源桩换热承载特性及节能减碳效益研究”,雄安,中国,20239月;

3.     第三届能源地下结构与工程学术研讨会特邀报告,“基于多物理场仿真的浅层地热系统的优化及创新设计”,深圳,中国,202112

4.     美国Oklahoma University土木工程与环境学院邀请报告,“Advanced Multiphysics Simulation and Experimental Characterization of Energy Geosystem”, 俄克拉荷马州, 美国, 20192

5.     1st International Student Web Conference邀请报告,“An Innovative Energy Pile Technology to Expand the Viability of Geothermal Bridge Deck Snow Melting for Different United States Regions”,俄亥俄州,美国,20189

6.     3rd International Conference on Geo-Energy & Geo-Environment邀请报告, “An Innovative Energy Pile Technology to Expand the Viability of Geothermal Bridge Deck Snow Melting for Different United States Regions”,长沙,湖南,201912


1.     2023 World Geothermal Congress,“Optimization of Phase Change Energy Tunnel Design Using Artificial Intelligent Algorithm”,北京,中国,20239月;

2.     2021地热能产业前沿技术创新大会报告,“能量桩系统多场耦合特性研究及创新设计”,安徽,中国,20217

3.     第七届热力学与能源利用青年学者论坛主旨报告,“荷载与冷热温度耦合作用下能源桩热--力响应特性研究”,天津,中国,20215

4.     第三届能源岩土和环境土工国际会议大会报告,“An innovative energy pile technology to expand the viability of geothermal bridge deck snow melting for different United States regions”,长沙,中国,201912

5.     The 98th TRB Annual Conference大会报告,“Bio-mediated Soil Improvement by Fungal Mycelium”,华盛顿,美国,2019

6.     2018 Early Career Geotech Faculty Workshop大会报告,“Innovative Thermally Enhanced Grout with Encapsulated Phase Change Material (PCM) for High Efficiency Geothermal System”, 克利夫兰,美国, 2018

7.     The 97th TRB Annual Conference 大会报告,“Numerical Simulation of Infiltration Induced Fracture in Bentonite Clay”, 华盛顿,美国, 2018

8.     2018 The International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo (IFCEE)大会报告,“Multimodal Characterization of the Anisotropic Behaviors of Shale Rock”, 奥兰多,美国,2018

9.     2016 GeoChicago 大会报告,“Thermal Protection Analyses of Underground Steam Pipe”, 芝加哥,美国,2016

10.   The 95th TRB Annual Conference 大会报告,“Feasibility of Geothermal Heat Exchanger Piles Based Snow Melting System: A Simulation Based Analysis”, 华盛顿,美国,2016

11.   2015 Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference 大会报告,“Experimental and Simulation Analysis of Geothermal Heat Pump System”,斯坦福大学,美国,2015




《36365线路检测中心“学森挑战计划”课程: 破解超级工程的创新密码——探秘上海中心大厦建设》





1. 韩婵娟; 曹璇 ; 能源桩桥面融雪成本测算软件V1.0, 2024SR016808, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2024-1-17 

  • 36365线路检测中心青年教师教学竞赛三等奖;

  • 36365线路检测中心优秀班主任;

  • 美国NSF Early Career Geotech Faculty Workshop Fellowship(美国每年选拔岩土工程领域40位杰出青年代表);

  • 美国CWRU Craig J. Miller Memorial Award(全校2名,被IACIP首期Newsletter报道);

  • 第四届能源地下结构学术研讨会优秀海报奖;

  • “城市之星”上海城市治理青年人才创新大赛银奖(绿色建筑赛道一等奖);

  • 入选2020年上海市扬帆人才计划”

  • 入选2023年上海市东方英才计划青年项目。

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