





1. AI+光测力学


2. 穿戴式传感系统及其可靠性


3. 数字孪生与装备状态诊断分析


1. 中国力学学会 理事,实验力学专业委员会 秘书长(2020-

2. 教育部高等学校力学类专业教学指导委员会 秘书长(2018-

3. 人工智能学会体育人工智能专业委员会 委员 2023-

4.上海市力学学会实验力学专业委员会 主任委员(2024-




1. 国家重点研发计划“国家质量基础设施体系”重点专项项目,柔性电子多物理量监测系统可靠性测试分析技术,2024-2027, 862万元.

2. 国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制项目,复杂结构失稳特征的长时高速高分辨测量仪器研制,2018-2022, 830万元.

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,大范围快速骨肌运动过程的精细动作测量与能效分析,2022-2026, 320万元.

4. 横向合作课题:长期为清华大学承担的大型先进压水堆及高温气冷堆国家科技重大专项实验测试和分析,合作经费总计300.


[1]     Zhihao Shangguan, Shichao Zhou, Shaopeng Ma*. Error mechanism and compensation method of oblique imaging CCD moiré measurement, Optics and Lasers Technology, 2025, 181: 112031. 

[2]     Xiangnan Cheng, Qinwei Ma, Shichao Zhou, Lei Guo, Shaopeng Ma*. Using unsupervised learning based convolutional neural networks to solve digital image correlation, Optics & Lasers Technology, 2025, 180: 111414.

[3]     Zhihao Shangguan, Shaopeng Ma, Shichao Zhou*. Research on the influence of measurement accuracy of the CCD moiré method, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024, 181: 108405.

[4]     Zhihao Shangguan, Shichao Zhou, Shaopeng Ma*. A novel deformation measurement method utilizing ccd moiré , Proceedings of the 26rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Ictam2024.

[5]     Zhihao Shangguan, Tongzhen Xing, Shichao Zhou, Shaopeng Ma*. Research on full-field vibration displacement measurement based on grid CCD moiré method, Optics Communications, 2023, 549(3):129878.

[6]       Yanan Yi, Tongzhen Xing, Guangyuan Liu, Libin Sun, Shaopeng Ma*. Effects of tensile and compressive stresses on damage evolution law of nuclear graphite,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2023, 583(6):154513.

[7]     Xiangnan Cheng, Shi Chao Zhou, Tong Zhen Xiang, Yi Cheng Zhu, Shaopeng Ma*. Solving digital image correlation with neural networks constrained by strain-displacement relations,Optica Publishing Group, 2023, 31(3)3865-3880.

[8]     Shigang Jia, Yanan Yi, Lu Wang, Guangyan Liu*, Qinwei Ma, Libin Sun, Li Shi, Shaopeng Ma*. Study on failure mechanism of line contact structures of nuclear graphite, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2022, 54:2989-2998.

[9]     上官志浩,周士潮,马少鹏*. CCD/CMOS彩色数字相机颜色串扰效应研究, 实验力学, 2022, 13:597-609.

[10]  Haibin Zhu, Xiaojuan Zhang, Chao Wang, Shaopeng Ma*. Improved marker coordinate recognition algorithm incorporating temporal continuity of deformation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 138: 106379.

[11]  Yanan Yi, Guangyan Liu, Guang Lin, Libin Sun, Li Shi, Qinwei Ma, Shaopeng Ma*. Evaluating the dynamic fracture toughness of graphite via accurate determination of the dynamic crack propagation length. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2021, 543: 152502.

[12]  Lu Wang, Guangyan Liu*, Tongzhen Xing, Haibin Zhu, Shaopeng Ma*. Boundary Deformation Measurement by Mesh-Based Digital Image Correlation Method. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11: 53.

[13]  Yanan Yi, Guangyan Liu, Tongzhen Xing, Guang Lin, Libin Sun, Li Shi, Shaopeng Ma*. Investigating the effects of confining pressure on graphite material failure modes and strength criteria. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020, 52: 1571-1578.

[14]  Tongzhen Xing, Haibin Zhu, Lu Wang, Guangyan Liu, Qinwei Ma, Xian Wang*, Shaopeng Ma*. High accuracy measurement of heterogeneous deformation field using spatial-temporal subset digital image correlation. Measurement, 2020, 156: 107605.

[15]  Xianzhi Gao, Guangyan Liu, Lu Wang*, Yanan Yi, Guang Lin, Shaopeng Ma*. Inverse characterisation of gradient distribution of the modulus of bamboo using a four-point bending test. Holzforschung, 2020, 75(7): 0155.

[16]  Yanan Yi, Guangyan Liu, Tongzhen Xing, Guang Lin, Libin Sun, Li Shi, Shaopeng Ma*. Investigating the effects of confining pressure on graphite material failure modes and strength criteria. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2019, 52(7): 1571-1578.

[17]  Guangyan Liu, Lu Wang, Yanan Yi, Libin Sun, Li Shi, Han Jiang, Shaopeng Ma*. Inverse identification of graphite damage properties under complex stress states. Materials and Design, 2019, 183:108135.

[18]  Guangyan Liu, Ruonan Zhang, Yanan Yi, Libin Sun, Li Shi, Han Jiang, Shaopeng Ma*. Experimental and simulation study on stress concentration of graphite components in tension. Mechanics of Materials, 2019, 130: 88-94.

[19]  Haibin Zhu, Xiaojuan Zhang, Jia Li, Lingfeng Chen, Xuejin Liu, Qinwei Ma, Shaopeng Ma*. Quantitative evaluation of Bayer chromatic imaging on the accuracy of photogrammetric measurements. Measurement, 2019, 145:724-734.

[20]  Haibin Zhu, Zhifeng He, Han Jiang, Shaopeng Ma*. Experimental investigation into the failure mechanism of ductile line contact structures. Mechanics of Materials, 2019, 129: 375-380.

[21]  Shaopeng Ma*, Shichao Zhou, Qinwei Ma. Image distortion of working digital camera induced by environmental temperature and camera self-heating. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019, 115: 67-73.

[22]  Jidong Liu, Qinwei Ma, Haibin Zhu, Shaopeng Ma*. Non-scanning measurement of position and attitude using two linear cameras. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019, 112: 46-52.


《核石墨-力学性能测试与分析》刘广彦,易亚楠,马沁巍,马少鹏. —北京:清华大学出版社,2023

1. 指导研究生:近50名(正在指导8名);

2. 主要讲授课程:本科生《实验力学》、《工程实践》、《科研训练》、《力学概论》;研究生《现代实验力学》、《现代力学进展》;

3. 出版教材:《力学专业程序实践》马少鹏,聂建新,马沁巍编著.—北京:北京理工大学出版社,2013

4. 获教学奖项:中国力学学会优秀教师、北京理工大学“优秀师德标兵”、北京市教学成果二等奖2项(其中1项排名第11项排名第4);

5. 教学项目:36365线路检测中心2020年教育教学研究项目——“居家式”力学实验课程建设及实践;

6. 申请36365线路检测中心PRP项目4项、大创项目1项。

[1]     马少鹏, 王超, 马沁巍, 刘振宇, 秦司益. 一种延长高速相机采集时长的方法及系统[P].中国专利:ZL201810259612.0,2019-11-08.

[2]     马沁巍, 刘振宇, 田强, 马少鹏, 徐天宇. 一种精确定位数据采集时刻的系统和方法[P].中国专利:ZL201711338796.1,2019-07-19.

[3]     刘振宇,周朔,马沁巍,田强,马少鹏. 采用微镜阵列投影法的相机采集时间标定系统和方法[P].中国专利:ZL201711338567.X.

[4]     刘振宇,马沁巍,田强,马少鹏,朱少青,乔志正. 光耦合式图像采集时刻标定系统和方法[P].中国专利:ZL201711339263.5.

[5]     马沁巍, 刘贺同, 马少鹏. 基于图像测量技术的接触面积测量系统[P].中国专利:ZL201410743752.7,2017-02-22.

[6]     马沁巍, 刘贺同, 马少鹏. 基于图像测量技术的接触面积测量系统[P].中国专利:ZL201410743752.7,2017-02-22.

[7]     马少鹏, 张瑞楠, 张宏宽, 曹彦彦, 朱宇博, 马沁巍. 校正多台高速相机联合测量系统中时间同步性的系统[P].中国专利:ZL201410592859.6,2016-04-20.

[8]     马沁巍, 马少鹏, 庞家志, 王显. 温度引起图像虚变形误差的消除系统[P].中国专利:ZL201420372450.9,2014-12-03.

[9]     马少鹏, 周恒毅, 曹彦彦, 马沁巍. 高速光、电信号采集设备之间启动时差的测量系统[P].中国专利:ZL201210458009.8,2014-04-16.

[10]  马沁巍, 周衡毅, 马少鹏, 郭玲莉, 刘力强. 多应变片精确位置和方向的自动化检测方法[P].中国专利:ZL201210026549.9,2014-01-15.

[11]  马少鹏, 刘程林, 马沁巍, 蔡小兵, 苏煜, 王洪涛, 孙立斌. 一种颗粒介质等效力学参数测量系统[P].中国专利:ZL201110318981.0,2013-02-20.

[12]  马少鹏, 郭玲莉, 康永军, 曹彦彦, 马沁巍, 刘力强. 地质软材料的复杂变形的模拟加载及测量系统[P].中国专利:ZL201110207413.3,2013-01-16.

[13]  马少鹏, 汪远银, 马沁巍, 刘力强, 阳巍. 小型切片式三维结构重构系统[P].中国专利:ZL201110028927.2,2012-11-28.

[14]  郭文婧, 马少鹏, 马沁巍, 罗纪, 刘力强. 动态冲击加载试验台及其试验系统[P].中国专利:ZL201010109465.2,2010-02-08.

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