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1)2010年至今,Materials Science 编委;



[1] Ma Cong, Chen Longzhu, Chen Bing*.Analysis of strength development in soft clay stabilized with cement-based stabilizer. Construction and Building Materials. 71(2014):354-362. (SCI, Ei 检索)
[2]]Liu Ning, Chen Bing*.Experimental study of the influence of EPS particle size on the mechanical properties of EPS lightweight concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 68(2014):227-232. (SCI, Ei 检索)
[3] Chen Bing*, Liu Ning. Experimental research on properties of fresh and hardened rubberized concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,26(2014):25-32.
[4]Li Yue, Chen Bing*. Study of a new type of super-lightweight magnesium phosphate cement foamed concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, online.
[5]Li Yue, Liu Ning, Chen Bing*. Properties of lightweight concrete composed of magnesia phosphate cement and expanded polystyrene aggregates. Materials and Structures. online
[6]Li Yue, Sun Jia, Chen Bing*. Experimental study of magnesia and M/P ratio influencing properties of magnesium phosphate cement. Construction and Building Materials. 65(2014):177-183. (SCI, Ei 检索)
[7] Fa Shijian, Chen Bing*. Experimental study of phosphate salts influencing properties of magnesium phosphate cement. Construction and Building Materials. 65(2014):480-486. (SCI, Ei 检索)
[8] Ma Cong, Bu Yuhua, Chen Bing*. Preparation and Performance of a Lignosulfonate-AMPS-Itaconic Acid Graft Copolymer as Retarder for Modified Phosphoaluminate. Construction and Building Materials. 60(2014):25-32.
[9] Li Yue, Chen Bing*. Factors that affect the properties of magnesium phosphate cement. Construction and Building Materials. 47(2013):977-983. 他引3次
[10] Chen B*, Liu N, A novel lightweight concrete-fabrication and its thermal and mechanical properties, Construction and Building Materials,44(2013):691-698. 他引1次
[111] Wu Zh, Chen B*,Liu N. Fabrication and compressive properties of Expanded polystyrene foamed concrete: Experimental research and modeling, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science),18(2013):61-69.
[12] Chen B*,Wu Zh, Liu N. Experimental research on properties of high strength foamed concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 24(2012):113-118. 他引7次
[13] Chen B*,Liu X and Li SP. Performance investigation of square concrete-filled steel tube columns, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science, 26(2011):730-739.
[14] Chen B*,Fang CQ. Mechanical properties of EPS lightweight concrete, Construction Materials,164(2010):173-178. 他引2次
[15] Chen B*, Liu J and Chen LZ, Experimental study of lightweight expanded polystyrene aggregate concrete containing silica fume and polypropylene fibers, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 61(2010): 1-678.
[16] Chen B*, Fang CQ, Contribution of fibers to the properties of EPS lightweight concrete, Magazine of Concrete, 61(2009):671-678. 他引2次
[17] Chen B*, Li CL and Chen LZ. Experimental study of mechanical properties of normal-strength concrete exposed to high temperatures at early age, Fire Safety Journal, 44(2009):997-1002. 他引20次
[18] Chen B*, Liu JY, Damage in carbon fiber-reinforced concrete, monitored by both electrical resistance measurement and acoustic emission analysis, Construction and Building Materials,22(2008)2196-2201. 他引33次
[19] Chen B*, Liu JY, Experimental application of mineral admixtures in lightweight concrete with high strength and workability, Construction and Building Materials, 22(2008)655-659. 他引27次
[20] Chen B*, Liu JY, Mechanical properties of polymer-modified concretes containing expanded polystyrene beads, Construction and Building Materials, 21(2007)7-11. 他引34次
[21] Chen B*, Liu JY, Investigation of effects of aggregate size on the fracture behavior of high performance concrete by acoustic emission, Construction and Building Materials, 21(2007)1696-1701. 他引14次
[22] Chen B*, Liu JY, Contribution of hybrid fibers on the properties of the high-strength lightweight concrete having good workability, Cement and Concrete Research, 35(5)(2005) 913-917. 他引51次
[23] Chen B*, Keru Wu, Wu Yao, Study on the smart behavior of cement-based composite containing carbon fibers under three-point-bending load, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-materials Science Edition, 20(4)(2005) 128-131.
[24] Chen B*, Liu JY, Wu KR, Electrical response of carbon fiber reinforced cementitious composites to monotonic and cyclic loading, Cement and Concrete Research, 35(11)(2005)2183-2191. 他引8次
[25] Chen B*, Liu JY, Properties of lightweight expanded polystyrene concrete reinforced with steel fiber, Cement and Concrete Research,34(7)(2004)1259-1263. 他引83次
[26] Chen B*,Wu K, Yao W, Piezoresistivity in carbon fiber reinforced cement based composites, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 20(6)(2004)746-750. 他引16次
[27] Chen B*,Liu JY, Experimental study on AE characteristics of three-point-bending concrete beams, Cement and Concrete Research, 34(3)(2004) 391-397. 他引36次
[28] Chen B*,Liu JY, Residual strength of hybrid-fiber-reinforced high strength concrete after exposure to high temperature, Cement and Concrete Research,34(6)(2004) 1065-1069. 他引93次
[29] Chen B*,Liu JY, Effect of aggregate on the fracture behavior of high strength concrete, Construction and Building Materials,18(8)(2004) 585-590. 他引49次
[30] Chen B*, Wu K, Yao W,Conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced cement-based composites, Cement and Concrete Composites,26(4)(2004) 291-297. 他引92次
[31]Chen Bing*, Liu JY, Effect of fibers on expansion of concrete with a large amount of high f-CaO fly ash, Cement and Concrete Research, 33 (10) (2003): 1549-1552.他引9次
[32]Wu KR*, Chen Bing, Yao W. Study of the influence of aggregate size distribution on mechanical properties of concrete by acoustic emission technique, Cement and Concrete Research, 31(6) (2001): 919-923.他引43次
[33] Wu KR*, Chen Bing, Yao W,et al. Effect of coarse aggregate type on mechanical properties of high-performance concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, 31(10) (2001): 1421-1425.他引78次
[34] Wu KR*, Chen Bing, Yao W. Study on the AE characteristics of fracture process of mortar, concrete and steel-fiber-reinforced concrete beams, Cement and Concrete Research, 30(9) (2000): 1495-1500.他引36次
[35]Yao W, Chen Bing, Wu KR*. Smart Behavior of carbon fiber reinforced cement-based composite, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 19(3) (2003): 239-242. 他引32次


[1]Chen Bing. Solidifying sludge. USA WIPO Patent WO/2013/063774A1
[2] 陈兵,陈龙珠. 聚苯乙烯泡沫颗粒保温砂浆, 国家发明专利(ZL 200410053031.X);
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[4] 陈兵, 陈龙珠. 高性能水泥基自流平材料,国家发明专利(ZL 200410053030.5.)
[5] 陈兵, 陈龙珠. 用于金属表面除锈防腐浆料及处理方法,国家发明专利(ZL 200810203442.0.) 已技术转化
[6] 陈兵, 陈龙珠.透水混凝土路面制备方法,国家发明专利(ZL 200710039121.7.)
[7] 陈兵.多功能抗渗微晶混凝土防水添加剂,国家发明专利(ZL 200710037886.7) 已技术转化
[8] 陈兵, 陈龙珠.环保型多功能建筑刮墙腻子,国家发明专利(ZL 200610027993.7) 已技术转化
[9] 陈兵, 陈龙珠.建筑饰面水泥基人造石材,国家发明专利(ZL 200710036793.2),已技术转化
[10] 陈兵, 陈龙珠.砂浆抗裂剂,国家发明专利(ZL 200610025870.X) 已技术转化
[11] 陈兵, 陈龙珠.多功能胶凝材料,国家发明专利(ZL200810201247.4).
[12] 陈兵, 陈龙珠. 用于喷涂的混凝土建筑材料,国家发明专利(ZL200810202644.3). 已技术转化
[13] 陈兵. 水性渗透结晶防水材料及其制备方法,国家发明专利(ZL200910308290.5).
[14] 陈兵. 绿化植被混凝土及其施工方法, 国家发明专利(ZL201010553970.6).
[15] 陈兵. 水性混凝土密封硬化剂及其制备方法, 国家发明专利(ZL201010543000.8).
[16] 早强微膨胀钢纤维道路混凝土, 国家发明专利(ZL200610027169.1).
[17] 陈兵.用于填充方钢管的粉煤灰膨胀自密实混凝土, 国家发明专利(ZL200710037311.5)


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