2011.10 - 2014.09 日本广岛大学 工学研究科 机械系统工学专攻 博士学位(导师:Prof. Keiya Nishida)
2008.09 - 2011.06 华南理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院 动力机械及工程 硕士学位(导师:梁荣光教授)
2004.09 - 2008.06 南昌大学 机电工程学院 热能与动力工程(发动机) 学士学位
2020.12 - 至今 36365线路检测中心 36365线路检测中心 长聘教轨副教授
2019.01 - 2020.11 日本千叶大学 工学研究科 助理教授(合作导师:Prof. Yasuo Moriyoshi)
2015.04 - 2018.12 日本千叶大学 工学研究科 研究员(合作导师:Prof. Yasuo Moriyoshi)
2014.10 - 2015.03 日本广岛大学 工学研究科 特任助教(合作导师:Prof. Keiya Nishida)
1. SAE Member
2. JSAE Member
3. ILASS-Japan Member
4. 中国内燃机学会混合动力技术分会委员
担任 International Journal of Engine Research, Fuel, Energy&Fuels, SAE/JSAE, SAE WCX, SAE PF&L等国际著名期刊杂志及会议的审稿人。
2023.01 - 2023.06 中船动力研究院有限公司委托项目,《氨燃料喷雾与燃烧技术研究》,项目骨干
2022.11 - 2025.12 科技部重点研发计划-战略性科技创新合作项目(2022YFE0209000),《氨氢燃料喷射雾化机理与调控方法研究》,子课题负责人
2022.01 - 2024.06 大连中远海运重工有限公司委托项目(22H010101780),《氨柴油双燃料发动机燃烧机理及关键技术研究》,项目骨干
2022.10 - 2023.03 大连中车柴油机有限公司委托项目(22H010103024),《氨柴油双燃料发动机技术咨询》,项目骨干
2022.01 - 2025.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52171314),《船用预燃室天然气发动机甲烷逃逸机理研究》,主持
2021.01 - 2022.12 科技部国家外国专家项目(G2021134010L),《船舶发动机低碳燃料混合气空间浓度场先进测试技术研究》,主持,已结题
2021.11 - 2023.10 36365线路检测中心“深蓝计划”面上项目,《船用超稀薄LNG发动机缸内火焰淬熄对甲烷逃逸的影响机理》,主持
2021.01 - 2023.12 36365线路检测中心“双一流”建设科研启动配套项目,主持
2018.05 - 2020.11 日本新能源与产业技术综合开发组织(NEDO)/天然气产学研官财团 <创新型高效天然气发动机技术开发>
2015.08 - 2018.09 法国道达尔集团 <高增压火花点火天然气发动机缸内早燃现象与机理研究>
2015.04 - 2015.07 法国道达尔集团 < 急速压缩燃烧装置中润滑油成分对天然气早燃现象的影响研究>
[34] Zhifei Zhang, Tie Li, Run Chen, Ning Wang, Shuai Huang, Xinyi Zhou. Quantitative measurements of fuel concentrations and evaporation ratios in direct-injection methanol-n-hexane sprays by LIBS. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2023, 201:106615.
[33] Xinyi Zhou, Tie Li, Ning Wang, Xinran Wang, Run Chen, Shiyan Li. Pilot diesel-ignited ammonia dual fuel low-speed marine engines: A comparative analysis of ammonia premixed and high-pressure spray combustion modes with CFD simulation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 173:113108. (SCI)
[32] Shin Kimura, Koji Morikawa, Jaeok Bae, Run Chen, Tatsuya Kuboyama, Yasuo Moriyoshi. Study of pre-chamber lean burn natural gas engine with very high BMEP. The 10th COMODIA 2022, Sapporo, Japan. (EI)
[31] Jia Deng, Ping Yi, Tie Li, Shiding Hong, Run Chen. Complex physicochemical process of low sulfur heavy fuel oil under high temperatures and pressures. The 10th COMODIA 2022, Sapporo, Japan. (EI)
[30] Shiyan Li, Ning Wang, Xinyi Zhou, Run Chen, Tie Li. An investigation on breakup characteristics of superheated ammonia fuel spray. The 10th COMODIA 2022, Sapporo, Japan. (EI)
[29] Shen Wu, Tie Li, Run Chen, Xinyi Zhou, Shuai Huang, Bin Wang. Dynamic performance of gas engine power systems for marine applications – A review. The 10th COMODIA 2022, Sapporo, Japan. (EI)
[28] Ning Wang, Tie Li, Xinyi Zhou, Run Chen, Shiyan Li. High-pressure spray and combustion characteristics of ammonia jets under diesel-like conditions. The 10th COMODIA 2022, Sapporo, Japan. (EI)
[27] Shiyan Li, Tie Li, Ning Wang, Xinyi Zhou, Run Chen, Ping Yi. An investigation on near-field and far-field characteristics of superheated ammonia spray. Fuel, 2022, 324:124683. (SCI)
[26] Tengfei Wang, Run Chen*, Hao Jiang, Xinqi Qiao, Tie Li. Experimental study of soot particles characteristics for hydrous ethanol diesel emulsified fuel under diesel-like conditions. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 235:107384. (SCI)
[25] Tie Li, Xinyi Zhou, Ning Wang, Xinran Wang, Run Chen, Shiyan Li, Ping Yi. A comparison between low- and high-pressure injection dual-fuel modes of diesel-pilot-ignition ammonia combustion engines. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2022, 102:362-373. (SCI)
[24] Shuai Huang, Tie Li, Xinran Wang, Run Chen, Rundai Yang, Zhonghua Qian. Effects of various discharge strategies on ignition and combustion of lean natural gas mixture under the static and turbulent conditions. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2022, 133:110581. (SCI)
[23] Siyu Xie, Yunpeng Fu, Ping Yi, Tie Li, Run Chen. Evaluation of trans-critial transition of single- and multi-component sprays under diesel engine-like conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 202:117830. (SCI)
[22] Ruitian He, Ping Yi, Tie Li, Yanzhi Zhang, Run Chen. Phase Transition of n-heptane/ethanol blends from subcritical to supercritical conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022, 185:133405. (SCI)
[21] Yijie Wei, Tie Li, Run Chen, Xinyi Zhou, Zhifei Zhang, Xinran Wang. Measurement and modeling of the near-nozzle ambient gas entrainment of high-pressure diesel sprays. Fuel, 2022, 310:122373. (SCI)
[20] Zhifei Zhang, Tie Li, Run Chen, Ning Wang, Yijie Wei, Dawei Wu. Injection characteristics and fuel-air mixing process of ammonia jets in a constant volume vessel. Fuel, 2021, 304:121408. (SCI)
[19] Ping Yi, Siyu Xie, Ting Li, Jia Deng, Tie Li, Run Chen. Spray evolution and thermal pyrolysis of low sulfur heavy fuel oils under high temperatures. Fuel, 2021, 299:120878. (SCI)
[18] 薛雪峰,李铁,王宁,陈润,张小卿. 基于激光诱导磷光的火焰碰壁时壁温测试技术研究[J],内燃机工程,42(6):23-29. (EI)
[17] Run Chen, Keiya Nishida, Baolu Shi. Quantitative measurement of mixture formation in an impinging spray of ethanol-gasoline blend under cold-start condition via UV-Vis dual-wavelength laser absorption scattering (LAS) technique, Fuel, 2020, 262:116685. (SCI)
[16] Hongliang Luo, Yu Jin, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata, Jing Yao, Run Chen. Microscopic characteristics of impinging spray sliced by a cone structure under increased injection pressure. Fuel, 2020, 284:119033. (SCI)
[15] Hongliang Luo, Chao Wang, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata, Run Chen. Characteristics of droplet behaviors after the end of injection in a high-pressure constant volume chamber. Fuel, 2020, 267:117291. (SCI)
[14] Shuai Huang, Tie Li, Pengfei Ma, Siyu Xie, Zhifei Zhang, Run Chen. Quantitative evaluation of the breakdown process of spark discharge for spark-ignition engines. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53:045501. (SCI)
[13] Run Chen, Keiya Nishida, Baolu Shi. Quantitative investigation on the spray and mixture formation for ethanol-gasoline blends via dual-wavelength laser absorption scattering (LAS) technique. Fuel, 2019, 242:425-437. (SCI)
[12] Run Chen, Tatsuya Kuboyama, Yasuo Moriyoshi, Shinji Yasueda, Valerie Doyen, Jean-Baptiste Martin. Effects of engine operating condition and fuel property on pre-ignition phenomenon in a highly boosted premixed natural gas engine. SAE Technique Paper 2019-01-2154. (EI)
[11] Xiaoqing Zhang, Tie Li, Ruitian He, Run Chen. Study on the physicochemical properties and spray and combustion characteristics of 1-Butanol/Diesel fuel blends in a constant-volume combustion chamber. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(10):10218-10227. (SCI)
[10] Hao Jiang, Gang Wu, Tie Li, Pengfei He, Run Chen. Characteristics of particulate matter emissions from a low-speed marine diesel engine at various loads. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(19):11552-11559. (SCI)
[9] Run Chen, Keiya Nishida, Baolu Shi. Characteristics of combustion and soot formation of ethanol-gasoline blends injected by a hole-type nozzle for direct-injection spark-ignition engines. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 181:318-330. (SCI)
[8] Baolu Shi, Bo Li, Xiaoyao Zhao, Run Chen, Osamu Fujita, Ningfei Wang. Rapidly mixed combustion of hydrogen/oxygen diluted by N2 and CO2 in a tubular flame combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(31):14806-14815. (SCI)
[7] Baolu Shi, Qingzhao Chu, Run Chen. Effects of Damkohler Number on methane/oxygen tubular combustion diluted by N2 and CO2. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2017, 139. 012206. (SCI)
[6] Run Chen, Keiya Nishida. Spray evaporation of ethanol-gasoline-like blend and combustion of ethanol-gasoline blend injected by hole-type nozzle for direct-injection spark-ignition engines. Fuel, 2014, 134:263-273. (SCI)
[5] Run Chen, Ryoma Okazumi, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata. Effect of ethanol ratio on ignition and combustion of ethanol-gasoline blend spray in DISI engine-like condition. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 2015, 8(2):264-276. (SCI)
[4] Run Chen, Ryoma Okazumi, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata. Spray flame behaviors and of ethanol-gasoline blend injected by hole-type nozzle for DISI engine. SAE Technique Paper 2015-01-1950. (EI)
[3] Run Chen, Keiya Nishida, Hajime Kataoka. Characterization of the ignition and combustion processes of spray injected by a hole-type nozzle for a directed-injection spark ignition engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2014, 228(6):617-630. (SCI)
[2] Masaharu Chato, Suguru Fukuda, Kiyotaka Sato, Tatsuya Fujikawa, Run Chen, Zezheng Li, Jiangping Tian, Keiya Nishida. Fuel spray evaporation and mixture formation processes of ethanol/gasoline blend injected by hole-type nozzle for DISI engine. SAE International Journal of Engines, 2012. (EI)
[1] Run Chen, Hajime Kataoka, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata. Effect of ignition processes on combustion characteristics of spray injected by hole-type nozzle for DISI engine. Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, 2013. (EI).
2022 内燃动力碳中和与排放控制学术学会 优秀论文
2021 全国第一届博士后创业创新大赛 铜奖(排3)
2020 上海市海外高层次人才计划
2020 日本NEDO创新型高效天然气发动机技术开发 项目贡献证明
2013 Hiroyasu Research Award
2012 SAE/JSAE, SETC Best Paper Award