




副研究员, 博士生导师


2008年 至 2012年,36365线路检测中心,机械与动力工程学院, 本科

2012年 至 2018年,36365线路检测中心,机械与动力工程学院, 博士


2019年 至 2022年,36365线路检测中心,36365线路检测中心,博士后

2022年 至 2023年,36365线路检测中心,36365线路检测中心,助理研究员

2024年 至今,         36365线路检测中心,36365线路检测中心,副研究员


1. 船海低碳能源装备数字孪生技术

2. 海洋装备热力耦合与安全性评估

3. 船舶清洁能源利用与优化技术

4. 极地船舶防寒与人工环境技术

Energy、Applied Energy、International Journal of Thermal Sciences等学术期刊审稿人


2024-2025 小米青年学者揭榜挂帅项目,项目负责人;

2024-2027  国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人;

2023-2026  上海市自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人;

2023-2024  企业委托课题船舶舱室保温评估数值方法研究,项目负责人;

2022-2023  航运技术与安全国家重点实验室开放课题,船舶数字孪生技术方法研究,项目负责人;

2022-2023  企业委托课题,LNG液舱晃荡模式识别与载荷预报方法研究,项目负责人;

2022-2023  企业委托课题,船载LNG气化器热力设计方法研究,项目负责人;

2022-2025  新进青年教师启动计划,项目负责人;

2021-2024  中核集团青年英才(启明星)项目,项目负责人;

2021-2023  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目负责人;

2021-2023  中核集团领创科研项目,项目负责人;

2019-2021  上海市超级博士后激励计划,项目负责人;

2019-2021 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,晃荡条件下FLNG低温液体的受热闪蒸机制与抑制方法研究,项目负责人;

2018-2019  中船七一一研究所委托课题,换热器流体系统仿真分析,技术负责人;

2017-2018  中海石油气电集团委托课题,LNG绕管式换热器多排管流动传热特性实验研究,技术负责人;

2013-2016  工信部高技术船舶课题,FLNG绕管式换热器设计软件开发及实验验证,技术负责人;

2012-2014  中海石油气电集团委托课题,LNG绕管式换热器仿真与设计软件开发,技术负责人。

[1]     Shi, M., Duan, Z.*, Zhao, X., Wang, Z., Liu, S.L., & Xue, H.* (2024). Experimental investigation on two-phase flow instability induced by direct contact condensation in open natural circulation. Energy. 292: 130547. (中科院一区top, A)

[2]     Duan, Z., Cheng, C., & Tang, W.* (2024). A mathematical model for predicting crystallization fouling in narrow rectangle channel incorporating crystal growth effect. Energy. 291:130399. (中科院一区top, A)

[3]     Wang, Z., Duan, Z.*, He, Y*., Huang, C., Liu, S.L., & Xue, H. (2023). PIV-based experiments on reverse flow characteristics in an equal-height-difference passive heat removal system for ocean nuclear power plants. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (中科院一区top, A)

[4]     Duan, Z., Wang, J., Yuan, Y., Tang, W., & Xue, H.* (2023). Near-wall thermal regulation for cryogenic storage by adsorbent coating: Modelling and pore-scale investigation. Applied Energy. (中科院一区top, A)

[5]     Duan, Z., Zhu, Y., Wang, C., Yuan, Y.*, Xue, H., & Tang, W. (2023). Numerical and theoretical prediction of the thermodynamic response in marine LNG fuel tanks under sloshing conditions. Energy. (中科院一区top, A)

[6]     Wang, Z., He, Y.*, Duan, Z.*, Huang, C., Liu, S.L., & Xue, H. (2023). Passive mitigation of condensation-induced water hammer by converging-diverging structures for offshore nuclear power plants. Energy. (中科院一区top, A)

[7]     Wang, Z., He, Y.*, Duan, Z.*, Huang, C., Liu, S.L., Li, M., & Xue, H. (2023). Mechanisms and inhibition method investigation on condensation induced water hammer in an equal-height-difference passive heat removal system. Applied Thermal Engineering. (中科院一区top)

[8]     Wang, Z., He, Y.*, Duan, Z.*, Huang, C., Liu, S.L., & Xue, H. (2023). Experimental study on transient flow characteristics in an equal-height-difference passive heat removal system for ocean nuclear power plants. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (中科院一区top, A)

[9]     Wang, Z., Duan, Z.*, He, Y.*, Huang, C., Yuan, Y., Liu, S., & Li, M. (2023). Effect of Rolling Motion on Transient Characteristics of Condensation Induced Water Hammer in an Equal-Height-Difference Passive Heat Removal System. Progress in Nuclear Energy. (中科院二区)

[10]  Sun, H., Duan, Z.*, Wang, X., Wang, D., & Wu, C. (2023). A pressure-node based dynamic model for simulation and control of aircraft air-conditioning systems. Energy. (中科院一区top, A)

[11]  Wang, Z., He, Y.*, Duan, Z.*, Huang, C., & Li, M. (2022). Predicting Reverse Flow Characteristics in Equal-Height-Difference Passive Heat Removal System for Ocean Nuclear Power. Progress in Nuclear Energy. (中科院二区)

[12]  Wang, Z., He, Y.*, Duan, Z.*, Huang, C., Yuan, Y., Li, M., & Liu, S.Y. (2022). Effects of rolling motion on transient flow behaviors of gas-liquid two-phase flow in horizontal pipes. Ocean Engineering. (中科院一区top, A)

[13]  Wang, Z., He, Y.*, Duan, Z.*, Huang, C., Liu, S.L., & Li, M. (2022). Numerical investigation on direct contact condensation-induced water hammer in passive natural circulation system for offshore applications. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 82, 317 - 334.

[14]  Duan, Z., Sun, H.*, Wu, C., & Hu, H. (2022). Multi-objective optimization of the aircraft environment control system based on component-level parameter decomposition. Energy. (中科院一区top, A)

[15]  Duan, Z.*, Sun, H., Wu, C., & Hu, H. (2022). Flow-network based dynamic modelling and simulation of the temperature control system for commercial aircraft with multiple temperature zones. Energy, 238, 121874. (中科院一区top, A)

[16]  Duan, Z., Xue, H., Gong, X., & Tang, W.* (2021). A thermal non-equilibrium model for predicting LNG boil-off in storage tanks incorporating the natural convection effect. Energy, 233, 121162. (中科院一区top, A)

[17]  Duan, Z., Sun, H., Cheng, C., Tang, W.*, & Xue, H. (2021). A moving-boundary based dynamic model for predicting the transient free convection and thermal stratification in liquefied gas storage tank. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 160, 106690. (中科院二区, A)

[18]  Duan, Z., Ding, G., Tang, W.*, & Ren, T. (2020). A thermodynamic model for predicting transient pressure evolution in response to venting and vaporization of liquefied gas under sudden release. Journal of hazardous materials, 395, 122460. (中科院一区top, A)

[19]  Duan, Z., Ren, T., & Ding, G.* (2019). Suppression effects of micro-fin surface on the explosive boiling of liquefied gas under rapid depressurization. Journal of hazardous materials, 365, 375-385. (中科院一区top, A)

[20]  Duan, Z., Ren, T., Ding, G.*, Chen, J., & Mi, X. (2017). Liquid-migration based model for predicting the thermal performance of spiral wound heat exchanger for floating LNG. Applied Energy, 206, 972-982. (中科院一区top, A)

[21]  Duan, Z., Ren, T., & Ding, G.* (2017). Experimental and modeling studies on the transient pressurization in response to boiloff vapor recondensation in liquefied gas storage tanks. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 88, 93-102. (中科院二区)

[22]  Duan, Z., Ren, T., Ding, G.*, Chen, J., & Pu, H. (2016). A dynamic model for FLNG spiral wound heat exchanger with multiple phase-change streams based on moving boundary method. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34, 657-669. (中科院二区)

1. 液化天然气储罐吸附式自增压及闪蒸气回收一体化装置, 发明专利,已授权. 

2. 芯壳分离的绕管式换热器,发明专利,已授权. 

3. 一种用于海洋平台上层建筑的组合复合板,实用新型,已授权.  


  1. 2022教育部科技进步二等奖(排名第5)

  1. 2021年中国核工业集团青年科技创新“启明星人才”

  2. 2019年上海市“超级博士后”激励计划资助

  3. 博士后出站考核优秀

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