








2019-今,36365线路检测中心 特聘教授

2019-今,海洋工程国家重点实验室 副主任

2013-2019 36365线路检测中心 研究员

2012-2012 麻省理工学院(MIT) 访问学者

2009-2013 36365线路检测中心 特别研究员

2007-2009 36365线路检测中心 副教授

2005-2007 挪威科技大学 博士后

2002-2005 36365线路检测中心 船舶与海洋工程 博士

1999-2002 大连理工大学 船舶与海洋工程 硕士

1995-1999 大连理工大学 船舶与海洋工程 学士
















(2)美国船舶与海洋工程师协会,会士(SNAME Fellow)



(5)Marine Structures 副主编

(6)Journal OMAE 副主编

(7)Journal of Marintime Engineering副主编

(8)Engineering 特刊执行主编

(9)船舶力学、Journal of Hydrodynamics、China Ocean Engineering、Journal of Marine Science and Application,海洋工程等期刊编委



国家杰出青年科学基金 延续(2024-2029)












上海市“科技创新行动计划” 基础研究领域重点项目1项





Selected International Journal Papers:

[56] H Ren, Y Xu, J Cheng, P Cao, M Zhang, S Fu, Z Zhu, 2019, Vortex-induced vibration of flexible pipe fitted with helical strakes in oscillatory flow, Ocean Engineering 189, 106274

[55] H Ren, Y Xu, M Zhang, S Fu, Y Meng, C Huang, 2019, Distribution of drag coefficients along a flexible pipe with helical strakes in uniform flow, Ocean Engineering 184, 216-226

[54]J Wang, S Fu*, R Baarholm, M Zhang, C Liu, 2019, Global motion reconstruction of a steel catenary riser under vessel motion, Ships and Offshore Structures 14 (5), 442-456

[53] H Ren, Y Xu, M Zhang, S Deng, S Li, S Fu, H Sun, 2019, Hydrodynamic forces on a partially submerged cylinder at high Reynolds number in a steady flow, Applied Ocean Research 88, 160-169

[52] D Lu, S Fu*, X Zhang, F Guo, Y Gao, 2019, A method to estimate the hydroelastic behaviour of VLFS based on multi-rigid-body dynamics and beam bending, Ships and Offshore Structures 14 (4), 354-362

[54]Z Lu, S Fu, M Zhang, H Ren. An efficient time-domain prediction model for vortex-induced vibration of flexible risers under unsteady flows. Marine Structures,2018, 64, 492-519.

[53]W Wei, S Fu, T Moan, C Song, S Deng, H Lie. A Time-Domain Method for Hydroelasticity of a Curved Floating Bridge in Inhomogeneous Waves. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,2018, 141 (1), 014501.

[52]M Zhang, S Fu, L Song, J Wu, H Lie, H Hu. Hydrodynamics of flexible pipe with staggered buoyancy elements undergoing vortex-induced vibrations. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,2018, 140 (6), 061805.

[51]T Ren, M Zhang, S Fu, L Song. Hydrodynamics of A Flexible Riser Undergoing the Vortex-Induced Vibration at High Reynolds Number. China Ocean Engineering,2018, 32 (5), 570-581.

[50]J Wang, S Fu, R Baarholm. Evaluation of vortex-induced vibration of a steel catenary riser in steady current and vessel motion-induced oscillatory current. Journal of Fluids and Structures,2018, 82, 412-431.

[49]C Liu, S Fu, M Zhang, H Ren. Time-varying hydrodynamics of a flexible riser under multi-frequency vortex-induced vibrations. Journal of Fluids and Structures,2018, 80, 217-244.

[48]J Wang, S Fu, R Baarholm, M Zhang, C Liu. Global motion reconstruction of a steel catenary riser under vessel motion. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2018,1-15.

[47]M Zhang, S Fu, L Song, X Tang, Y He. A time domain prediction method for the vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible riser. Marine Structures,2018, 59, 458-481.

[46]Z Lu, S Fu, M Zhang, H Ren, L Song.A modal space based direct method for vortex-induced vibration prediction of flexible risers.Ocean Engineering,2018, 152, 191-202.

[45]Song, CH; Fu, SX; Tang, XY; Hu, K; Ma, LX; Ren, TX. Hydrodynamics of the Semi-Immersed Cylinder by Forced Oscillation Model Testing. CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,2018,32,110-116.

[44]Wei, W; Fu, SX; Moan, T; Song, CH; Ren, TX. A time-domain method for hydroelasticity of very large floating structures in inhomogeneous sea conditions. MARINE STRUCTURES,2018,57,180-192.

[43]Song, LJ; Fu, SX; Li, M; Gao, Y; Ma, LX. Tension and drag forces of flexible risers undergoing vortex-induced vibration. CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,2017, 31,1-10.

[42]Song, LJ; Fu, SX; Ren, T; Lu, ZQ. Phase Angles of the Vibrations and Hydrodynamic Forces of the Flexible Risers Undergoing Vortex-Induced Vibration. 2017,139.

[41]Lu, WY; Yang, JM; Fu, SX. Numerical study of the generation and evolution of breather-type rogue waves. SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES,2017,12,1,66-76.

[40]Wei, W; Fu, SX; Moan, T; Lu, ZQ; Deng, S. A discrete-modules-based frequency domain hydroelasticity method for floating structures in inhomogeneous sea conditions. JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES,2017,74,321-339.

[39]Wang, JG; Fu, SX; Larsen, CM; Baarholm, R; Wu, J; Lie, H. Dominant parameters for vortex-induced vibration of a steel catenary riser under vessel motion. OCEAN ENGINEERING,2017,136,260-271.

[38]Gao, Y; Fu, SX; Xiong, YM; Zhao, Y; Liu, LM. Experimental study on response performance of vortex-induced vibration on a flexible cylinder. SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES,2017,12,116-134.

[37]Gao, Y; Fu, SX; Ma, LX; Chen, YF. Experimental investigation of the response performance of VIV on a flexible riser with helical strakes. SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES,2016,11,113-128.

[36]Ma, LX; Hu, K; Fu, SX; Moan, T; Lit, RP. A Hybrid Empirical-Numerical Method for Hydroelastic Analysis of a Floater-and-Net System. JOURNAL OF SHIP RESEARCH 2016,60,14-29.

[35]Wang, JG; Xiang, S; Fu, SX; Cao, PM; Yang, JM; He, JX. Experimental investigation on the dynamic responses of a free-hanging water intake riser under vessel motion. MARINE STRUCTURES,2016,50,1-19.

[34]Song LJ,Fu SX,Dai SY,Zhang MM,Chen YF. Distribution of drag force coefficient along a flexible riser undergoing VIV in sheared flow. OCEAN ENGINEERING,2016, 126,1-11.

[33] Gao Yun, Fu Shixiao, Xiong Youming, Liu Liming. Experimental study of the effects of surface roughness on the vortex-induced vibration response of a riser. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2015, 19, 1007-7294

[32] Wang, Jungao, Fu Shixiao; Baarholm, Rolf; Wu, Jie; Larsen, Carl Martin. Out-of-plane vortex-induced vibration of a steel catenary riser caused by vessel motions. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 109, 389-400

[31] Gao, Yun, Fu Shixiao; Wang, Jungao; Song, Leijian; Chen, Yifan. Experimental study of the effects of surface roughness on the vortex-induced vibration response of a flexible cylinder. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 103, 40-57.

[30] Gao, Yun, Fu Shixiao; Ren, Tie; Xiong, Youming; Song, Leijian. VIV response of a long flexible riser fitted with strakes in uniform and linearly sheared currents. Applied Ocean Research, 2015, 52, 102-114.

[29] Guo, Yousong, Chen, Xiqia; Wang, Deyu; Fu, Shixiao. Analytical and numerical investigation on the structural response of flexible risers under axisymmetric load. Shiyou Xuebao/Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2015, 36(4), 504-510 and 515.

[28] Jungao Wang, Shixiao Fu*, Rolf Baarholmb, JieWuc, C. M. Larsend. Fatigue Damage Induced by VIV in Oscillatory Flow, Marine Structures, 2015, v40:73–91

[27] Yun Gao, Shixiao Fu*, Jing Cao, Yifan Chen. Experimental study on response performance of VIV of a flexible riser with helical strakes, China Ocean Engineering, 2015, 29(5):673-690

[26] Mengmeng Zhang, Xiqia Chen, Shixiao Fu, Yousong Guo, Leixin Ma, Theoretical and numerical analysis of bending behavior of unbonded flexible risers, Marine Structures, 2015, 44, 311-325.

[25] Gao Yu, Fu Shixiao, Song Leijian. Experimental investigation on the suppression device of VIV of a flexible riser. Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2014, 33(14)

[24] Song Leijian, Fu Shixiao, Chen Xiqia, Guo Hong, Qu Yan Comparative study on deepwater umbilical overall response characteristics. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014,33(1)

[23] Wang Jungao, Fu Shixiao, Xu Yuwang, Song Leijian Tests for time sharing of vortex-induced vibration of a flexible cylinder in oscillatory flow. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014, 33(21)

[22] Wang, Jungao, Fu, Shixiao; Xu, Yuwang; Song, Leijian. VIV developing process of a flexible cylinder under oscillatory flow. Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2014, 46(2), 173-182.

[21] Fang, Sam M., Niedzwecki, John M.; Fu, Shixiao; Li, Runpei; Yang, Jianmin. VIV response of a flexible cylinder with varied coverage by buoyancy elements and helical strakes. Marine Structures, 2014, 39, 70-89

[20] Jungao Wang, Shixiao Fu*, Rolf Baarholm, Jie Wu, Carl Martin Larsen. Fatigue damage of a steel catenary riser from vortex-induced vibration caused by vessel motions, Marine Structures, 2014, v39, pp 131–156.

[19] Shixiao Fu*, Yuwang Xu, Ke Hu, Qian Zhong, Runpei Li, Experimental Investigation on Hydrodynamics of a Fish Cage Floater-net System in Oscillatory and Steady Flows by Forced Oscillation Tests, Journal of Ship Research, 2014, v25(1), pp 20-29.

[18] Yun Gao, Shixiao Fu*, Leixin Ma, Yifan Chen. Experimental investigation of the response performance of VIV on a flexible riser with helical strakes, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2014.

[17] Shixiao Fu*, Yuwang Xu, Yin Chen, Seabed Effects on the Hydrodynamics of a Circular Cylinder Undergoing Vortex-Induced Vibration at High Reynolds Number, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 2014, v140(3), 04014008.

[16] Shixiao Fu*, Jungao Wang, Rolf Baarholmb, Jie Wuc, C. M. Larsend , 2014. Features of Vortex-Induced Vibration by Oscillatory Flow, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering.

[15] Ying Chen; Shixiao Fu*; Yuwang Xu; Dixia Fan, 2013. High order force components of a near-wall circular cylinder oscillating in transverse direction in steady current,Ocean Engineering, Vol.74,pp.37-47

[14]Shixiao Fu,Yuwang Xu,Ying Chen ,2013. Seabed Effects on the Hydrodynamics of Circular Cylinder Undergoing Vortex Induced Vibration at High Reynolds Number, J.Waterway,Port,Coastal,and Ocean Engineering

[13] Yuwang Xu, Shixiao Fu*, Ying Chen, Qian Zhong, Dixia Fan, 2013. Experiment Investigation on Vortex Induced Forces of Oscillating Cylinder at High Reynolds Number, Ocean System Engineering (ISSN2233-7059), Vol.3, No.3, pp167-180.

[12] Xiqia Chen, Shixiao Fu*, Leijian Song, 2013. Stress Analysis Model for Un-bonded Umbilical Cables, Ocean System Engineering(ISSN2233-7059), Vol3, No.2, pp97-122.

[11] Shixiao Fu*, Yuwang Xu, Ke Hu, Yu Zhang, 2013. Experimental Study on Hydrodynamics of Floating Cylinder in Oscillatory and Constant Flows, Marine Structures(ISSN: 0951-8339), Vol34, pp41-55.

[10] Li Li, Shixiao Fu*, 2013. Nonlinear Hydroelastic Analysis of Aquaculture Fish Cage in Irregular Waves, Marine Structures(ISSN: 0951-8339), Vol34, pp56-73.

[9] Shixiao Fu*, Weicheng Cui, 2012. Dynamic Responses of a Ribbon Floating Bridge Under Moving Loads, Marine Structures(ISSN: 0951-8339), Vol.29, No.1, pp246-256.

[8] Li Li; Shixiao Fu*, Yuwang Xu; Jungao Wang; Jianmin Yang, 2012. Dynamic Responses of Floating Fish Cage in Waves and Current, Ocean Engineering(ISSN:0029-8018), Vol.72, pp297-303.

[7] Shixiao Fu*, Torgeir Moan, 2012. Dynamic analyses of floating fish cage collars in waves, Aquacultural Engineering (ISSN:0144-8609), Vol.47, pp7-15.

[6] Xujun Chen, Torgeir Moan, Shixiao Fu, 2010. Extreme Response of Very Large Floating Structure Considering Second-Order Hydroelastic Effects in Multidirectional Irregular Waves, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering(ISSN:0892-7219), Vol.132.

[5] Wang Cong, Shixiao Fu*, Cui Weicheng, 2009. Hydroelasticity Based Fatigue Assessment of the Connector for a Ribbon Bridge Subjected to a Moving Load, Marine Structures(ISSN: 0951-8339) , Vol.22 No.2, pp246-260.

[4] Cong Wang, Shixiao Fu, Weicheng Cui, 2009, Ribbon Bridge in Waves Based on Hydroelasticity Theory, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China(ISSN: 1673-7407), Vol.3 No.1, pp57-62.

[3] Shixiao Fu, Torgeir Moan, Xujun Chen, Weicheng Cui, (2007), Hydroelastic analysis of flexible floating interconnected structures. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 34, 1516–1531

[2] Wang Cong, Fu Shixiao, Li Ning, Cui Weicheng and Lin Zhuming, (2006) Dynamic analysis of a pontoon- separated floating bridge subjected to a moving load. China Ocean Engineering, 20(3): 419-430.

[1] Shixiao Fu, Weicheng Cui, Xujun Chen, Cong Wang, (2005), Hydroelastic analysis of a nonlinearly connected floating bridge subjected to moving loads, Marine Structures, Vol.18, No.1, 85-107.


研究生课程:  《海洋工程水弹性力学及其在工程中的应用》

[1]付世晓,曹静,杨建民,陈严飞,沙勇,张恩勇. 阶梯剪切流下顶部可运动斜置立管涡激振动旋转测试装置. CN102410920A

[2]付世晓,陈希恰,许玉旺,钟芊,位巍. 模拟斜向均匀流下深海立管横向自激振动的试验装置. CN102967437A

[3]付世晓,陈蓥,胡克,王俊高. 剪切流下顶部可运动的斜置立管涡激振动旋转测试装置. CN102410919A

[4]付世晓,陈蓥,杨建民,汪学峰,彭涛. 均匀流下受预张力的深海立管列阵模型涡激模拟试验装置. CN102279085A

[5]付世晓,陈蓥,周青,王俊高,宋斌. 斜向均匀流下的深海管道分段模型双向强迫振动实验装置. CN102323032A

[6]付世晓,郭飞,许玉旺,张昱,魏汉迪. 模拟均匀流下深海立管横向自激振动的试验装置. CN102980732A

[7]付世晓,胡克,陈蓥,李鲤,张蒙蒙. 斜向均匀流下的FISHFARM浮筒分段模型双向强迫振动实验装置. CN102313637A

[8]付世晓,胡克,宋磊建,许玉旺. 均匀流和阶梯流下顶部可运动竖置立管涡激振动旋转装置. CN102288376A

[9]付世晓,李鲤,陈蓥,张显涛,许玉旺. 均匀流下的FISHFARM浮筒分段模型双向强迫振动实验装置. CN102359856A

[10]付世晓,李鲤,李曼,宋斌. 均匀流下受预张力的深海立管模型涡激振动模拟试验装置. CN102323025A

[11]付世晓,李曼,李鲤,周青. 实雷诺数涡激振动试验柔性立管模型. CN102323023A

[12]付世晓,李曼,王俊高,陈蓥,宋斌. 均匀流下的深海立管分段模型双向强迫振动实验装置. CN102313638A

[13]付世晓,马磊鑫,石茜,欧绍武,蔡曦,许婉婷. 一种均匀流下测量细长立管动力响应测试装置. CN104458172A

[14]付世晓,任铁,杨建民,李琳. 双向剪切流和双向阶梯剪切流下立管的涡激振动测试装置. CN102109405A

[15]付世晓,任铁,杨建民,彭涛. 均匀流和阶梯均匀流下竖置立管的涡激振动旋转测试装置. CN102053001A

[16]付世晓,石础,王俊高,李曼,陈蓥. 均匀流下的深海立管分段模型顺流强迫振动实验装置. CN102323028A

[17]付世晓,宋斌,王俊高,胡克. 均匀流下顶端可运动深海立管模型涡激振动模拟试验装置. CN102410918A

[18]付世晓,宋磊建,陈蓥,宋斌. 阶梯流下受预张力的深海立管模型涡激振动模拟试验装置. CN102323026A

[19]付世晓,宋磊建,李曼,王俊高,张蒙蒙. 斜向均匀流下的深海立管分段模型双向强迫振动实验装置. CN102359857A

[20]付世晓,王俊高,李曼,石础,宋磊建. 均匀流下的深海立管分段模型垂直来流强迫振动实验装置. CN102323030A

[21]付世晓,位巍,许玉旺,魏汉迪,陈希恰. 模拟均匀流下两立管模型相互干扰下自激振荡的试验装置. CN102967428A

[22]付世晓,许玉旺,范迪夏,陈希恰,位巍. 模拟均匀流下两立管模型相互干扰下双向自激振荡的装置. CN102967429A

[23]付世晓,许玉旺,范迪夏,郭飞,陈希恰. 基于力反馈原理的涡激振动试验装置控制系统及控制方法. CN102967427A

[24]付世晓,许玉旺,胡克,周青,李鲤. 斜向均匀流下的FISHFRAM浮筒分段模型水平强迫振动实验装置. CN102313635A

[25]付世晓,许玉旺,张昱,郭飞,范迪夏. 模拟均匀流下深海立管双向自激振动的试验装置. CN102967431A

[26]付世晓,许玉旺,钟芊,位巍,郭飞. 模拟斜向均匀流下深海立管双向自激振动的试验装置. CN102967430A

[27]付世晓,杨建民,任铁,李润培. 剪切流下斜置立管的涡激振动旋转测试装置. CN102053000A

[28]付世晓,杨建民,任铁,汪学锋. 阶梯剪切流下斜置立管的涡激振动旋转测试装置. CN102072805A

[29]付世晓,杨建民,汪学锋,彭涛. 阶梯流下顶部可运动深海立管列阵模型涡激振动试验装置. CN102305696A

[30]付世晓,张蒙蒙,周青,宋斌,宋磊建. 均匀流下的深海管道分段模型垂直来流强迫振动实验装置. CN102359855A

[31]付世晓,张显涛,周青,许玉旺,胡克. 均匀流下的FISHFRAM浮筒分段模型水平强迫振动实验装置. CN102359854A

[32]付世晓,周青,胡克,李鲤,许玉旺. FISHFARM浮筒分段实验模型. CN102323039A

[33]付世晓,周青,李鲤. 均匀流下顶端可运动深海立管列阵模型涡激振动试验装置. CN102305697A

[34]付世晓,周青,李曼. 阶梯流下顶端可运动深海立管模型涡激振动模拟试验装置. CN102313636A

[35]付世晓,周青,宋斌. 深海柔性立管模型涡激振动试验测量分析系统. CN102323024A

[36]付世晓,周青,张蒙蒙,李曼,宋磊建. 均匀流下的深海管道分段模型双向强迫振动实验装置. CN102323031A

[37]马磊鑫,陈逸凡,付世晓,林易,欧绍武,蔡曦. 垂直强迫振荡下的深海细长立管的动力响应测试装置. CN104406753A

[38]马磊鑫,付世晓,欧绍武,蔡曦,冯辉,易涵镇. 一种斜向均匀流下测量细长立管动力响应装置. CN104502044A

[39]马磊鑫,苏琳,林易,付世晓,石茜,欧绍武,蔡曦. 水平强迫振荡状态下的深海细长立管的动力响应测试装置. CN104458171A

[40]马磊鑫,苏琳,欧绍武,蔡曦,冯辉,付世晓. 一种水平斜向强迫振荡下测量细长立管动力响应装置. CN104502042A

[41]马磊鑫,许婉婷,付世晓,曾亚东,林易,欧绍武,蔡曦. 一种剪切流下测量细长立管动力响应装置. CN104502058A

[42]石茜,马磊鑫,苏琳,付世晓,曾亚东,易涵镇. 双向强迫振荡状态下的深海细长立管的动力响应测试装置. CN104406754A

[43]苏琳,陈逸凡,曾亚东,马磊鑫,欧绍武,蔡曦,冯辉,付世晓. 模拟海底管土与水平强迫振荡测量细长立管动力响应装置. CN104502043A











(3)美国船舶与海洋工程师协会会士(SNAME Fellow),2024










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