











1.  海上作业过程运动控制与作业状态感知:船舶动力定位技术、作业船舶状态感知、作业环境监测、模型试验方法

2.  海上结构物数字化运维:大数据分析与透视、结构物数字孪生

担任 Frontiers in Energy Research 和《船舶工程》期刊编委,以及国内外多个学术期刊及会议的审稿人,包括 Physics of Fluids,Marine Structures, Ocean Engineering, Ships and offshore structures, OMAE conference等。


1.   国家自然科学基金青年项目,波流联合作用下潮流能水轮机周围流场及叶片载荷特性研究,2023.01-2025.01,在研,主持。

2.   上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,基于深度学习自编码器的旋转叶轮三维尾流场重构与预报方法研究,2020.07-2023.06,在研,主持。

3.   海南省自然科学基金青年基金,基于贝叶斯深度学习的海洋结构物运动极短期预报方法及其不确定性研究,2021.09-2024.06,在研,主持。

4.   企业委托项目,恩平20-4组块DP浮托作业水池试验,海油工程,2022.12- 2023.06,在研,主持。

5.   企业委托项目,货物加速度监测及预报系统研发,中远海特,2022.4-2023.06,在研,主持。

6.   企业委托项目,适应于南海环境特征的波流耦合的涡激运动与外输动力定位模型试验,中海油海南分公司,2021.02-2022.12,结题,主持。

7.   企业委托项目,LANKUN 多船拆平台水池模型实验项目,中集海工,2021.03-2021.06,结题,主持。

8.   企业委托项目,中集来福士 H5362200 吨风电安装船项目动力定位水池模型试验,中集海工,2022.03-2022.09,结题,主持。

9.   国际合作项目,双船旁靠水动力性能模型试验研究,西澳大学,2020.11-2021.12,结题,主持。

10. 企业委托项目,多船多目标近距离精确定软件研发,中远海特,2020.4-2022.03,结题,主持。

11. 海洋工程国家重点实验室研究基金,1915,用于海上拆平台的多船协同动力定位技术研究,2020.01-2022.01,7.5万元,结题,主持。

12. 36365线路检测中心新晋教师启动计划,潮流能水轮机在真实波浪中的非线性水动力载荷问题研究,2019.07-2022.06,20万元,结题,主持。

[1]    Fang, X., Guo, X., Tian, X., Wang, P., Lu, W., & Li, X. (2023). A review on the numerical and experimental modeling of the floatover installations. Ocean Engineering, 272, 113774.

[2]    Liu, L., Gai, K., Yang, J., & Guo, X. *(2022). Numerical Investigation on the Dynamics of Mixture Transport in Flexible Risers during Deep-Sea Mining. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(12), 1842.

[3]    Guo, X., Zhang, X., Lu, W., Tian, X., & Li, X. (2022). Real-time prediction of 6-DOF motions of a turret-moored FPSO in harsh sea state. Ocean Engineering, 265, 112500.

[4]    Hu, C., Shi, Q., Li, X., & Guo, X. *(2022). Development of a Hybrid Simulation and Experiment Test Platform for Dynamic Positioning Vessels. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.12621.

[5]    Liu, Y., Zhang, X., Chen, G., Dong, Q., Guo, X., Tian, X., ... & Peng, T. (2022). Deterministic wave prediction model for irregular long-crested waves with Recurrent Neural Network. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science.

[6]    Shi, Q., Li, X., Dong, Q., Yang, J., & Guo, X. *(2022). Composite finite-time adaptive anti-disturbance control for dynamic positioning of vessels with output constraints. Ocean Engineering, 255, 111414.

[7]    Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Tian, X., Guo, X., Li, X., & Zhang, X. (2022). A numerical framework for hydroelastic analysis of a flexible floating structure under unsteady external excitations: Motion and internal force/moment. Ocean Engineering, 253, 111288.

[8]    Wu, Q., Yang, J., Guo, X., Liu, L., Lu, W., & Lu, H. (2022). Experimental study on dynamic responses of a deep-sea mining system. Ocean Engineering, 248, 110675.

[9]    Wu, X., Wu, S., Tian, X., Guo, X.*, & Luo, X. (2022). Effects of hyperparameters on flow field reconstruction around a foil by convolutional neural networks. Ocean Engineering, 247, 110650.

[10] Guo, X., Zhang, X., Tian, X., Lu, W., & Li, X. (2022). Probabilistic prediction of the heave motions of a semi-submersible by a deep learning model. Ocean Engineering, 247, 110578.

[11] Dong, Q., Guo, X. X., Yang, J. M., Lu, H. N., & Huang, L. W. (2021). Measurements of Wind Loads on Side-by-Side Semi-Submersibles in A Wind Tunnel. China Ocean Engineering, 35, 531-543.

[12] Guo, X., Zhang, X., Tian, X., Li, X., & Lu, W. (2021). Predicting heave and surge motions of a semi-submersible with neural networks. Applied Ocean Research, 112, 102708.

[13] Wu, Q., Yang, J., Guo, X., & Liu, L. (2021). Influence of irregular waves on the dynamic response of a vertical transport system for deep sea mining. Ocean Engineering, 229, 108443.

[14] Dong, Q., Guo, X., Li, X., Lu, W., & Yang, J. (2021). Coupled dynamics between a turret-moored fpso and a semi-submersible accommodation platform. Ocean Engineering, 229, 108764.

[15] Wang, P., Tian, X., Liang, X., Guo, X., Li, X., & Zhang, X. (2021). Development of the control system for a wave driven glider. Ocean Engineering, 229, 108813.

[16] Zhao, Y., Gao, S., Zhang, X., Guo, X., Li, X., & Tian, X. (2021). Direct numerical simulations on the flow past a thin square plate. Physics of Fluids, 33(3), 034128.

[17] Song, Y., Guo, X., Wang, H., Tian, X., Wei, H., & Zhang, X. (2020). Performance analysis of an adaptive bistable point absorber wave energy converter under white noise wave excitation. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 12(2), 1090-1099.

[18] Zhang, X., Tian, X., Guo, X., Li, X., & Xiao, L. (2020). Bottom step enlarging horizontal momentum flux of dam break flow. Ocean Engineering, 214, 107729.

[19] Li, D., Lu, W., Li, X., Guo, X., Li, J., & Duan, W. (2020). Second-order resonant motions of a deep-draft semi-submersible under extreme irregular wave excitation. Ocean Engineering, 209, 107496.

[20] Wang, D., Wang, P., Zhang, X., Guo, X., Shu, Y., & Tian, X. (2020). An obstacle avoidance strategy for the wave glider based on the improved artificial potential field and collision prediction model. Ocean Engineering, 206, 107356.

[21] Lu, W., Li, X., Zhang, X., Tian, X., & Guo, X. *(2020). Experimental study on the wave run-up and air-gap response of a three-column semi-submersible platform. Ocean Engineering, 203, 107253.

[22] Dong, Q., Yang, J., & Guo, X. *(2020). Measurements of current loads on side-by-side semi-submersibles in a wind tunnel. Ocean Engineering, 201, 107126.

[23] Cao, Q., Xiao, L.F.*, Guo, X.X. & Liu, M.Y. (2020). Second-order Responses of a Conceptual Semi-submersible 10 MW Wind Turbine Using Full Quadratic Transfer Functions. Renewable Energy. Publish online.

[24] Wang, P., Zhang, X.T., Wang, D.Y., Guo, X.X., Lu, W.Y. & Tian, X.L.* (2020). A restricted circle based position keeping strategy for the wave glider, Applied Ocean Research. 97: 102081.

[25] Xiong, L.Z., Lu, W.Y.*, Li, X. & Guo, X.X. (2019). Estimation of damping induced by taut mooring lines, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. Publish online.

[26] Wang, P., Wang, D.Y., Zhang, X.T., Guo, X.X., Li, X. & Tian, X.L.* (2019). Path following control of the wave glider in waves and currents, Ocean Engineering. 193: 106578.

[27] Dong, Q., Lu, H.N.*, Yang, J.M. & Guo, X.X.  (2019). Dynamic gangway responses between TLP and semi-submersible platform during tender-assisted drilling. Marine Structure 67: 102645.

[28] Guo, X.X., Gao, Z., Li, X.*, Yang, J.M. & Moan, T. (2019). Loading and Blade Deflection of a Tidal Turbine in Waves. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 141(4), 041902.

[29] Qi, Y.H., Tian, X.L.*, Guo, X.X. & Lu, H.N. (2019). The Hydrodynamic Performance of a Tension Leg Platform with One-tendon Failure. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-11.

[30] Guo, X.X., Yang, J.M.*, Lu, W.Y. & Li, X. (2018). Dynamic Responses of a Floating Tidal Turbine With 6-DOF Prescribed Floater Motions. Ocean Engineering, 165: 426-437.

[31] Guo, X.X., Yang, J.M.*, Gao, Z., Moan, T. & Lu, H.N. (2018). The Surface Wave Effects on the Performance and the Loading of a Tidal Turbine. Ocean Engineering, 156: 120-134.

[32] Guo, X.X., Lu, H.N.*, Yang, J.M. & Peng, T. (2017). Resonant water motions within a recessing type moonpool in a drilling vessel. Ocean Engineering, 129: 228-239.


1.   2019-2020 第2学期:船舶与海洋工程试验研究

2.   2020-2021 第2学期:船舶与海洋工程试验研究

3.   2022-2023 第2学期:船舶与海洋工程试验研究



1.   2020-09 至 2021-08 基于深度学习的海洋工程结构物运动响应实时预报

2.   2019-12 至 2021-05 针对海上拆平台的多船动力定位实验系统开发

3.   2019-12 至 2020-11 考虑船体运动的二维甲板上浪试验研究



1.   2022,基于深度学习的 CFD 流场提取与重构方法研究

2.   2022,基于强化学习的船舶动力定位算法研究

3.   2021,基于深度学习的海洋平台运动极短期预报研究

4.   2021,基于人工智能的波浪水槽实验系统构建研究



1.   上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划(2020)

2.   中国航海学会科学技术奖二等奖(排3): 基于状态感测的大型模块海上运输及高精度动态定位安装技术(2022)

3.   海洋工程科学技术奖二等奖(排8): 大型导管架平台海上安装安全保障技术研究及工程应用(2021)

4.   36365线路检测中心优秀班主任(2021)

5.   36365线路检测中心优秀班主任(2015)

6.   第十一届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛长三角赛区一等奖,基于双船协同动力定位的海上平台拆除作业系统(2022,指导教师)

7.   第十二届全国流体力学会议优秀墙报,基于深度学习的三维倾斜圆盘流场特征提取方法研究(2022,指导教师)

8.   第五届全国大学生船舶能源与动力创新大赛特等奖/优秀指导老师(2022)

9.   第九届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛特等奖,用于海上平台拆除的多船协同动力定位系统开发(2020,指导教师)

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