





2020.5-至今,36365线路检测中心,36365线路检测中心 博士生导师

2019.7-至今,36365线路检测中心,36365线路检测中心 副研究员
2014.7-2019.6 36365线路检测中心 机械与动力工程学院 博士生导师
2012.1-至今 36365线路检测中心 机械与动力工程学院 副研究员
2011.2-2011.12 36365线路检测中心 机械与动力工程学院 助理研究员
2008.8-2011.2 36365线路检测中心 机械与动力工程学院 博士后
2004.3-2008.7 36365线路检测中心 博士
1997.7-2001.9 齐齐哈尔轨道交通装备公司 助理工程师

1. 复合材料结构非线性稳定性和振动
2. 复杂薄壁结构装配偏差与装配力学分析与控制

ASME会员, 中国机械工程学会高级会员, 中国力学学会会员, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Composites Science and Technology, European Journal of Mechanics- A/Solids, Thin-Walled Structures,《中国科学》等二十余种期刊审稿人

2021-2024 国家“两机”重大专项基础研究项目(***耦合振动***,779608000000200007),课题负责人

2020-2021 河北京车轨道交通车辆装备有限公司项目“车体大部件数字化在线检测技术可行性研究”,负责人

2017-2018 2016工信部智能制造专项“高速车车体制造新模式项目子课题-数据采集与分析系统的研发”,负责人

2017-2018 中车唐山公司项目 “工艺制造过程数据分析系统”,负责人
2017-2018 中车唐山公司项目 “碳钢车体工程尺寸链研究及应用技术服务”,负责人
2018-2021 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“高超声速飞行器复合材料热防护盖板结构的装配偏差传播机制及非线性力学行为研究”,负责人
2013-2016 国家自然科学基金(青年-面上连续资助)“深海复合材料立管与海底管线在极端海洋环境联合作用下的非线性流固耦合振动和动力屈曲、后屈曲特性研究”,负责人
2010-2012 国家自然科学基金(青年基金)“深海复合材料管线后屈曲行为及非线性动力特性研究”,负责人
2014-2015 中航一院“xxx公差分配及控制仿真研究”项目,负责人
2010.5-2013.12 中车唐山公司项目“高速列车车体精密制造”项目,负责人
2008-2010 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“汽车轻量化和航空结构中复合材料结构非线性行为和动力特性建模与分析”,负责人
2009-2010 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目“船舶与海洋工程中复合材料加筋圆柱曲板和圆柱壳结构在多种载荷工况下后屈曲和非线性振动研究”,负责人
2009.6-2009.12 “十一五”科技支撑计划“300km/h高速动车组现代集成制造系统”子课题: 高速动车组大部件装配质量控制项目,技术负责
2010-2012 铁道部项目“中国高速列车关键技术研究及装备研制”子课题“车体工艺流程数字化平台项目”,技术负责
2010-2011 铁道部科技司计划“高速列车司机室装配偏差数字化设计技术研究项目”,技术负责
2012-2013 航天先进技术联合研究中心技术创新项目“***数字化封样技术及其应用”,参与
2010-2012 中国商用飞机制造工程技术中心创新基金“民机薄壁件装配过程变形机理分析与误差控制技术”,参与
2014-2015 上海大众汽车公司“新版功能尺寸分析与CP提升”,参与
2014-2015 上海通用汽车公司“尾灯装配偏差分析”,参与
2014-2015 中航工业商发“商用航空发动机整机结构复杂三维尺寸链建模与公差分析”,参与

在美国机械工程师学会(ASME)会刊、美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)会刊、European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids、Composite Structures、Ocean Engineering、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences和《中国科学》等国内外学术期刊发表SCI论文50余篇。
(* 表示通讯作者)


[1]  Xinxin Li, Zhimin Li*, Sun Jin, Jichang Zhang. A multi-scale model of real contact area for linear guideway based on the fractal theory. Proc IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 235(21), pp. 5796-5813, 2021.

[2]  Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*. Nonlinear vibration analysis of functionally graded material tubes with conveying fluid resting on elastic foundation by a new tubular beam model. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 137, pp.103824, 2021.

[3]  Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*, Pizhong Qiao. The closed-form solutions for buckling and postbuckling behaviour of anisotropic shear deformable laminated doubly-curved shells by matching method with the boundary layer of shell buckling. Acta Mechanica, 232 (8), pp. 3277-3303, 2021.

[4] Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*, Pizhong Qiao, Sun Jin. A novel C1 continuity finite element based on Mindlin theory for doubly-curved laminated composite shells. Thin-Walled Structures, 167, pp.108155, 2021.

[5] Jinyu Liu, Zhimin Li*, Tao Liu, Liangfeng Li, Changhui Liu, Lijun Yang. A novel variation analysis of compliant assemblies with welding-induced distortions based on inherent stain. Ocean Engineering, 237, pp.109636, 2021.

[6]  Hehe Kang, Zhi-Min Li*, Tao Liu*, Guang Zhao, Jianping Jing, Wei Yuan. A novel multiscale model for contact behavior analysis of rough surfaces with the statistical approach. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 212, pp.106808, 2021.

[7]  Hehe Kang, Zhi-Min Li*, Tao Liu, Pizhong Qiao. Tolerance design of multistage aero-engine casing assembly by vibration characteristic evaluation. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 33(5), pp. 04020064, 2021.

[8]  Zhi-Min Li, Tao Liu, Pizhong Qiao*. Buckling and postbuckling of anisotropic laminated doubly curved panels under lateral pressure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 206, pp.106615, 2021.

[9]  Zhi-Min Li*, Tao Liu, Pizhong Qiao. Nonlinear vibration and dynamic instability analyses of laminated doubly curved panels in thermal environments. Composite Structures, 267, pp.113434, 2021.

[10] Zhi-Min Li*, Tao Liu. A new displacement model for nonlinear vibration analysis of fluid-conveying anisotropic laminated tubular beams resting on elastic foundation. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 86, pp.104172, 2021.

[11] Zhihua Niu, Sun Jin*, Zhi-Min Li*. Assembly variation analysis of incompletely positioned Macpherson suspension systems considering vehicle load change. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 143, pp. 052001, 2021.

[12] Hehe Kang, Zhi-Min Li*. Assembly research of aero-engine casing involving bolted connection based on rigid-compliant coupling assembly deviation modeling. Proc IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234(14), pp. 2803-2820, 2020.

[13] Jinyu Liu, Zhi-Min Li*, Tao Liu, Pizhong Qiao. Influence of local delamination on assembly variation modeling of laminated composite beams. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 33(5), pp. 04020064, 2020.

[14] Zhihua Niu, Zhi-Min Li*, Sun Jin, Tao Liu. Assembly variation analysis of compliant mechanisms by combining direct linearization method and Lagrange’s equations. Assembly Automation, 39(4), pp. 740-751, 2019.

[15] Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*, Sun Jin, Wei Chen. Compliant assembly analysis including initial deviations and geometric nonlinearity, Part I: beam structure. Proc IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(12), pp. 4233-4246, 2019.

[16] Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*, Sun Jin, Wei Chen. Compliant assembly analysis including initial deviations and geometric nonlinearity, Part II: plate structure. Proc IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(11): 3717-3732, 2019.

[17] Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*, Sun Jin, Wei Chen. A variation analysis method for linkage mechanism with consideration of joint clearance and deformation. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 19(10), pp. 1495-1506, 2018.

[18] Yi-Xi Zhao, Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*. Nonlinear bending analysis of a 3D braided composite cylindrical panel subjected to transverse loads in thermal environments. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 31(8), pp. 1716-1727, 2018.

[19] Zhi-Min Li*, Tao Liu, De-Qing Yang. Postbuckling behavior of shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical shell under combined external pressure and axial compression. Composite Structures, 198, pp. 84-108, 2018.

[20] Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*, Sun Jin. Nonlinear bending analysis of anisotropic laminated tubular beams based on higher-order theory subjected to different kinds of distributed loads. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 163, pp. 23-35, 2018.

[21] Zhi-Min Li*, De-Qing Yang. Thermal postbuckling analysis of anisotropic laminated beams with tubular cross-section based on higher-order theory. Ocean Engineering, 115, pp. 93-106, 2016.

[22] Zhi-Min Li*, Miao Wang. Large-amplitude vibration analysis of 3D braided composite cylindrical shells in an elastic medium. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 29(1), pp. 04015029, 2016.

[23] Zhi-Min Li*, Pizhong Qiao. Thermal postbuckling analysis of anisotropic laminated beams with different types of boundary conditions resting on two-parameter elastic foundations. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 54, pp.30-43, 2015.

[24] Zhi-Min Li*, Yi-Xi Zhao. Nonlinear bending of shear deformable anisotropic laminated beams resting on two-parameter elastic foundations based on an exact bending curvature model. ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 141(3), pp.04014125, 2015.

[25] Zhi-Min Li, Pizhong Qiao*. Postbuckling of buried geodesically stiffened pipelines under combined external pressure and axial compression. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 28(6), pp. A4014006, 2015.

[26] Zhi-Min Li, Pizhong Qiao*. Buckling and postbuckling behavior of shear deformable anisotropic laminated beams with initial geometric imperfections subjected to axial compression. Engineering Structures, 85, pp. 277-292, 2015.

[27] Zhi-Min Li*, Pizhong Qiao. Buckling and postbuckling of anisotropic laminated cylindrical shells under combined external pressure and axial compression in thermal environments. Composite Structures, 119, pp. 709-726, 2015.

[28] Zhi-Min Li*, Pizhong Qiao. Nonlinear vibration analysis of geodesically-stiffened laminated composite cylindrical shells in an elastic medium. Composite Structures, 111, pp. 473-487, 2014.

[29] Zhi-Min Li*, Pizhong Qiao. On an exact bending curvature model for nonlinear free vibration analysis of shear deformable anisotropic laminated beams with initial loads resting on two-parameter elastic foundations. Composite Structures, 108, pp. 243-258, 2014.

[30] Zhi-Min Li. Thermal postbuckling behavior of 3D braided beams with initial geometric imperfection under different type temperature distributions. Composite Structures, 108, pp. 924-936, 2014.

[31] Zhi-Min Li*, Xiang-Dong Chen, Hai-Dong Yu. Large-amplitude vibration analysis of shear deformable laminated composite cylindrical shells with initial imperfections in thermal environments. ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 140(3), pp. 552-565, 2014.

[32] Zhi-Min Li*, Xiang-Dong Chen, Hua Wang. Exact analysis of postbuckling behavior of anisotropic composite slender beams subjected to axial compression. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 27(2), pp. 318-324, 2014.

[33] Guo-Ping Chu, Zhi-Min Li*. Postbuckling behavior of 3D braided rectangular plates subjected to uniaxial compression and transverse loads in thermal environments. Science China: Technological Sciences, 57(7), pp. 1439-1457, 2014.

[34] Zhi-Min Li*, Yi-Xi Zhao, Xiang-Dong Chen. Non-linear buckling and postbuckling behavior of 3D braided cylindrical panels under axial compression in thermal environments. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 21(6), pp. 490-504, 2014.

[35] Zhi-Min Li*, Zhong-Qin Lin. Thermal postbuckling of shear-deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical shells with temperature-dependent properties. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 47, pp. 984-998, 2012.

[36] Zhi-Min Li*, Wei Gu, Yi-Xi Zhao. Postbuckling behavior of 3D braided rectangular plates subjected to biaxial compression. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 25(4), pp. 680-690, 2012.



[37]  Zhi-Min Li*, Yi-Xi Zhao. Postbuckling behavior of shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical panels under external lateral pressure. ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 137, (11), pp. 749-758, 2011.

[38]  Zhi-Min Li*, De-Qing Yang. Postbuckling of shear deformable stiffened anisotropic laminated cylindrical shell under axial compression. Ocean Engineering, 38(10), pp. 1246-1255, 2011.

[39]  Zhi-Min Li*, Wei Gu, Xiang-Dong Chen, Hai Hu. Non-linear buckling behavior of 3D braided composite cylindrical shells subjected to internal pressure loads in thermal environments. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 47(4), pp. 461-480, 2011.

[40]  Zhi-Min Li. Thermal postbuckling behavior of 3D braided rectangular plates. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 34(7), pp. 626-649, 2011.

[41]  Zhi-Min Li*, Ping Zhu, Zhong-Qin Lin. Nonlinear bending behavior of 3D braided rectangular plates subjected to transverse loads in thermal environments. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 81(5), pp. 585-603, 2011.

[42]  Zhi-Min Li*, Zhong-Qin Lin, Guan-Long Chen. Postbuckling of shear deformable geodesically stiffened anisotropic laminated cylindrical shell under external pressure. ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 133(2), pp. 021204, 2011.

[43]  Zhi-Min Li*, Yi-Xi Zhao, Xiang-Dong Chen, Wu-Rong Wang. Non-linear buckling and postbuckling of shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical panel under axial compression. Mechanics of Composite Material, 46(6), pp.599-626, 2010.

[44]  Zhi-Min Li*, Zhong-Qin Lin. Non-linear buckling and postbuckling of shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical shell subjected to varying external pressure loads. Composite Structures, 92(2), pp. 553-567, 2010.

[45]  Zhi-Min Li*, De-Qing Yang. Thermal postbuckling analysis of 3D braided composite cylindrical shells. Journal of Mechanics, 26(2), pp. 113-122, 2010.

[46]  Zhi-Min Li*, Zhong-Qin Lin, Guan-Long Chen. Non-linear buckling and postbuckling behavior of 3D braided composite cylindrical shells under external pressure loads in thermal environments. ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 131(6), pp. 061206, 2009.

[47]  Zhi-Min Li, Hui-Shen Shen*. Buckling and postbuckling analysis of shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical shells under torsion. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 16, (1), pp. 46-62, 2009.

[48]  Zhi-Min Li, Hui-Shen Shen*. Postbuckling analysis of 3D braided composite cylindrical shells under torsion in thermal environments. Composite Structures, 87(3), pp. 242-256, 2009.

[49]  Zhi-Min Li, Hui-Shen Shen*. Postbuckling of shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical shell under axial compression. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 8(3), pp. 389-414, 2008.

[50]  Zhi-Min Li, Hui-Shen Shen*. Postbuckling analysis of three-dimensional textile composite cylindrical shells under axial compression in thermal environments. Composites Science and Technology, 68 (3-4), pp.872-879, 2008.

[51]  Zhi-Min Li, Hui-Shen Shen*. Postbuckling analysis of 3D braided composite cylindrical shells under combined external pressure and axial compression in thermal environments. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 50(4), pp.719-731, 2008.

[52]  Xiang-Dong Chen, Zhi-Min Li*. Analysis of the dynamic response of 3D-braided rectangular plates on an elastic foundation. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 44(6), pp.607-622, 2008.

[53]  Zhi-Min Li. Postbuckling of shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical shells under external pressure in thermal environments. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 43(6), pp.535-560, 2007.


[1] Zhimin Li. Nonlinear vibration analysis of fluid-conveying functionally graded material tubes resting on elastic foundation based on higher-order tubular beam model. International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures, 2018.

[2] Li ZM*, Yao LM, Li BW. Variation simulation considering welding distortion applied in high-speed trains. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017: V002T02A100.

[3] Tao Liu, Zhi-Min Li*, Quan Zhang. Nonlinear vibration analysis of 3D braided composite cylindrical panels resting on elastic foundations in thermal environments. The 21st International Conference on Composites Materials.

[4] 姚利民, 张道刘,侯秀娟, 刘涛, 李志敏*. 考虑焊接变形的装配偏差分析在动力集中型动车组中的应用[J], 36365线路检测中心学报,2018.(EI已录用)

[5] 姚利民, 李永军, 李宝旺, 刘涛, 李志敏*. 高速列车侧墙的装配偏差仿真分析与测点优化[J]. 机械设计与研究, 2017(4):127-130.

[6] 吴桃生, 李志敏*, 王华, 冯孝忠. 高速列车司机室复杂曲面制造质量评价. 36365线路检测中心学报. Vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 706-711, 2012.

[7] 徐志强, 李志敏*, 朱平, 冯孝忠. 高速列车司机室前窗框焊接变形研究. 36365线路检测中心学报. Vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 1088-1091, 2012.

[8] 吴桃生, 李志敏*, 王华, 冯孝忠, 杨建华. 基于工装预变形的高速列车侧墙尺寸偏差控制方法. 铁道机车车辆. Vol. 32, no.1, pp. 1-5, 2012.

[9] 李志敏, 沈惠申*. 三维编织复合材料圆柱壳外压下的屈曲分析. 固体力学学报. Vol.29, no.1, pp. 52-58, 2008.

[10] 陈向军, 李志敏*. 考虑渗流场影响的大坝非稳定温度场. 长沙理工大学学报. Vol.5, no.1, pp. 44-47, 2008.

[11] 李志敏*, 胡海. 三维编织复合材料圆柱壳的扭转后屈曲分析. 力学季刊. Vol.29, no.1, pp. 61-70, 2008.

课程名称: 壳体理论与结构稳定性  授课对象:研究生 学时数:48 学分:3 

专利名称:Method for predicting welding deformation of key control points of EMU train body

授权号:2020103879 (国外专利)

专利名称:A diagnosis method of train body assembly deviation in the manufacturing process of high-speed train


专利名称:A method for allocating assembly tolerance of car body considering the influence of welding deformation

授权号:2020103882 (国外专利)

ZL 201510762025.X 

授权号:ZL 200810202307.4



2010 上海市优秀博士学位论文


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