





2014-2020 36365线路检测中心36365线路检测中心副研究员


水声技术国防国家重点实验室、海洋声学信息感知工信部重点实验室委员;担任中国声学学会水声学分会理事、中国声学学会计算声学分会委员、中国造船工程学会水中兵器委员会目标特性学组委员;担任Defense Science & Technology第一届青年编辑委员会委员。


[1] Wang Bin, Wang Wenhuan, Fan Jun, et al. Modeling of bistatic scattering from an underwater non-penetrable target using a Kirchhoff approximation method[J]. Defence Technology, 2022, 18(7): 1097-1106.

[2] Zhao Kaiqi, Fan Jun,  Wang Bin, et al. Modulation of the vibroacoustic behavior of a partially immersed cylindrical shell by regular waves[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2020, 171.

[3] Zhao Kaiqi, Fan Jun, Wang Bin, et al. Vibroacoustic behavior of a partially immersed cylindrical shell under point-force excitation: Analysis and experiment[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2020, 161: 107170.

[4] Tong Yunzhe, Wang Bin, Fan Jun, et al. Acoustic scattering from an infinitely long cylindrical shell with periodic internal lengthwise ribs[J]. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020, 148(2):984-997.

[5] Zhou Fulin, Wang Bin, Fan Jun, et al. Theoretical and Numerical Studies on in vacuo Structural Admittance of an Infinite, Coated Cylindrical Shell[J]. Acoustical Physics, 2019, 65(1): 14-22.

[6] Tong Yunzhe, Fan Jun, Wang Bin, et al. Vibroacoustic behavior of an infinitely long cylindrical shell with periodic internal lengthwise ribs.[J]. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018.

[7] Zhou Fulin, Fan Jun, Wang Bin, et al. Absorption Performance of an Anechoic Layer with a Steel Plate Backing at Oblique Incidence[J]. Acoustics Australia: 1-11.

[8] Tong Yunzhe , Fan Jun, Wang Bin. Acoustic scattering from a cylindrical shell with an internal rigid plate: Analysis and experiment[J]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018, 143(6): 3332.

[9] Peng Zilong, Wang Bin, Fan Jun. Simulation and experimental studies on acoustic scattering characteristics of surface targets[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2018, 137(AUG.): 140-147.

[10] Peng Zilong, Wang Bin, Fan Jun. Assessment on source levels of merchant ships observed in the East China Sea[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 156(MAY15): 179-190.

[11] Peng Zilong, Fan Jun, Wang Bin. Analysis and Modelling on Radiated Noise of a Typical Fishing Boat Measured in Shallow Water Inspired by AQUO Project's Model[J]. Archives of Acoustics Journal of Polish    Academy of Sciences, 2018.

[12] Peng Zilong, Wang Bin, Fan Jun. Analysis and Modeling on Low-frequency Source Levels of Fishing Vessels from an acoustic observatory in East China Sea[C]// 2018: 27-32.

[13] Pan An, Fan Jun, Wang Bin. Acoustic scattering from a double periodically bulkheaded and ribbed finite cylindrical shell[J]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013, 134(5): 3452-63.

[14] 周彦玲, 范军, 王斌,. 水下环形凹槽圆柱体散射声场空间指向性调控[J]. 物理学报, 2021, 70(17): 8.

[15] 周彦玲, 范军, 王斌. 塑料类高分子聚合物材料水中目标声学参数反演[J]. 物理学报, 2019, 68(21): 12.

[16] 周彦玲, 王斌, 范军. 水中微小波纹圆柱体声散射低频共振调控[J]. 物理学报, 2021.

[17] 谭力文, 王斌, 范军. 一种水下目标收发分置声目标强度快速计算方法[J]. 船舶力学, 2020, 24(9): 9.

[18] 周富霖, 范军, 王斌,. 外部加环肋圆柱壳声散射数值和试验研究[J]. 船舶力学, 2019, 23(6): 13.

[19] 贾波, 王斌, 范军,. 水下目标宽带回波特性的快速计算方法[J]. 36365线路检测中心学报, 2017, 51(2): 5.

[20] 王帅, 王斌, 范军. 浅海信道中目标低频声散射特性研究[J]. 船舶力学, 2022, 26(8): 9.

[21] 赵开琦, 范军, 王斌. 界面对弹性球壳声辐射的影响分析[J]. 船舶力学, 2022(002): 026.

[22] 屈凯旸, 王斌, 范军. 部分浸水周向开口圆柱壳声散射特性研究[J]. 船舶力学, 2021.

[23] 童韫哲, 范军, 王斌,. 加周期纵肋圆柱壳声辐射[J]. 船舶力学, 2021.

[24] 张培珍, 莫秉戈, 王斌. 拓展的衍射CT技术反演多孔性海底声学参数[J]. 吉林大学学报:地球科学版, 2019, 49(6):7.

[25] 张培珍, 李秀坤, 王斌,. 掩埋目标声散射特性及其实验[J]. 声学学报, 2018, 43(6): 9.

[26] 周彦玲, 范军, 王斌. 水下球体目标散射声场相位特性[J]. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2020, 41(7): 6.

[27] 潘安, 范军, 王斌,. 双层周期加肋有限长圆柱壳声散射精细特征研究[J]. 物理学报, 2014(21): 16.

[28] 胡世猛, 王斌, 汤渭霖,. 舱壁对圆柱壳振动声辐射影响研究[J]. 船舶力学, 2013, 17(7): 11.

[29] 程钊, 范军, 王斌,. 水中矩形板的共振声辐射[J]. 声学学报, 2013.

[30] 程钊, 范军, 王斌,. 水中有限长加肋圆柱壳的平均辐射率[J]. 船舶力学, 2012, 16(10): 11.

[31] 陈明, 王斌, 曹为午. 水下复杂壳体结构在多源激励下的振动及声辐射特性研究[J]. 声学学报, 2009(6): 8.

[32] 王斌, 汤渭霖, 范军. 水听器非轴线布放时的拖线阵流噪声响应[J]. 声学学报:中文版, 2008(05): 402-408.

[33] 王斌, 汤渭霖, 范军. 一种辐射声场近似计算方法——单元辐射叠加法[J]. 声学学报, 2008, 33(3): 5.




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