




1999-2003 36365线路检测中心船舶、海洋与建筑工程学院 工学博士
2006 法国国家水利学与环境实验室(EdF R&D LNHE) 博士后
2007 德国Darmstadt技术大学力学研究所(TU-Darmstadt) 洪堡访问学者
2014 德国Darmstadt技术大学力学研究所(TU-Darmstadt) 访问学者
2007- 36365线路检测中心船舶、海洋与建筑工程学院 副教授


2003-现在 中国力学学会 会员
2003-现在 上海市造船学会 会员
2008-现在 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Member

2006.01-2008.12 国家自然科学基金项目 "非线性液舱晃荡问题的高阶级数解" 项目负责人
2010.03-2012.03 上海市自然科学基金项目 "非线性海洋内波问题的同伦分析研究" 项目负责人
2008.01-2011.12 国家自然科学基金重点课题 "深海资源开发新型立管系统的基础科学与关键技术" 项目参与者

1. Qingqing Yuan, Chun Wang, Yongqi Wang, Chong Peng, Xiannan Meng, Investigation of submerged soil excavation by high velocity water jet using two-fluid smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, 2019, 145(6): 04019016. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001599
2. Hao, Wu, Jian Wang, Chun Wang and Jian Hua Wang, Soil-water-structure interaction algorithm in smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with application to deep-penetrating problem, International Journal of Computational methods 15(7), 2018: 1850135.
3. Qinqing Yuan, Min Zhao, Chun Wang, Tong Ge, Numerical study of sand scour with a modified Eulerian model based on incipient motion theory, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 36(2018): 818-826.
4. Xiannan Meng, Yongqi Wang, Feng Feng, Chun Wang, Yunlai Zhou, Granular flows in a rotating drum and on an inclined plane: Analytical and numerical solutions, Physics of Fluids 30(2018): 106605.
5. Chun Wang, Yongqi Wang, Chong Peng, Xiannan Meng, Dilatancy and compaction effects on the submerged granular column collapse, Physics of Fluids 29, 103307 (2017).
6. Chun Wang, Yongqi Wang, Chong Peng, Xiannan Meng, SPH simulation of water-soil mixture flows, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142(10) 2016: 04016032.
7. Chun Wang, Yongqi Wang, Chong Peng, Xiannan Meng, Two-fluid smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation of submerged granular column collapse, Mechanics Research Communications, 79 (2017): 15-23.
8. 骆钊,汪淳. 统一半解析边界处理SPH方法与不规则粒子分布,水动力学研究与进展, 2017.
9. 骆钊,汪淳,改进的SPH边界处理方法与土体大变形模拟,计算力学学报,2018,35(3):364-371.
11. Chong Peng, Wei Wu, Hai-sui Yu and Chun Wang, A SPH approach for large deformation analysis with hypoplastic constitutive model, Acta Geotechnica 10 (2015): 703-717.
12. Chong Peng, Guofang Xu, Wei Wu, Hai-sui Yu and Chun Wang, Multiphase SPH modeling of free surface flow in porous media with variable porosity, Computer and Geotechnics 81 (2017) 239-248.
13. Xiannan Meng, Yongqi Wang, Chun Wang and Jan-Thomas Frisher, Modeling of unsaturated granular flows by a two-layer approach, Acta Geotechnica 2017, DOI: 14.1007/s11440-016-0509-x.
15. 张树森,汪淳,葛彤,海底冲射式开沟机研究进展,海洋工程,2014,第3期,176-182。
16. Shusen Zhang, Min Zhao,Tong Ge and Chun Wang, Experimental research on trenching in stiff clay by submerged vertical traveling jets, Journal of Coastal Research 32 (2016) 365-373.
17. Shusen Zhang, Chun Wang and Tong Ge, Experimental prediction of the noncontact jet Trencher’s excavation depth in clay, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 35 (2017) 300-304.
18. 汪淳,骆钊,水下溃沙问题的SPH数值模拟,中国力学大会-2015论文集,上海, 2015.8.16-2015.8.19.
19. Zhao Niu and Chun WANG (汪淳), A one-step optimal homotopy analysis method for nonlinear differential equations,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,15 (2010):2026-2036.
20. 范平易,邹早建,汪淳,基于桥区水流数值模拟的建桥对通航影响分析,中国航海,2010.
21. C. Wang, Analytic solutions for a liquid film on an unsteady stretching surface, Heat Mass Transfer, 42 (2006) 759-766.
22. C. Wang and I. Pop, Analysis of the flow of a power-law fluid film on an unsteady stretching surface by means of homotopy analysis method, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 138 (2006) 161-172.
23. C. Chen, C. Wang and S. J. Liao, Explicit analytic solutions of KdV equation given by the Homotopy Analysis Method, Reflection and Outlook of Engineering Mechanics: In Honor of Theodore Y.-T. Wu, edited by A. Chwang,, M. H. Teng and D. T. Valentine, World Scientific, 2005.
24. C.Wang,Y.Y.Wu and W.Wu, Solving the nonlinear periodic wave problems with the homotopy analysis method, Wave Motion, 41 (2004) 329-337.
25. Y.Y.Wu, C.Wang and S.J.Liao, Solving the one-loop soliton solution of the Vakhnenko equation by means of the Homotopy Analysis Method, Chaos, Fractals and Solitons, 23 (2005) 1733-1740.
26. C.Wang, J.M.Zhu, S.J.Liao and I.Pop, On the explicit analytic solution of Cheng-Chang equation, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 1855-1860.
27. C.Wang, S.J.Liao and J.M.Zhu, An explicit analytic solution for the combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection from a vertical wall in a non-Darcy porous medium, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 4813-4822.
28. C.Wang, S.J.Liao and J.M.Zhu, An explicit analytic solution for non-Darcy natural convection over horizontal plate with surface mass flux and thermal dispersion effects, Acta Mechanica 165 (2003) 139-150.
29. C.Wang, T. Ge and J.M.Zhu, Study on Hydrodynamics of a New Type of Underwater Vehicle, Journal of ShangHai JiaoTong university 35 (2001) 1547-1551. (in Chinese)
30. C.Wang and Z.J.Zou, A 3D panel method for hydrodynamic forces on hydrofoils, Journal of Ship Mechanics 5 (2001) 18-25.

船舶流体力学 授课对象: 本科生
水下工程力学 授课对象: 本科生
深海工程概览 授课对象: 本科生
船舶与浮式结构物动力学 授课对象: 研究生
船舶原理与设计原理 授课对象: 工程硕士

2005 国家优秀博士论文提名奖
2005 上海市优秀博士论文
2007 德国洪堡奖学金
2010 上海交大SMC晨兴计划
2010 上海交大36365线路检测中心优秀青年教师
2010 上海交大水下工程研究所优秀员工

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