2019.6-至今 36365线路检测中心长聘教授;
2009.12-至今 36365线路检测中心工程力学系教授,博士生导师;
2008.8-2009.12 36365线路检测中心工程力学系副教授;
2000.9-2008.7 36365线路检测中心机械与动力工程学院副教授;
2007.8-9 美国加州大学河滨分校访问学者;
2003.3-2004.6 香港理工大学机械工程系访问学者;
1998.9-2000.9 36365线路检测中心工程力学系博士后;
1995.9-1998.7 大连理工大学土木工程系博士。
5) 涡激振动及驰振能量获取与利用
《水动力学研究与进展》和《Journal of Hydrodynamics》编委,《中国海洋平台》编委,中国环境科学学会大气环境分会理事。
Physics of Fluids, Ocean Engineering, Marine Structures, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Advances in Water Resources, Atmospheric Environment, Building and Environment, Journal of Hydrodynamics, China Ocean Engineering,等期刊审稿人。
2022-2025 国家自然科学基金面上“临界雷诺数下圆柱单/双自由度涡激振动特性与机理研究”(负责) 12172218
2020-2021 横向“***涡激振荡仿真研究”(负责); “风机流激振动仿真研究”(负责)
2018-2021 国家自然科学基金“典型圆柱涡激振动抑制系统的驰振机理研究”(负责) 11872250
2014-2017 国家自然科学基金“附加流动适应性柔性结构控制圆柱尾涡及涡激振动研究”(负责) 11372188
2011-2013 国家自然科学基金“深水隔水管涡激振动抑制装置的高精度流固耦合模拟研究”(负责) 51079084
2012-2014 教育部博士点基金“基于流固耦合的隔水管涡激振动控制机理研究”(负责) 20110073110006
2008-2010 国家科技部863计划“深水隔水管涡激振动抑制的关键技术及效果评价”(负责) 2008AA09Z310
2008-2010 国家科技重大专项“深水油气田开发钻完井工程配套技术”子课题“基于CFD的隔水管分析”(负责)2008ZX05026-001
2003-2005 国家自然科学基金“基于城市街道分布的数值模拟与数学优化耦合模型研究”(负责) 50208011
2016-2019 中海石油研究总院“深水钻完井工程技术——深水钻井隔水管动态性能实验模拟与数值测试”(负责)
2017-2017 中国石油大学(华东)“丛式立管系统流固耦合动力学分析”(负责)
2012-2015 中海石油研究总院“深水钻完井工程技术——深水钻井隔水管VIV分析测试及实验”(负责)
2013-2013 中海石油深海开发有限公司“海洋石油981钻井平台应急悬挂隔水管航行的可行性研究”(负责)
2010-2010 上海城建(集团)公司“隧道风塔废气扩散的风洞试验及三维数值仿真”项目(国家科技支撑计划项目部分内容负责人)
2016-2019 工信部和财政部“数值水池创新专项(一期)涡激振动和涡激运动子系统研发”(第二负责)
2015-2019 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题“超细长柔性结构流固耦合响应分析理论”(第二负责)51490674
2015-2019 国家973项目课题“深水海底井口-隔水管-平台动力学耦合机理与安全控制”(主研)
2008-2010 教育部博士点基金“机动车排放细及超细颗粒物特性及其对大气环境的影响”(第二负责)
2001-2004 国家自然科学基金项目“城市汽车排放污染机理及其对城市大气环境影响的研究”(第二负责)
2015-2019 国家973项目课题“深水海底井口-隔水管-平台动力学耦合机理与安全控制”(主研)
2008-2010 教育部博士点基金“机动车排放细及超细颗粒物特性及其对大气环境的影响”(第二负责)
2001-2004 国家自然科学基金项目“城市汽车排放污染机理及其对城市大气环境影响的研究”(第二负责)
I 期刊论文
124 Wenbo Wu, Jiasong Wang,Zhongming Hu. Study on the flow-induced vibration of a two-tandem cylinder system in rigid body motion. Physics of Fluids. 2022, 34:013302.
123 Yuankun Sun, Jiasong Wang∗, Zhongming Hu, Ke Lin, Dixia Fan. Transition of FIV for a circular cylinder with splitter plates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 227: 107429.
122 Yuankun Sun, Jiasong Wang∗, Zhongming Hu, Hanxu Zheng. Oscillation control and drag reduction for a low mass ratio cylinder with double splitter plates Ocean Engineering 2022,263: 112361.
121 Yuankun Sun, Jiasong Wang∗, Dixia Fan, Hanxu Zheng, Zhongming Hu. The roles of rigid splitter plates in flowinduced vibration of a circular cylinder Physics of Fluids (Editor’s Pick). 2022, 34: 114114.
120 Hanxu Zheng, Jiasong Wang*. Flow-induced vibration of flexible cylinders covered by fixed fairings with different chord-chickness ratios. Marine Structures 2022, 86: 103299.
119 Leixin Ma, Ke Lin, Dixia Fan, Jiasong Wang, Michael S. Triantafyllou. Flexible cylinder flow-induced vibration Phys. Fluids, 34, 011302 (Featured).
118 Tao Tang, Hongjun Zhu, Jiasong Wang, Md Mahbub Alam, Jinze Song, Quanyu Chen. Flow-induced rotation modes and wake characteristics of a circular cylinder attached with a splitter plate at low Reynolds numbers. Ocean Engineering 266 (2022) 112823.
117 Zhongming Hu, Jiasong Wang, Yuankun Sun. Flow-induced vibration suppression for a single cylinder and one-fixed-one-free tandem cylinders with double tail splitter plates. Journal of Fluids and Structures 106 (2021) :103373.
116 Yuankun Sun, Jiasong Wang, Shengping Liang, Zhongming Hu, Hanxu Zheng. Flow-induced vibration of a cylinder attached with a fishtail-like fairing using wind tunnel experiments. Ocean Engineering 237(2021): 109599.
115 Zheng H X, Wang J S. A numerical study on the flow-induced vibrations of flexible cylinders attached with fixed short fairings [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 229: 108904.
114 Ke Lin, Jiasong Wang, Dixia Fan, and Michael S. Triantafyllou. Flow-induced cross-flow vibrations of long flexible cylinder with an upstream wake interference. Phys. Fluids 2021, 33: 065104 (Editors’s Pick).
113 Liang-bin Xu, Sheng-ping Liang, Zhong-ming Hu, Zheng-li Liu, Jia-song Wang. Vortex-induced vibration response of a circular cylinder surrounded with small rods. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2021, 33(3): 510-519.
112 Hanxu Zheng, Jiasong Wang. A numerical study on the vortex-induced vibration of flexible cylinders covered with differently placed buoyancy modules. Journal of Fluids and Structures 100 (2021) 103174.
111 Guangping Xu, Jiasong Wang, Xinqi Qiao. Numerical study on evolution of ultrafine particles emitted from vehicle exhaust with multi-dynamical behaviors. Atmospheric Environment. 244 (2021) 117916.
110 Wu Wenbo, Wang Jiasong. Vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder with two symmetrically arranged control rods, Fluid Dynamics Research, 2020,52(3): 035505.
107 Jiasong Wang, Dixia Fan, Ke Lin. A review on flow-induced vibration of offshore circular cylinders. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2020, 32(3): 212-233.(Invited review)
106 Zhongming Hu, Jiasong Wang, Yuankun Sun. Cross-flow vibrations of two identical elastically mounted cylinders in tandem arrangement using wind tunnel experiment. Ocean Engineering 2020, 209: 107501.
105 Zhongming Hu, Jiasong Wang, Yuankun Sun. Flow-induced vibration of one-fixed-one-free tandem arrangement cylinders with different mass-damping ratios using wind tunnel experiment. Journal of Fluids and Structures2020, 96: 103019.
104 Ke Lin, Jiasong Wang, Hanxu Zheng, Yuankun Sun. Numerical investigation of flow-induced vibrations of two cylinders in tandem arrangement with full wake interference. Physics of Fluids. 2020, 32, 015112.
103 Ke Lin, Dixia Fan, Jiasong Wang. Dynamic response and hydrodynamic coefficients of a cylinder oscillating in crossflow with an upstream wake interference. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 209: 107520.
102 Ke Lin, Jiasong Wang. Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of long flexible risers using a SDVM-FEM coupled method. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 172: 468-486.
99 Hanxu Zheng, Jiasong Wang. Galloping oscillation of a circular cylinder firmly combined with different shaped fairing devices. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2018, 77: 182–195.
98 Shengping Liang, Jiasong Wang, Bohan Xu, Wenbo Wu, Ke Lin. Vortex-induced vibration and structure instability for a circular cylinder Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018, 174: 200-209.
97 Wenbo Wu, Jiasong Wang. Numerical simulation of VIV for a circular cylinder with a downstream control rod at low Reynolds number. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 2018, 68, 153-166.
96 Wenbo Wu, Jiasong Wang. Fluid flow past a circular cylinder with tandem and staggered rod at low Reynolds number. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2018, 17(5): 1053-1065.
95 Shengping Liang, Jiasong Wang, Zhongming Hu. VIV and galloping response of a circular cylinder with rigid detached splitter. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 174: 176-186.
94 Hanxu Zheng, Jiasong Wang. Efficient three-dimensional high-resolution simulations of flow fields around cylinders. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 2018, 3: 205–217.
90 Hanxu Zheng, Jiasong Wang. Numerical study of galloping oscillation of a two-dimensional circular cylinder attached with fixed fairing device. Ocean Engineering, 2017,130: 274–283.
88 Guangping Xu, Jiasong Wang. CFD modeling of particle dispersion and deposition coupled with particle dynamical models in a ventilated room. Atmospheric Environment, 2017,166:300-314.
87 许博涵, 王嘉松, 梁盛平. 柔性分离盘抑制圆柱涡激振动的风洞试验. 水动力学研究与进展,A辑,2017, 32(4):470-476.
85 Wenbo Wu, Jiasong Wang, Shiquan Jiang,et al. Flow and flow control modeling for a drilling riser system with auxiliary lines. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 123: 204-222.
84 Juan Sui, Jiasong Wang, Shengping Liang, Qilong Tian. VIV Suppression for a large mass-damping cylinder attached with helical strakes.Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2016,62:125-146.
83 Jiasong Wang, Hanxu Zheng, Zhongxu Tian. Numerical simulation with a TVD–FVM method for circular cylinder wake control by a fairing. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2015, 57:15–31.
75 F. Gu, J. S. Wang, X. Q. Qiao, Z. Huang,Pressure distribution, fluctuating forces and vortex shedding behavior of circular cylinder with rotatable splitter plates. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2012, 28: 263-278.
69 王成官, 王嘉松, 田中旭, 乔信起, 蒋世全, 许亮斌,海洋隔水管涡激振动的三维数值模拟研究,水动力学研究与进展,2011,26(4):437-443.
68 Wang, JS. Flow around a circular cylinder using a finite-volume TVD scheme based on a vector transformation approach. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010, 22(2): 221-228.
67 Wang, JS, Liu, H, Jiang, SQ, Xu, LB, et al. Vortex-induced vibration on 2D circular riser using a high resolution numerical scheme. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010, 22(5): 911-916.
65 Wang, JS. A two-dimensional TVD scheme for incompressible turbulent flows with pseudo-compressibility method. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2009, 9 (2): 86-95.
57 Wang Jiasong, Huang Zhen. A TVD scheme for incompressible flow coupling different turbulence models on a ground-mounted square-rib flow. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B, 2007 ,2007, (6): 743-750.
56 Li Xinling, Wang Jiasong, Tu Xiaodong, et al. Vertical variations of particle number concentration and size distribution in a street canyon in Shanghai, China. Science of the Total Environment 2007, 28:306–316.
54 Sun Zai, Huang Zhen, Wang Jiasong. Experimental and modeling studies on number and size spectrum evolutions of aerosol particles within a chamber,Chinese Science Bulletin 52 (10): 1302-1306 May 2007.
43 WANG Jia-song, Zhao Baoqing, Ye Chun,et al. Optimizing layout of urban street canyon using numerical simulation coupling with mathematical optimization. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B, 2006, 18(3): 345-351.
42 Wang Jiasong, Chan T.L., et al. Three-dimensional pollutant concentration dispersion from a vehicular exhaust plume in the real atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40: 484-497.
41 Wang Jiasong, Chan T.L., Ning Zhi, et al. Roadside measurement and prediction of CO and PM2.5 dispersion from on-road vehicles in Hong Kong. Transportation Research Part D, 2006,11: 242–249.
40 Sun Zai, Huang Zhen, Wang Jiasong. Studies on the size distribution, number and mass emission factors of candle particles characterized by modes of burning. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2006, 37: 1484-1496.
39 Xie Xiaomin, Huang Zhen, Wang Jiasong, The impact of urban street layout on local atmospheric environment, Building and Environment, 2006, 41: 1352-1363.
38 WANG, Jia-song, HUANG, Zhen. Numerical study on flow and dispersion in urban street canyons of asymmetrical configurations. Journal of Hydrodynamics, v 18, n 3 SUPPL., July, 2006, p 146-150.
35 Xie Xiaomin, Huang Zhen, WANG Jiasong. Impact of building configuration on Air Quality in street canyon, Atmospheric Environment, 2005, 39: 4519-4530.
34 Xie Xiaomin, Huang Zhen, Wang Jiasong, Xie Zheng. The impact of solar radiation and street layout on pollutant dispersion in street canyon. Building and Environment, 2005, 40(2): 201-212.
24 Wang Jiasong, He Yousheng and Ni Hangen. Finite-volume TVD approach for dam-break waves in open channel. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2003, (3): 28-34.
23 Wang J.S., He Y.S. and Ni H.G. Two dimensional free surface flow in branch channels by a finite-volume TVD scheme. Advances in Water Resources. 2003, 26: 623-633.
17 Wang Jiasong, He Yousheng. High-resolution numerical model for shallow water flows and pollutant diffusions. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2002, 23(7): 741-747.
11 Wang Jiasong, Ni Hangen and He Yousheng. Finite-difference TVD scheme for the computation of dam-break problems. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 126(4), 2000: 253-262.
10 Wang Jiasong, and Ni Hangen. High-resolution finite-volume method for shallow water equations. J. of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B, No.1, 2000: 35-41.
4 王嘉松,倪汉根,金生,二维溃坝波传播和绕流的高精度数值模拟,水利学报,1998 , (10): 1-6.
3 王嘉松,倪汉根,金生,李鉴初,用TVD显隐格式模拟溃坝波的演进与反射,水利学报,1998, (5): 7-11.
2 王嘉松、廖荣庆,脉冲射流信号分析软件的研制与应用,西南石油学院学报,16(2),1994: 79-83.
1 王嘉松、廖荣庆、陈德颉,自激振荡脉冲喷嘴的实验研究,天然气工业,12(6),1992: 56-59.
(II) 会议论文
63 Yu Shen, Jiasong Wang. Energy harvesting by applying VIV with a circular cylinder and galloping with a triangle cylinder in a low-speed water flume Proceedings of the Thirty-second (2022) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Shanghai, China, June 5–10, 2022,546-551.
60 Wang Jiasong. Flow-Induced Vibration of Multiple Circular Cylinders Studied in a Wind Tunnel. The 1st International Symposium on Recent Advances in Vortex-Induced Vibrations (ISVIV2021). Tianjin, China, May 15-16, 2021. (大会邀请报告).
58 王嘉松. 深水钻井隔水管及丛式立管流激振动与控制研究, 第二届年全国流动安全与控制学术会议,2021年12月3-5日,成都。(大会邀请报告)。
56 王嘉松. 海洋圆柱结构流激振动及其抑制研究. 第三十一届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2020.10, 厦门. P22-32.(大会邀请报告)
53 Zhongming Hu, Jiasong Wang. Ren Sun, et al. Cross-flow Vibration Response for One-Fixed-One-Free Tandem Arrangement Cylinders with Large Mass Ratio Using Wind Tunnel Experiment. Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth (2019) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 16-21, 2019.
51 Shengping Liang, Jiasong Wang, Zhongming Hu. VIV and galloping response of a circular cylinder with rigid detached splitter. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Sapporo, Japan, June 10-15, 2018.
50 Ke Lin, Jiasong Wang, Jianliang Zhou, Liangbin Xu, Leixiang Sheng. Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Two Flexible Cylinders in Tandem Arrangement with Discrete Vortex Method. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Sapporo, Japan, June 10-15, 2018.
49 Hanxu Zheng, Jiasong Wang. A numerical study on the VIV for a long flexible cylinder. 8th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in marine Technology, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 10-12, 2018.
47 王嘉松,粱盛平,胡中明,郑瀚旭. 圆柱附属刚性与柔性分离盘结构系统的涡激振动及驰振风洞实验研究, 第29届全国水动力学学术研讨会论文集,2018年8月24-27,江苏镇江.(受邀分会主题报告)
46 Jiasong Wang, Ke Lin, Jianliang Zhou, Liangbin Xu, Leixiang Sheng.
Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Vortex Induced Vibration for an 800-m-Long Drilling Riser. Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 25-30, 2017 :1251-1256.
41 Guangping Xu, Jiasong Wang. Numerical Study on Dynamic Model About Deposition and Coagulation of Superfine Particles. International Conference on Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE 2016), 2016, Guilin, China: 56-61.
40 Wenbo Wu, Jiasong Wang, Zhongxu Tian, et al. Dynamical Analysis on Drilling Riser Evacuated in Hard Hang-off Mode. Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth (2014) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Busan, Korea, June 15-20, 2014: 223-229.
39 Hanxu Zheng, Jiasong Wang. Application of TVD Scheme on Simulating Horseshoe Vortex at the Bottom of a Wall-Mounted Circular Cylinder Proceedings of the Eleventh (2014) Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium Shanghai, China, October 12-16, 2014:286-29.
38 Jiasong Wang, Sui Juan, Zhongxu Tian, et al. Wind tunnel experiment on suppression of vortex induced vibration for circular cylinder with fairings at large mass-damping parameter. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth (2015) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Koga, Big Island, Hawaii, USA. June 21-26, 2015.
31 Jiasong Wang, Lulu Zhan, Shiquan Jiang, et al. Numerical Simulation of VIV for a Marine Riser in Uniform and Linearly Sheared Currents. The 23rd International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, June 30-July 5, 2013
30 Jiasong Wang, Lulu Zhan, Chenguan Wang, et al. Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Vortex Induced Vibration for a 500-m-long Marine Riser. Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Rhodes, Greece, June 17–22, 2012:551-558.
29 Jiasong Wang, Fei Gu, Juan Sui, Zhuomao Zhao. Wind tunnel experimental study on the control of flow around circular cylinder with some attached devices. 10th International Conference on Hydrodynamics. St. Petersburg, Russia, Oct. 1-4, 2012.174-179.
28 Jiasong Wang, Pengliang Zhao,Shiquan Jiang, Liangbin Xu. Numerical Simulation of 2D Vortex-Induced Vibration on a Marine Riser and Analysis of Influence Factors. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics, September 16-19, 2011, Shanghai, China.
23 Wang, JS, Liu, H, Jiang, SQ, Xu, LB, et al. Vortex-induced vibration on 2D circular riser using a high resolution numerical scheme. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics,October 11-15, 2010, Shanghai, China, 954-959.
22 Wang, JS, Liu, H, Gu, F, et al. Numerical Simulation of Flow Control on Marine Riser With Attached Splitter Plate, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 6-11, 2010, Shanghai, China. OMAE-20195.
1 王嘉松、倪汉根、金生,二阶TVD、UNO格式溃坝波计算中的应用,第十一届全国水动力学研讨会及第四届全国水动力学学术会议文集,海洋出版社,无锡,1997: 35-39.
(1)提出速度向量转化方法(EVVT), 用于构造有限体积的高分辨率算法,避免求解复杂曲线坐标系下的N-S方程;
本科生课程:《工程流体力学》、《大型工程软件应用 (CAE-FLUENT)》、《环境工程导论》
1. 立管涡激振动动力学分析1.0(DAVIV-RISER1.0),2011
2. 立管涡激振动动力学分析2.0(DAVIV-RISER2.0),2015
3. 立管涡激振动动力学分析3.0(DAVIV-RISER3.0),2019
4. 基于离散涡方法的柔性立管涡激振动求解器软件(DVM-FR-VIV1.0),中国,2019SR0169549.
5. 基于离散涡方法的刚性圆柱涡激振动求解器软件(DVM-RC-VIV1.0),中国,2019SR0169547
6. 王嘉松,谷斐. 仿鱼尾式整流罩的水下立管涡激振动抑制装置(ZL201010619503.9)
“A review on flow-induced vibration of offshore circular cylinders. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2020, 32(3): 212-233”获Journal of Hydrodynamics期刊2021高被引奖