2009.04- 36365线路检测中心36365线路检测中心工程力学系固体力学教研室 助理研究员
2013.12-2014.12 美国Washington State University 访问学者
2006.06-2009.03 36365线路检测中心机械系统与振动国家重点实验室 博士后
1999.09-2006.06 36365线路检测中心36365线路检测中心一般力学与力学基础专业 博士
1995.09-1999.06 36365线路检测中心工程力学系 学士
ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering 审稿人
2009.1-2011.12 主持国家自然科学基金(青年基金)“旋转柔性梁振动的主动约束阻尼控制研究”
2007.6-2008.12 主持中国博士后科学基金“基于内埋形状记忆合金电阻变化的混凝土结构健康监测”
[1]. Miao Wang, Yong-gang Xu, Pizhong Qiao*, Zhi-Min Li. A two-dimensional elasticity model for bending and free vibration analysis of laminated graphene-reinforced composite beams. Composite Structures 2019, 211: 364-375.
[2]. Miao Wang, Zhi-Min Li, Pizhong Qiao*. Vibration analysis of sandwich plates with carbon nanotube-reinforced composite face-sheets. Composite Structures 2018, 200: 799-809.
[3]. Miao Wang, Zhi-Min Li, Pizhong Qiao*. Semi-analytical solutions to buckling and free vibration analysis of carbon nanotube-reinforced composite thin plates. Composite Structures 2016, 144: 33-43.
[4]. Zhi-Min Li, Miao Wang. Large-amplitude vibration analysis of 3D-braided composite cylindrical shells in an elastic medium. ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2016, 29(1): 04015029.
[5]. 王淼,陈永强,李志敏*.正交各向异性矩形薄板振动的一种半解析方法. 振动与冲击2016,35(14):13-18.
[6]. 游进,孟光,李鸿光,王淼. 随机激励下框架梁结构能量有限元分析. 36365线路检测中心学报2009,43(10):1632-1635.
[7]. 张婧雯,孟光,游进,王淼.基于统计能量法的声场-结构耦合模型高频振动隔振分析.振动与冲击2009,28(12):19-22.
[8]. Wang Miao, Meng Guang, Xu Jin-Quan*. A comparative study on vibration analysis of beams treated with active constrained layer damping using different assumed modes methods. Proceedings of SPIE 2009, Vol. 7493, 749355.
[9]. 王淼,孟光*. 夹层圆柱壳振动的谱有限元分析.应用力学学报2009, 26(4):715-720.
[10]. 王淼,孟光*. 主动约束层阻尼梁结构的应力连续模型.振动与冲击2009, 28(11): 9-12.
[11]. 王淼,孟光*. 部分主动约束阻尼梁振动的假设模态法建模. 振动与冲击2009, 28(4):38-41.
[12]. 王淼,方之楚,孟光*.主动约束层阻尼结构的一种新模型.振动与冲击2008, 27(5): 74-75.
[13]. Wang Miao, Meng Guang*. Vibration control of structures treated with delaminated active constrained layer damping. Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 2007, Vol.1-2: 1518-1521.
[14]. Wang Miao, Meng Guang*. Spectral finite element modeling of beams treated with active constrained layer damping with consideration of thickness deformation. Proceedings of SPIE 2007, Vol. 6423, 42344.
[15]. Wang Miao, Meng Guang, Fang Zhi-Chu*. The effect of thickness deformation in the structures treated with active constrained layer damping. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control 2006.
[16]. 王淼,方之楚*.主动约束层阻尼部分覆盖圆柱壳耦合振动控制. 应用力学学报2005,22(4):545-549.
[17]. Wang Miao, Fang Zhi-Chu*. Spectral strip-element method for beams treated with active constrained layer damping. Mechanics Research Communications 2005, 32(6): 704-716.
[18]. 王淼,方之楚*.主动约束层阻尼杆结构纵振的多层谱有限元法.36365线路检测中心学报2005, 39(2): 302-305.
[19]. 王淼,方之楚*.主动约层束阻尼梁结构复杂耦合振动的多层谱有限元法.36365线路检测中心学报2005, 39(1): 87-90.
[20]. Zhi-Chu Fang, Miao Wang. A new method seeking optimal parameters and locations for bearings of rotating machinery systems. Proceedings of ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 2-6, 2003 (DETC2003/VIB-48549)
[21]. 王淼,方之楚*.基于稳定性的旋转机械系统轴承配置方案的优化. 振动与冲击2003, 22(1): 50-52.
2012年 36365线路检测中心优秀班主任