




1978年~1988年于36365线路检测中心船舶与海洋工程系大学本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生毕业,获学士、硕士、博士学位。1988年博士毕业留校任教,1991年~1994年在西日本流体技术研究所进行博士后研究,2001年由国家留学基金委派遣作为高级访问学者赴美国Texas A&M University进行为期三个月的研究。





现担任国务院学位委员会船舶与海洋工程学科评议组成员、中国造船工程学会近海工程学术委员会副主任、船舶力学学术委员会副主任、上海造船工程学会海洋工程专业技术委员会主任、中国石油工业标准化委员会海洋石油工程专业标准化技术委员会专家委员、《Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science(JOES)》杂志主编、《海洋工程》杂志副主编。

[1]. 畸形波的动力学机理及其对深海平台强非线性作用研究。国家自然科学基金重点项目51239007
[2]. 新型单点系泊式潮流能装置耦合动力性能研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目51679137
[3]. 深海SPAR平台浮力罐及垂荡板性能与优化。国家自然科学基金面上项目50979057
[4]. FPSO甲板上浪研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目50579034
[5]. 深海平台的动力特性研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目50323004

[1] Tian X., Xiao L., Zhang X., Yang J.*, Tao L., Yang D. Flow around an oscillating circular disk at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2016, in press). (SCI, A类).
[2] Guo, X., Lu, H., Yang, J., Peng, T., 2017. Resonant water motions within a recessing type moonpool in a drilling vessel. Ocean Engineering 129, 228-239.(SCI, A类)
[3] Deng, Y., Yang, J., Tian, X., Li, X., Xiao, L., 2016. An experimental study on deterministic freak waves: Generation, propagation and local energy. Ocean Engineering 118, 83-92. (SCI, A类)
[4] Deng, Y., Yang, J., Zhao, W., Li, X., Xiao, L., 2016. Freak wave forces on a vertical cylinder. Coastal Engineering 114, 9-18.(SCI, A类)
[5] Deng, Y., Yang, J., Zhao, W., Xiao, L., Li, X., 2016. Surge motion of a semi-submersible in freak waves. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-9.(SCI)
[6] Liu, L., Yang, J., Tian, X., Lu, H., Li, C., Yuan, H., 2016. Experimental investigation on the hydrodynamic performance of a quay moored jackup. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-11.(SCI)
[7] Lu, W., Yang, J., Fu, S., 2016. Numerical study of the generation and evolution of breather-type rogue waves. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-10.(SCI)
[8] Lu, W., Yang, J., Tao, L., 2016. Numerical study of the energy structure of super rogue waves. Ocean Engineering 113, 295-307.(SCI, A类)
[9] Lu, W., Yang, J., Tian, X., 2016. Fourth-order split-step pseudo-spectral method for the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-9.(SCI)
[10] Lu, W., Yang, J., Tian, X., 2016. Fourth-order split-step pseudo-spectral method for the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-9.(SCI)
[11] Tian, X., Ong, M.C., Yang, J., Myrhaug, D., 2016. Large-eddy simulations of flow normal to a circular disk at Re= 1.5× 105. Computers & Fluids 140, 422-434. (SCI, B类)
[12] Tian, X., Tao, L., Li, X., Yang, J., 2016. Hydrodynamic coefficients of oscillating flat plates at 0.15≤ KC≤ 3.15. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 1-13. (SCI, B类)
[13] Wang, L., Yang, J., He, H., Xu, S., Su, T.-C., 2016. Numerical and Experimental Study on the Influence of the Set Point on the Operation of a Thruster-Assisted Position Mooring System. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 26 (04), 423-432. (SCI, B类)
[14] Xiao, L., Yang, J., Peng, T., Tao, L., 2016. A free surface interpolation approach for rapid simulation of short waves in meshless numerical wave tank based on the radial basis function. Journal of Computational Physics 307, 203-224.(SCI, A类)
[15] Xiong, L., Yang, J., Zhao, W., 2016. Dynamics of a taut mooring line accounting for the embedded anchor chains. Ocean Engineering 121, 403-413.(SCI, A类)
[16] Yang, J., Lu, W., 2016. Numerical study on the generation and evolution of the super-rogue waves. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 1 (1), 1-10.(EI)
[17] Zhang, X., Yang, J., Zhao, W., Xiao, L., 2016. Effects of wave excitation force prediction deviations on the discrete control performance of an oscillating wave energy converter. Ships and Offshore Structures 11 (4), 351-368.(SCI)
[18] Zhao, Y., Yang, J., He, Y., Gu, M., 2016. Dynamic response analysis of a multi-column tension-leg-type floating wind turbine under combined wind and wave loading. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 21, 103-111.(EI)
[19] Deng, Y., Yang, J., Zhao, W., Xiao, L., and Li, X. An efficient focusing model of freak wave generation considering wave reflection effects. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 105: 125-135. (SCI, A类)
[20] Deng, Y., Yang, J., Tian, X., Li, X., 2015. Experimental investigation on rogue waves and their impacts on a vertical cylinder using the Peregrine breather model. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-9.(SCI)
[21] Gao, N., Yang, J., Zhao, W., Li, X., 2015. Numerical simulation of deterministic freak wave sequences and wave-structure interaction. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-16.(SCI)
[22] Lu, H., Li, Y., Li, X., Yang, J., Serikawa, S., 2015. Using near infrared light for deep sea mining observation systems, Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2015). International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 967503-967503-967509.(EI)
[23] Wenyue Lu; Jianmin Yang*; Longbin Tao. Numerical study on the enery structure of the super-rogue waves. Ocean Engineering.(SCI, A类)
[24] Xiao, L., Yang, J., Tao, L., Li, X., 2015. Shallow water effects on high order statistics and probability distributions of wave run-ups along FPSO broadside. Marine Structures 41, 1-19.(SCI, A类)
[25] Xiong, H., Yang, J., Tian, X., 2015. An experimental study on the inline wave force on a truncated vertical cylinder. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-16.(SCI)
[26] Xiong, L., Lu, H., Yang, J., Zhao, W., 2015. Motion responses of a moored barge in shallow water. Ocean Engineering 97, 207-217.(SCI, A类)
[27] Zhang, X., Yang, J., 2015. Power capture performance of an oscillating-body WEC with nonlinear snap through PTO systems in irregular waves. Applied Ocean Research 52, 261-273. (SCI, B类)
[28] Lingzhi Xiong; Haining Lu*; Jianmin Yang; Wenhua Zhao. Motion response of a moored barge in shallow water . Ocean Engineering, 42078, 97: 207-217.(SCI, A类)
[29] Tian X, Ong M C, Yang J, et al. Large-eddy simulation of the flow normal to a flat plate including corner effects at a high Reynolds number. Journal of Fluids and Structures. (SCI, B类)
[30] Yang J. Tian X. and Li X. Hydrodynamic characteristics of a circular disk under steady in-plane current conditions. Ocean Engineering. (SCI, A类)
[31] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Tao L B. Coupling between Roll Motions of an FLNG Vessel and Internal Sloshing. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. (SCI, B类)
[32] Xu Xin, Yang Jian-min, LI Xin, and XU Liang-yu. Hydrodynamic performance study of two side-by-side barges. Ship and offshore structure. (SCI)
[33] Zhang Hui, Yang Jian-min, Xiao Long-fei. Damping ratio identification using a Continuous Wavelet Transform to Vortex-Induced Motion of a Truss Spar. Ships and Offshore Structures. (SCI)
[34] Zhang Hui, Yang Jian-min, Xiao Long-fei, Lu Hai-ning. Hydrodynamic performance of flexible risers subjected to vortex-induced vibrations. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2013,25(1):156-164. (SCI)
[35] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Xie B. Hydrodynamics of an FLNG System in Tandem Offloading Operation [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2013, Vol.57, pp.150-162. (SCI, A类)
[36] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q. Effects of Sloshing on the Global Motion Responses of FLNG [J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2013, Vol. 8, No.2, pp.111-122. (SCI)
[37] Tian X., Ong M.C., Yang J. and Myrhaug D. Unsteady RANS simulations of flow around rectangular cylinders with different aspect ratios. Ocean Engineering, 58(2013), pp.208-216. (SCI, A类).
[38] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Xiao L F, Peng T. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Roll Motion Behavior of a Floating Liquefied Natural Gas System [J]. Science China, 2013, Vol.55, No. 3: pp.629-644. (SCI)
[39] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Tao L B. Prediction of Hydrodynamic Performance of an FLNG System in Side by Side Offloading Operation [J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2013, (SCI, B类)
[40] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Wei Y F. Numerical Investigation on the Hydrodynamic Difference between Internal and External Turret-Moored FLNG [J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2013, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 590-597. (EI)
[41] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, XIao L F, Tao L B. Coupled Hydrodynamics of FLNG Vessel and Internal Sloshing Flows. Ocean Engineering, 2013. (SCI, A类)
[42] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Tao L B. 2013 Coupled Analysis of Nonlinear Sloshing and Ship Motions. Applied Ocean Research, (SCI, B类)
[43] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Xiao L F. Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Inner-Tank Sloshing on Hydrodynamics of an FLNG System. Journal of Hydroydnamics (Series B). (SCI)
[44] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Xiao L F. Hydrodynamic Interaction between FLNG Vessel and LNG Carrier in Side by Side Configuration. Journal of Hydroydnamics (Series B). (SCI)
[45] Wei Y F, Yang J M, Chen G, Hu Z Q. Experimental Study on the Hydrodynamic Performance of FDPSO and Sheltered Riser Vessel. Ships and offshore structure. (SCI)
[46] Zhang Hui, Yang Jian-min, Xiao Long-fei, Lu Hai-ning. Study on added mass coefficient and oscillation frequency for a Truss Spar subjected to Vortex-Induced Motions. Ships and Offshore Structures. (SCI)
[47] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Wei Y F. Full-Scale Measurement Investigation of the Hydrodynamics of a Turret-Moored FPSO in a Typhoon and Deduction of its Mooring Loads. Ships and Offshore Structures. (SCI)
[48] Zhao W.H., Yang J.M., Hu Z.Q., Xiao L.F., Peng T. Investigation on the Hydrodynamic Performance of an Ultra Deep Turret-Moored FLNG System. China Ocean Engineering. (SCI, B类)
[49] Gu Jiayang, Yang Jian-min, Lu Haining. Studies of TLP dynamic response under wind, waves and current. China ocean engineering. (SCI, B类)
[50] Gu Jiayang, Yang Jian-min, Lu Haining. Comprehensive study on tendon tension of TLP considering wind, wave and current. Journal of ship mechanics. (EI)
[51] Shan Tie-bing, Yang Jian-min, Li Xin, Xiao Long-fei. Experimental Investigation on Wave Run-up Characteristics along Columns and Air Gap Response of Semi-submersible. Journal of Hydrodynamics. (SCI)
[52] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Wei Y F. Recent Developments on the Hydrodynamics of Floating Liquid Natural Gas (FLNG). Ocean Engineering.(SCI, A类)
[53] Wei Y F, Yang J M, Chen G, Hu Z Q. The effect of axial stiffness of mooring lines on the horizontal motion of FDPSO. Science China G.(SCI)
[54] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Wei Y F. Investigation on Sloshing Effects of Tank liquid on the FLNG Vessel Responses in Frequency Domain. Journal of Ship Mechanics. (EI)
[55] Xiufeng Liang, Jianmin Yang, Jun li, Xin li. A numerical study on local characteristics of predetermined irregular wave trains. Ocean Engineering. (SCI, A类)
[56] Su Yi-Hua; Yang Jian-Min; Xiao Long-Fei. Hybrid verification of a deepwater Cell-Truss Spar. China Ocean Engineering. (SCI, B类)
[57] Zhang Huo Ming, Sun Zhi Lin, Yang Jian Min, Gao Ming Zheng. Investigation on optimization design of equivalent water depth truncated mooring system. Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. (SCI)
[58] Xiao Long-Fei, Yang Jian-Min, Peng Tao, Li Jun. A meshless numerical wave tank for simulation of nonlinear irregular waves in shallow water. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. (SCI)
[59] Xiao Long-Fei, Yang Jian-Min, Yang Li-Jun, Li Xin. Theoretical model and dynamic analysis of soft yoke mooring system. China Ocean Engineering.(SCI, B类)
[60] Zhang Fan, Yang Jian-min, Li Run-pei, Chen Gang. Coupling effects for cell-truss spar platform: comparison of frequency- and time-domain analyses with model tests. Journal of Hydrodynamics.(SCI)
[61] Wang Ying, Yang Jian-min, Hu Zhi-qiang, Xiao Long-fei. Theoretical Research on Hydrodynamics of a Geometric Spar in Frequency- and Time-Domain. Journal of Hydrodynamics.(SCI)
[62] Zhang, Fan, Yang Jian-Min, Li Run-Pei, Chen Gang. Numerical and experimental research on the global performances of cell-truss spar platform. China Ocean Engineering. (SCI, B类)
[63] Zhang Huo-Ming, Yang Jian-Min, Xiao Long-Fei. Hybrid model testing technique for deep-sea platforms based on equivalent water depth truncation. China Ocean Engineering. (SCI, B类)
[64] Xiao Long-Fei,Yang Jian-Min,Li Xin. Shallow water effects on surge motion and load of soft yoke moored FPSO. China Ocean Engineering. (SCI, B类)
[65] Zhang Fan, Yang Jian-min, LI Run-pei, Chen Gang. Numerical investigation on the hydrodynamic performances of a new spar concept. Journal of Hydrodynamics. (SCI)
[66] Hai-ning LU, Yang Jian-min, Peng Tao, Chen Gang. Numerical and experimental research on current generation in deepwater offshore basin. Journal of Hydrodynamics. (SCI)
[67] Xiufeng Liang,Jianmin Yang, Chi Yang, Haidong Lu, Rainald Löhner. Numerical and Experimental Study of Green Water on a Moving FPSO. FAST2007. (EI)

[1] Deng, Y., Yang, J., Li, X., Tian, X., 2016. An Experimental Investigation of Freak Wave Forces on Vertical Cylinders, The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
[2] Guo, X., Lu, H., Yang, J., Peng, T., 2016. Study on Hydrodynamic Performances of a Deep-Water Drillship and Water Motions inside Its Rectangular Moonpool, The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
[3] Lin, Z., Yang, J., Tao, L., Sayer, P., Ning, D., 2016. Time-Domain Analysis of Substructure of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine in Waves, ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
[4] Lu, W., Yang, J., Li, X., 2016. Evolution of the rogue waves under the influence of the wave-current interference, The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
[5] Xiong, L., Zhao, W., Yang, J., White, D., 2016. Numerical Simulations of the Load on an Embedded Anchor from a Taut Mooring System, The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
[6] Deng, Y., Yang, J., Li, X., Xiao, L., 2015. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Kinematics of Freak Waves, The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
[7] Lu, W., Yang, J., Tao, L., Lu, H., Tian, X., Li, J., 2015. Current Effects on the Generation and Evolution of the Peregrine Breather-Type Rogue Wave, ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
[8] DENG, Y., YANG, J., XIAO, L., TIAN, X., LI, J., 2015. An Experimental Investigation on the Motion and Dynamic Responses of A Semisubmersible in Freak Waves. 第十七届中国海洋 (岸) 工程学术讨论会论文集 (上).
[9] Gao, N., Yang, J., Li, X., Zhao, W., 2015. Wave Forces on Horizontal Cylinder due to Nonlinear Focused Wave Groups, The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
[10] Liu, L., Yuan, H., Yang, J., Tian, X., Li, C., Lu, H., 2015. A Wave Basin Model Test Study for a Jackup Moored on the Dock, The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
[11] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Tao L B, White D. Research on the Coupling between Ship Motions and Sloshing. 33rd International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2014).
[12] Tian X., Yang J., Li X. and Peng T. Experimental investigations on the hydrodynamic characteristics of heave plate. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2013. (EI)
[13] Tian X., Yang J., Li J. and Xiao L. Direct numerical simulations on the uniform in-plane flow around an oscillating circular disk. The 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013. (EI,)
[14] Xin Xu, Jianmin Yang, Xin Li, Haining Lu. An experimental and numerical study on seakeeping of T-shaped barge in topside transportation. Proceedings of the 23nd (2013) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June, 2013, Alaska, USA.
[15] Xin Xu, Jianmin Yang, Xin Li, Haining Lu. Wave Drift Forces on Three Barges Arranged Side by Side in Floatover Installation. Proceedings of the ASME 32th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering June 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France.
[16] Zhang Hui, Yang Jian-min, Xiao Long-fei, Lu Hai-ning. Experimental investigation on drag coefficient for a Truss Spar subjected to Vortex Induced Motions. The 11st National Conference on Hydrodynamics.
[17] Shan Tie-bing, LI Xin, Chen Gang, Xiao Long-fei, Lu Haining, Li Jun. Leg spacing effect on wave run-up and non-Linear wave disturbance along semi-Submersible columns. The 22th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.
[18] Xin Xu, Jianmin Yang, Xin Li, Longfei Xiao. A Study of Floatover Installation onto Jacket WithTwo Barges. Proceedings of the 17th Offshore Symposium, Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
[19] Tian X., Ong M.C., Yang J., Myrhaug D. and Chen G. Three-dimensional effects of the flow normal to a flat plate at a high Reynolds number. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2012.
[20] Zhang Hui, Yang Jian-min, Peng Tao, Lu Hai-ning. Experimental investigation on added mass coefficient of a Truss Spar subjected to Vortex-Induced Motions. OMAE2012.
[21] Xin Xu, Xin Li, Haining Lu, Longfei Xiao, Jianmin Yang. An experimental and numerical studyon motions of three adjacent barges in floatover installation. Proceedings of the 22nd (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.
[22] Zhang Hui, Xiao Long-fei, Yang Li-jun, Lu Hai-ning. Experimental investigation on lift coefficient for a Truss Spar subjected to Vortex Induced Motions. ISOPE2012.
[23] Tian X., Ong M.C., Yang J. and Myrhaug D. Numerical simulation of flow around rectangular cylinders with different aspect ratios. Proceedings of MekIT.11, 6th National Conference on Computational Mechanics.
[24] Zhang Hui, Yang Jian-min, Xiao Long-fei, Lu Hai-ning. Experimental investigation on Vortex-Induced Motions of a Truss Spar in deepwater offshore basin. IWSH2011-049.
[25] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Peng T. Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of FLNG with Account of the Inner-Tank Sloshing. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011.
[26] Tian X., Ong M.C., Yang J. and Myrhaug D. Two-dimensional numerical simulation of flow around rectangular structures with different aspect ratios. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2011.
[27] Shan Tie-bing, Yang Jian-min, Li Xin, Lu Hai-ning, Xiao Long-fei. Wave run-up characteristics and non-linear wave disturbance around a semi-submersible column. IWSH2011.
[28] Xin Xu, Jianmin Yang, Xin Li. The Experimental and Numerical Research on Coupled Motion in Two Barges Floatover Installation. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics.
[29] Wei Y F, Yang J M, Chen G, Hu Z Q. The Research of Moonpool Size Effect on the Hydrodynamic Performance of FDPSO. OMAE.
[30] Zhang Hui, Xiao Long-fei, Lu Hai-ning, Li Xin. Experimental investigation on Vortex Induced Motions of Truss Spars. ISOPE2011-DCW-03.
[31] Zhao W H, Yang J M, Hu Z Q, Wei Y F. Hydrodynamic Verification on the Motion Characteristic of FPSO Based on the Full Scale Measurement Data Features of Current and Wind. 29th International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010).
[32] Wei Y F, Hu Z Q, Chen G, Yang J M. Numerical and model test Investigation on the Motion Characteristic of FDPSO and the Sheltered Riser Vessel. 29th International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010).
[33] Tiebing Shan, Haining Lu, Jianmin Yang, Runpei Li. Numerical, Experimental and Full-scaled Investigation on the Current Generation System of the New Deepwater Offshore Basin. 29th International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010).
[34] Wang Ying, Yang Jian-min, Peng Tao, Li Xin. Model Test Study on Vortex-Induced Motions of a Floating Cylinder. 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
[35] Xiufeng Liang,Jianmin Yang, Chi Yang and Pierre Ferrant. Numerical study of green water on a freely moving object. 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
[36] Haining Lu, Jianmin Yang, Runpei Li. Features of Current Generating System and the Application in New Deepwater Offshore Basin. OMAE2008-57120.
[37] Zhiqiang Hu, Weicheng Cui, Jianmin Yang. Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: A New Way to Bring Softer Bows. OMAE2008-57145.
[38] Wang Ying, Yang Jian-min, Li Xin. CFD Analysis of Unsteady Flows around a New Cell-Truss Spar and the Corresponding Vortex-Induced Motions. OMAE2008-5719. 2008.6.15
[39] Zhang Fan,Yang Jian-Min, Li Run-Pei, Chen Gang. Numerical study on the hydrodynamic behavior of a new cell-truss spar platform. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering – OMAE.
[40] Xiao Longfei, Yang Jianmin and Hu Zhiqiang. Low Frequency Wave Forces and Wave Induced Motions of a FPSO in Shallow Water. Proc. Of 26th Int. Conf. on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2007-29047.
[41] Su Yihua, Yang Jianmin, Xiao Longfei and Chen Gang. Hydrodynamic model test verification of a Cell Truss SPAR by using hybrid model testing technique. Proc. Of 26th Int. Conf. on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2007-29120.
[42] Zhiqiang Hu,Weicheng Cui, Longfei Xiao, Jianmin Yang. Research on Collision Mechanism for a Ship Colliding With a Spar Platform. Proc. Of 26th Int. Conf. on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2007-29085.
[43] Haining Lu, Jianmin Yang, Tao Peng. Hydraulic Performances of Current Generation System in the New Deepwater Offshore Basin. Proc. Of 26th Int. Conf. on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2007-29087.

[1] 单铁兵, 杨建民, 李欣, 肖龙飞, 2016. 波浪入射角度对立柱周围波面扰动特性的影响研究. 船舶力学 20 (10), 1234-1243.
[2] 邓燕飞, 杨建民, 李欣, 肖龙飞, 2016. 波浪水池中畸形波生成的研究综述. 船舶力学 20 (8), 1059-1070.
[3] 邓燕飞, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 李欣, 2016. 极端波浪与海洋结构物的强非线性作用研究综述. 船舶力学 20 (7), 917-928.
[4] 王安庆, 黄小平, 杨建民, 2016. 钢质悬链线立管与海床土体相互作用的数值模拟. 船舶力学 20 (1), 168-175.
[5] 谷家扬, 陶延武, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2015. 深水张力腿平台非线性涡激特性及水动力性能研究. 船舶力学 (4), 369-380.
[6] 谷家扬, 杨建民, 2015. 平台运动影响下张力腿涡激振动特性研究. 船舶力学 (6), 677-689.
[7] 张蕙, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 吕海宁, 2015. 基于小波分析的Spar平台阻尼系数研究. 船舶力学 (9), 1085-1096.
[8] 单铁兵, 杨建民, 李欣, 肖龙飞, 2014. 水流对立柱周围波浪爬升特性的影响. 36365线路检测中心学报 48 (1), 116-124,131.
[9] 谷家扬, 吴介, 杨建民, 2014. 冲击载荷作用下张力腿平台瞬态动力响应及系泊特性研究. 中国造船 (4), 48-58.
[10] 谷家扬, 吴介, 杨建民, 2014. 新型深水多立柱 FDPSO 涡激运动研究进展. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版) (5), 415-422.
[11] 谷家扬, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2014. 基于DES方法的张力腿平台主体结构水动力特性研究, 2014年船舶与海洋结构学术会议暨中国钢结构协会海洋钢结构分会第七届理事会第三次会议论文集, 威海, pp. 12-22.
[12] 谷家扬, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2014. 两种典型立柱截面涡激运动的分析研究. 船舶力学 (10), 1184-1194.
[13] 徐亮瑜, 杨建民, 李欣, 许鑫, 2014. 小间距的旁靠驳船间水动力干扰数值与试验研究. 船舶力学 (3), 248-261.
[14] 许鑫, 李欣, 杨建民, 2014. 半潜式起重船浮吊作业的数值模拟与模型试验. 船舶力学 (7), 799-808.
[15] 单铁兵, 杨建民, 李欣, 肖龙飞, 2013. 一种适用于陡波条件下研究半潜平台周围波浪非线性爬升效应的计算方法. 船舶力学 (4), 346-359.
[16] 沈玉稿, 杨建民, 李欣, 彭涛, 2013. 风机基础所受波浪抨击力的数值模拟和实验研究. 船舶力学 (9), 1009-1020.
[17] 谷家扬, 吕海宁, 杨建民, 2013. 张力腿平台在随机波浪中的耦合运动响应研究. 船舶力学 (8), 888-900.
[18] 田新亮, 杨建民, 李欣, 沈玉稿, 2013. 雷诺数对垂荡阻尼板水动力特性影响的研究. 船舶力学 (12), 1392-1402.
[19] 许鑫, 杨建民, 李欣, 吕海宁, 2013. 浮托驳船系泊定位的数值模拟与模型试验研究. 水动力学研究与进展A辑 28 (4), 471-481.
[20] 许鑫, 杨建民, 李欣, 吕海宁, 2013. 组块运输中的T型驳船水动力性能研究. 船舶力学 (12), 1426-1438.
[21] 赵文华, 杨建民, 胡志强, 谢彬, 喻西崇, 2013. 大型浮式液化天然气开发系统关键技术现状及发展趋势. 中国海上油气 25 (1), 82-86,90.
[22] 谷家扬, 渠基顺, 杨建民, 2012. 方柱与圆柱涡激运动的比较分析, 第十一届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十四届全国水动力学研讨会并周培源诞辰110周年纪念大会论文集, 无锡, pp. 132-139.
[23] 谷家扬, 杨建民, 吕海宁, 2012. 多因素下张力腿平台耦合动力响应特性研究. 中国造船 (3), 129-139.
[24] 程正顺, 胡志强, 杨建民, 2012. 半潜式平台结构抗撞性能研究. 振动与冲击 31 (4), 38-43.
[25] 谷家扬, 杨建民, 吕海宁, 2012. 考虑风浪流的TLP张力腿张力响应规律分析. 船舶力学 16 (9), 1041-1055.
[26] 徐亮瑜, 杨建民, 李欣, 2012. 双驳船系统水动力性能及波面升高研究, 2012年度海洋工程学术会议论文集, 厦门, pp. 217-226.
[27] 魏跃峰, 杨建民, 陈刚, 胡志强, 2012. 多点系泊定位FDPSO船体水动力性能数值模拟和模型试验研究. 船舶力学 16 (6), 603-616.
[28] 张磊, 杨建民, 吕海宁, 肖龙飞, 2012. 西非深水浮筒和穿梭油轮水动力性能分析. 海洋工程 30 (3), 9-17.
[29] 张磊, 杨建民, 彭涛, 吕海宁, 张威, 2012. 西非多点系泊FPSO波频运动预报研究. 中国海上油气 24 (2), 72-76.
[30] 赵文华, 胡志强, 杨建民, 李悦喜, 谢协民, 2011. FPSO系泊系统载荷计算与分析——基于南海"奋进号"FPSO运动特性实船测量结果. 中国海上油气 23 (2), 116-121,139.
[31] 赵文华, 胡志强, 杨建民, 魏跃峰, 2011. 频域范围内液舱晃荡对FLNG运动影响的研究. 船舶力学 15 (3), 227-237.
[32] 单铁兵, 杨建民, 李欣, 2011. 半潜式平台气隙性能的研究进展. 中国海洋平台 26 (2), 1-7.
[33] 梁修锋, 杨建民, 李俊, 李欣, 2010. 并行计算求解运动船体上的甲板上浪问题. 船舶力学 14 (10), 1084-1093.
[34] 梁修锋, 杨建民, 李俊, 杨驰, 李欣, 2010. 甲板上浪过程中水流运动规律数值研究. 海洋工程 28 (2), 29-36.
[35] 梁修锋, 杨建民, 李欣, 李俊, 2010. 不规则波浪的数值模拟. 船舶力学 14 (5), 481-486.
[36] 饶志标, 杨建民, 付世晓, 李润培, 2010. 剪切流下钢悬链线立管涡激振动响应研究. 振动与冲击 29 (10), 4-8,98.
[37] 田新亮, 杨建民, 吕海宁, 2010. 海洋工程水动力学模型试验数据处理程序开发. 实验室研究与探索 29 (6), 5-8,17.
[38] 苏一华, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2010. 水深截断系泊缆动力特性试验研究. 船舶力学 14 (9), 967-976.
[39] 肖龙飞, 杨建民, 胡志强, 2010. 极浅水单点系泊FPSO低频响应分析. 船舶力学 14 (4), 372-378.
[40] 李俊, 陈刚, 杨建民, 2009. 深水畸形波的实验室物理模拟. 中国海洋平台 24 (3), 22-25.
[41] 苏一华, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2009. 水深截断系泊缆阻尼研究. 中国海洋平台 24 (2), 23-28,48.
[42] 郭彬, 肖龙飞, 杨建民, 2009. 浅水非共线海况下FPSO运动与上浪分析. 中国海洋平台 24 (6), 20-24.
[43] 苏一华, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 李欣, 2008. 基于静力相似的水深截断系泊系统多目标优化设计. 中国海洋平台 23 (1), 14-19.
[44] 童波, 杨建民, 李欣, 2008. 深水半潜平台悬链线式系泊系统耦合动力分析. 中国海洋平台 23 (6), 1-7.
[45] 胡志强, 崔维成, 杨建民, 2008. 基于模型试验和数值模拟方法的深吃水立柱式平台碰撞特性. 36365线路检测中心学报 42 (6), 939-944.
[46] 王颖, 杨建民, 李润培, 李欣, 2008. 剪切流中Cell-Truss Spar平台涡激运动的CFD计算与模型试验研究. 中国造船 49 (z2), 251-259.
[47] 王颖, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 胡志强, 2008. 内置集成浮力罐的几何形Spar平台运动性能数值模拟. 36365线路检测中心学报 42 (6), 924-928.
[48] 杨建民, 2008. 25thITTC海洋工程委员会工作报告, 2008年船舶水动力学学术会议暨中国船舶学术界进入ITTC30周年纪念会论文集, 杭州, pp. 349-352.
[49] 杨建民, 喻渝, 2008. 浅埋大断面黄土隧道初期支护研究. 现代隧道技术 45 (6), 16-21,45.
[50] 张帆, 杨建民, 李润培, 柳存根, 2008. 多柱桁架式立柱平台概念设计. 上海造船 (1), 18-20.
[51] 苏一华, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2007. 深海单柱式平台及其系泊系统的截断水深模型试验. 36365线路检测中心学报 41 (9), 1454-1459,1464.
[52] 王颖, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2007. Spar平台与内置浮力罐非线性耦合运动研究综述, 中国造船工程学会2007年船舶力学学术会议暨《船舶力学》创刊十周年纪念学术会议论文集, 银川, pp. 535-544.
[53] 张帆, 杨建民, 李润培, 柳存根, 2007. CAE技术在Cell-Truss Spar平台概念设计中的应用, 2007年上海市船舶CAE技术研讨会论文集, 江苏无锡, pp. 35-40.
[54] 张火明, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2007. 考虑静力特性相似的等效水深截断系统的优化设计. 中国造船 48 (2), 25-36.
[55] 张威, 杨建民, 胡志强, 肖龙飞, 2007. 深水半潜式平台模型试验与数值分析. 36365线路检测中心学报 41 (9), 1429-1434.
[56] 李俊, 杨建民, 梁修峰, 姚美旺, 2007. FPSO甲板上浪试验研究. 中国海洋平台 22 (5), 10-13.
[57] 梁修锋, 杨建民, 李欣, 于洋, 2007. FPSO甲板上浪的数值模拟. 水动力学研究与进展A辑 22 (2), 229-236.
[58] 李欣, 王磊, 杨建民, 2006. 浅水浮式生产储油系统二阶波浪慢漂力数值计算. 36365线路检测中心学报 40 (6), 997-999,1009.
[59] 张威, 2006. 深海半潜式钻井平台水动力性能分析. 36365线路检测中心.
[60] 王磊, 李欣, 杨建民, 2006. 浅水浮式生产储油系统(FPSO)二阶定常力数值仿真研究. 海洋工程 24 (1), 9-13.
[61] 王磊, 王先福, 杨建民, 2006. 动力定位船舶二阶低频慢漂力模型试验研究. 海洋工程 24 (3), 1-5.
[62] 肖龙飞, 杨建民, 2006. FPSO水动力研究与进展. 海洋工程 24 (4), 116-123,128.
[63] 肖龙飞, 杨建民, 范模, 彭涛, 2006. 160kDWT FPSO在极浅水中运动安全性研究. 船舶力学 10 (1), 7-14.
[64] 谢永和, 李润培, 杨建民, 2006. 水深对超大型FPSO水弹性响应的影响. 36365线路检测中心学报 40 (6), 993-996.
[65] 张火明, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2006. 基于混合模型试验技术的中等水深FPSO系统水动力性能研究. 船舶力学 10 (5), 1-10.
[66] 李欣, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2005. FPSO软刚臂单点系泊系统动力分析. 中国造船 46 (z1), 141-148.
[67] 吕海宁, 杨建民, 2005. FPSO甲板上浪研究现状. 海洋工程 23 (3), 119-124.
[68] 吕海宁, 杨建民, 彭涛, 2005. 基于CFD的海洋深水试验池造流系统数值模拟, 中国造船, 北京, pp. 48-54.
[69] 王磊, 王先福, 杨建民, 2005. 动力定位船舶二阶低频慢漂力模型试验研究, 第七届全国水动力学学术会议暨第十九届全国水动力学研讨会论文集(下册), 哈尔滨, pp. 886-893.
[70] 张火明, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2005. 内转塔式系泊FPSO甲板上浪的时域模拟. 船舶 (3), 11-16.
[71] 李俊, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2005. 转塔位置对FPSO水动力性能的影响. 海洋工程 23 (4), 9-14.
[72] 张帆, 杨建民, 李润培, 2005. 一种新型Spar平台概念的试验研究. 中国造船 46 (z1), 293-298.
[73] 李欣, 杨建民, 范模, 2004. 渤海油田浅水软刚臂系泊FPSO触底分析. 海洋工程 22 (2), 51-57.
[74] 李欣, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 2004. 浅水FPSO船型主尺度对运动和触底的研究, 中国造船(2004年度海洋工程学术会议论文集)2004.vol.45 增刊, 长沙, pp. 160-167.
[75] 吕海宁, 杨建民, 姚美旺, 2004. 箱式超大型浮体在非均匀海洋环境下的水弹性试验. 海洋工程 22 (1), 1-8.
[76] 吕海宁, 杨建民, 张承懿, 2004. 半潜式超大型浮体的多刚体试验研究. 船舶工程 26 (5), 33-37.
[77] 肖龙飞, 杨建民, 李欣, 彭涛, 2004. 浅水深对160kDWT FPSO水动力系数的影响. 水动力学研究与进展A辑 19 (3), 257-263.
[78] 肖龙飞, 杨建民, 张承懿, 姚美旺, 2004. 浮式生产储油系统的水池模型试验研究. 船舶工程 26 (6), 18-23.
[79] 张火明, 杨建民, 2004. 基于神经网络的数值预测技术在船舶与海洋工程中的应用研究. 造船技术 (6), 41-45,40.
[80] 杨建民, 张火明, 肖龙飞, 彭涛, 2003. 一种新型深海海洋平台--几何形Spar和集成浮力桶的试验研究. 海洋工程 21 (4), 23-28.
[81] 陈国建, 杨建民, 张承懿, 2003. 箱式超大型浮体的水弹性模型试验. 海洋工程 21 (3), 1-5.
[82] 杨建民, 2002. 深水生产系统研究发展动向, 中国造船工程学会船舶力学学术委员会第五届全体会议专集, 四川绵阳, pp. 78-84.
[83] 赵志高, 杨建民, 王磊, 程俊勇, 2002. 动力定位系统发展状况及研究方法. 海洋工程 20 (1), 91-97.
[84] 陈国建, 杨建民, 2002. 超大型浮体试验研究概述. 上海造船 (2), 22-24.
[85] 程俊勇, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 赵志高, 2002. 动力定位系统的推力系统设计. 海洋工程 20 (4), 58-62.
[86] 向溢, 杨建民, 谭家华, 张承懿, 2001. 码头系泊船舶模型试验. 海洋工程 19 (2), 45-49.
[87] 肖龙飞, 彭涛, 杨建民, 盛振邦, 2001. 被动式减摇水舱减摇效果的评定. 36365线路检测中心学报 35 (10), 1552-1556.
[88] 王志军, 舒志, 李润培, 杨建民, 2001. 超大型海洋浮式结构物概念设计的关键技术问题. 海洋工程 19 (1), 1-6.
[89] 王志军, 李润培, 杨建民, 舒志, 2000. 超大型海洋浮式结构物概念设计综述, 第一届全国船舶与海洋工程学术会议论文集, 上海, pp. 666-672.
[90] 肖龙飞, 彭涛, 杨建民, 王敏声, 2000. 被动式减摇水舱减摇效果的评定, 第一届全国船舶与海洋工程学术会议论文集, 上海, pp. 236-243.
[91] 杨建民, 彭涛, 陈国建, 姚美旺, 2000. 海洋工程试验中风谱模拟技术的研究, 第一届全国船舶与海洋工程学术会议论文集, 上海, pp. 250-257.
[92] 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 彭涛, 姚美旺, 2000. 浅水不规则波浪中油轮运动研究. 海洋工程 18 (3), 25-29.
[93] 王磊, 杨建民, 肖龙飞, 王敏声, 1999. 工程近似方法分析两阶慢漂问题, 第十三届全国水动力学研讨会论语文集, 贵州, p. 45~48.
[94] 杨建民, 顾海粟, 姚美旺, 肖龙飞, 1999. 非接触式六自由度运动测量与分析方法. 海洋工程 17 (2), 17-21.
[95] 杨建民, 王国强, 1996. 三维机翼分离流的计算方法, (中国造船工程学会船舶力学学术委员会)船舶推进与空泡(暨六届)学术讨论会论文集, 张家界, p. 105~110.
[96] 杨建民, 杨晨俊, 1996. 反应舵在螺旋桨尾流中的水动力性能, (中国造船工程学会船舶力学学术委员会)船舶推进与空泡(暨六届)学术讨论会论文集, 张家界, p. 98~104.


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