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2010.06 – 今      36365线路检测中心,先后任讲师、副教授、教授

2007.04 – 2010.04 英国曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester) 博士后副研究员

2003.11 – 2007.04 英国利兹大学(University of Leeds) 博士

2000.08 – 2003.09 北京市建筑工程研究院,结构工程师

1997.09 – 2000.07 哈尔滨工业大学, 土木工程学院,硕士

1993.09 – 1997.08 哈尔滨工业大学(原哈尔滨建筑大学), 建筑工程学院,本科



复合材料与结构力学行为(Mechanical Behaviour of Composite Materials and Structures)

复材(FRP)-海水海砂混凝土结构(FRP-Seawater Sea Sand Concrete (SWSSC) Structures)

机器学习在新材料结构中的应用(Applicaiton of Machine Learning in Emerging Materials and Novel structures)

涂层织物材料与膜结构(Coated Fabrics and Membrane Structures)

钢-混凝土组合结构(Steel-Concrete Composite Structures)



国际SCI期刊:Composites Part C编委

国际SCI期刊:Advances in Mechanical Engineering 编委

国际SCI期刊:Buildings 编委

中国力学学会 复合材料专业组 委员

中国复合材料学会 复合材料结构设计专业委员会 副主任委员

中国复合材料学会 教育与认证工作委员会 委员

中国钢结构协会 理事

中国钢结构协会 钢-混凝土组合结构分会 理事

英国结构工程师学会(IStructE) 会员







国家重点研发计划,工信部科技专项,英国EPSRC项目,World-Wide Failure Exercise-II,英国Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme,国家863计划项目,以及国际合作项目Thiry Meters Telescope (TMT) 2014-2015 WFOS-MOBIE Mini-study。

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers



[101] Weiyu Guo, Daxu Zhang*, Yi Zhang, Yonglong Du, Chao Chen. Tensile damage evolution and mechanical behaviour of SiCf/SiC mini-composites through 4D in-situ micro-CT and data-driven modelling. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2024, 279, 111439. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111439

[100] Yonglong Du, Daxu Zhang*, Liang Wang, Weiyu Guo, Long Wang. Damage mechanism characterisation of plain weave ceramic matrix composites under in-plane shear using in-situ X-ray micro-CT and deep-learning-based image segmentation. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2024, 44(1): 142-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2023.09.022

[99] Yonglong Du, Daxu Zhang*, Yi Zhang, Weiyu Guo, Qi Zhao. Predicting tensile behaviour of plain weave CMCs using a nonlinear data-driven constitutive model for fibre tow composites. Ceramics International, 2024, 50(9): 16142-16154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.117382

[98] 陈鹏, 王龙*, 张大旭*, 杜永龙, 郭纬愉, 陈超. 基于深度学习的准各向同性缎纹C/SiC拉伸-剪切损伤演化机制 [J]. 复合材料学报. 2024, 41(9): 4852–4862. https://doi.org/10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240228.001

[97] Pei-Fu Zhang, Daxu Zhang*, Xiao-Ling Zhao*, Xuan Zhao, Mudassir Iqbal, Yiliyaer Tuerxunmaimaiti, Qi Zhao. Natural language processingbased deep transfer learning model across diverse tabular datasets for bond strength prediction of composite bars in concrete. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2024, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1111/mice.13357

[96] Pei-Fu Zhang, Mudassir Iqbal, Daxu Zhang*, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Qi Zhao. Bond strength prediction of FRP bars to seawater sea sand concrete based on ensemble learning models. Engineering Structures, 2024, 302: 117382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.117382

[95] Pei-Fu Zhang, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Daxu Zhang*, Mudassir Iqbal, Xuan Zhao, Qi Zhao. Yiliyaer Tuerxunmaimaiti, Congshui Yu. Prediction of bond strength and failure mode of FRP bars embedded in UHPC or UHPSSC utilising extreme gradient boosting technique. Composite Structures, 2024, 346: 118437. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118437

[94] Qi Zhao, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Daxu Zhang*, Liping Duan. Effects of exposure in seawater sea-sand concrete pore solution on fatigue performance of carbon FRP bars. Composites Science and Technology, 2024, 110408. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2023.110418

[93] Qi Zhao, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Daxu Zhang*, Jian-Guo Dai, Xuanyi Xue. Degradation of GFRP bars with epoxy and vinyl ester matrix in marine concrete environment: Experimental study and theoretical modeling. Journal of Composites for Construction ASCE, 2024, 28(2). 04024004. https://doi.org/10.1061/JCCOF2.CCENG-4474

[92] Maria D. C. Hernandez Obando, Mudassir Iqbal, Daxu Zhang*, Pei-Fu Zhang, Qi Zhao. Axial strength prediction of seawater sea sand concrete-filled circular FRP tubes under alkaline environment based on ensemble learning algorithms. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 195, 111530. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2023.111530

[91] 赵烜, 赵齐, 张大旭*, 张沛涪. 聚合物基体类型对海水海砂混凝土环境下GFRP筋层间剪切强度影响 [J]. 36365线路检测中心学报. (录用定稿)网络首发: 2024-06-18. https://link.cnki.net/urlid/31.1466.u.20240616.1224.004



[90] Mudassir Iqbal, Elbaz, K., Daxu Zhang*, Hu, L., & Jalal, F. E, Prediction of residual tensile strength of glass fiber reinforced polymer bars in harsh alkaline concrete environment using fuzzy metaheuristic models, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science. 2023, 8:546–558. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joes.2022.03.011

[89] Mudassir Iqbal, Daxu Zhang*, Khan, M.I., Zahid, M., & Jalal, F. E., Effect of rebar size and volume fraction of glass fibers on the tensile strength retention of GFRP rebars in alkaline environment via RSM and SHAP analyses, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2023, 35(9): 04023318. https://doi.org/10.1061/JMCEE7.MTENG-15589

[88] Mudassir Iqbal, Daxu Zhang*, Kaffayatullah Khan, Muhammad Nasir Amin, Mohammed Ibrahim, Babatunde Abiodun Salami. Evaluating mechanical, microstructural and durability performance of seawater sea sand concrete modified with silica fume. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 72: 106583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106583

[87] Xiangyun Gao, Bao Lei, Yi Zhang, Daxu Zhang, Chong Wei, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, Xuqin Li, Hao Ding. Materials Characterization. Identification of microstructures and damages in silicon carbide ceramic matrix composites by deep learning. Materials Characterization. 2023, 196: 112608. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2022.112608

[86] 程相伟, 张大旭*, 杜永龙, 郭洪宝, 洪智亮. 基于X射线CT原位试验的平纹SiCf/SiC压缩损伤演化机理. 36365线路检测中心学报, 网络首发. https://doi.org/10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.322

[85] 侯耀晟树, 郭纬愉, 杜永龙, 张毅, 张大旭*. 平纹SiC纤维织物剪切性能.硅酸盐通报. 2023, 42(03): 1063-1073. https://doi.org/10.16552/j.cnki.issn1001-1625.20230206.001

[84] 王文华, 赵齐, 张大旭*, 张沛涪, 陈鹏. 相对湿度对海水海砂混凝土环境下GFRP筋拉伸性能影响.36365线路检测中心学报, 2023. 57(2):148-160. https://doi.org/10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.034



[83] Mudassir Iqbal, Daxu Zhang*, Fazal E. Jalal. Durability evaluation of GFRP rebars in harsh alkaline environment using optimized tree-based random forest model. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science. 2022, 7(6):596-606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joes.2021.10.012

[82] Irandegani, M. A., Daxu Zhang*, & Shadabfar, M. Compressive strength of concrete cylindrical columns confined with fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix composites under monotonic loading: Application of machine learning techniques. Structures. 2022, 42:205-220. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2022.05.111

[81] Irandegani, M. A., Daxu Zhang*, & Shadabfar, M. Probabilistic assessment of axial load-carrying capacity of FRCM-strengthened concrete columns using artificial neural network and Monte Carlo simulation. Case Studies in Construction Materials. 2022, 17, e01248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2022.e01248

[80] 赵齐, 张大旭*, 赵晓林, 王文华. 环氧基GFRP筋在海水海砂混凝土孔溶液环境下的损伤演化试验与模型研究. 土木工程学报,2022, 55(9):25-41. https://doi.org/10.15951/j.tmgcxb.21080781

[79] 杜永龙, 张毅, 王龙, 郭纬愉, 程相伟, 张大旭*. 基于深度学习的平纹Cf/SiC原位拉伸损伤演化与断裂分析. 硅酸盐通报. 2022, 41(1): 249-257. https://doi.org/10.16552/j.cnki.issn1001-1625.2022.01.013



[78] Daxu Zhang, Yu Liu, Hailong Liu, Yuqi Feng, Hongbao Guo, Zhiliang Hong, Chao Chen, Yi Zhang. Characterisation of damage evolution in plain weave SiC/SiC composites using in situ X-ray micro-computed tomography. Composite Structures. 2021, 275:114447. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114447

[77] Qi Zhao, Daxu Zhang, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Suraksha Sharma. Modelling damage evolution of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy polymer composites in seawater sea sand concrete environment. Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 215:108961. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108961

[76] Mudassir Iqbal, Daxu Zhang, Fazal E. Jalal, Javed Muhammad Faisal. Computational AI prediction models for residual tensile strength of GFRP bars aged in the alkaline concrete environment. Ocean Engineering.2021. 232:109134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109134

[75] Mudassir Iqbal, Qi Zhao, Daxu Zhang, Fazal E Jalal, Arshad Jamal. Evaluation of tensile strength degradation of GFRP rebars in harsh alkaline conditions using non-linear genetic-based models. Materials and Structures. 2021,54(5):190. https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-021-01783-x

[74] Lingyu Zheng, Daxu Zhang, Long Wang, Aman Shrestha, Zhensen Song, Shengbin Gao, Teng Xu, Mingming Xu. Lightweight cylindrical composite shell structures to support optical instruments in extremely large telescopes: A case study. Science Progress. 2021, 104(3):1-26. https://doi.org/10.1177/00368504211036147

[73] Aman Shrestha, Daxu Zhang, Lingyu Zheng. Computational seismic analysis of optical instrument structures: Computational analysis of seismic response of wide-field optical spectrograph structures in large telescopes. SSPS 2021 - 2021 3rd International Symposium on Signal Processing Systems (SSPS). 2021:49-54. https://doi.org/10.1145/3481113.3481121

[72] Gao Jifeng, Wujun Chen, Jubing Chen, Jianhui Hu, Bing Zhao, Daxu Zhang, Guangqiang Fang, Fujun Peng. Large deformation bending of single-ply fabric reinforced polymer composite. Polymer Composites. 2021, 42(11):6038-6050. https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.26283

[71] 冯宇琦, 张毅, 张大旭, 郭纬愉, 侯耀晟树, 李斌. 基于深度学习的2.5D陶瓷基复合材料损伤识别与评估. 硅酸盐学报. 2021,8(49):1765-1775.           https://doi.org/10.14062/j.issn.0454-5648.20200829

[70] 艾科热木江·塞米, 袁行飞, 陈务军, 王雪明, 张大旭. 基于流固耦合的重载飞艇副气囊形态分析与试验研究. 振动与冲击. 2021,40(4):36-42. https://doi.org/10.13465/j.cnki.jvs.2021.04.006



[69] Suraksha Sharma, Daxu Zhang, Qi Zhao. Degradation of basalt fiber-reinforced polymer bars in seawater and sea sand concrete environment. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2020, 12(3):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177/1687814020912888

[68] Jin Gao, JInghai Gong, Jun He, Daxu Zhang, Guozhi Qiu, JIngjing Zhang. Experimental study on pedestrians' uni- and bi-directional movement on staircases under emergency conditions. Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment. 2020,

[67] 刘海龙,张大旭,祁荷音,伍海辉,郭洪宝,洪智亮,陈超,张毅. 基于X射线CT原位试验的平纹SiC/SiC复合材料拉伸损伤演化. 36365线路检测中心学报. 2020, 54(10):1074-1083.

[65] 张云浩,阿力木·安外尔,米翔,张大旭,陈务军,鲁国富,张金奎. 短期老化与折皱损伤对飞艇囊体材料空气泄漏性能的影响. 36365线路检测中心学报. 2020, 54(11):1189-1199.

[64] 郑凌宇,张大旭,Aman Shrestha,宋振森,高圣彬,徐腾,许明明. 30m望远镜宽视场光谱仪支撑结构选型研究. 机电工程. 2020, 37(09):1020-1025+1038.

[63] 阿力木·安外尔,张大旭,何巍,陈务军,王笑妍,周群超,罗一栋,陈能夫,孙鲲鹏. 基于深度学习的涂层织物折皱识别与检测. 计算机工程与应用. 2020, 网络首发

[62] 程书通;张云浩;杜嘉豪;张大旭;陈务军;鲁国富;张金奎. 老化与折皱损伤对飞艇囊体材料单轴拉伸力学性能影响. 东华大学学报(自然科学版).2020, 46(02):194-201.

[61] 段永洪,陈务军,张大旭,袁行飞,艾科热木江 塞米,鲁国富. 基于流固耦合的氦气囊非稳定形态机理分析. 空间结构. 2020,26(02):11-18+48.

[60] 高冀峰,余兵,陈务军,胡建辉,赵兵,樊鹏玄,张大旭,房光强,彭福军. 单层编织增强复合材料力学特性计算. 上海航天. 2020, 37(04):107-116.



[59] Yu Liu, Daxu Zhang, Jianhui Hu, Wujun Chen, Chengjun Gao, Zheny Qiu. Design and structural analysis of an inflatable coated fabric manipulation arm. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 139:310-320.

[58] Jifeng Gao, Wujun Chen, Bing Yu, Pengxuan Fan, Bing Zhao, Jianhui Hu, Daxu Zhang, Guangqiang Fang, Fujun Peng. A multi-scale method for predicting ABD stiffness matrix of single-ply weave-reinforced composite. Composite Structures. 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111478

[57] Jifeng Gao, Wujun Chen, Bing Yu, Pengxuan Fan, Bing Zhao, Jianhui Hu, Daxu Zhang, Guangqiang Fang, Fujun Peng. Effect of temperature on the mechanical behaviours of a single-ply weave-reinforced shape memory polymer composite. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2019, 159:336-345.

[56] 陈明明,陈秀华,张大旭,伍海辉,郭洪宝,龚景海. 平纹叠层SiC/SiC复合材料室温和高温拉伸行为与破坏机理. 36365线路检测中心学报. 2019,53(1):11-18.



[55]    Daxu Zhang, Hayhurst D R. Effects of In-plane Extension on Transverse Thermal Conductivity of a Carbon/Carbon 8-Harness Satin Weave Composite. International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2018,27(1):47-73.

[54] Mingming Chen, Daxu Zhang, Jinghai Gong. Predictions of transverse thermal conductivities for plain weave ceramic matrix composites under in-plane loading. Composite Structures 2018, 202: 759-767. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.04.004

[53] Wujun Chen, Chengjun Gao, Daxu Zhang, Liang Wang, Zhenyu Qiu. A new biaxial tensile shear test method to measure shear behaviour of coated fabrics for architectural use. Composite Structures 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.06.063

[52]Jifeng Gao, Wujun Chen, Pengxuan Fan, Bing Zhao, Jianhui Hu, Daxu Zhang, Guangqiang Fang, Fujun Peng. 2018. Experimental determination of mechanical properties of a single-ply broken twill 1/3 weave reinforced shape memory polymer composite. Polymer Testing. 69: 100–106.

[51] Shi,Taibai;Chen,Wujun;Gao,Chengjun;Hu,Jianhui;Zhao,Bing;Zhang,Daxu;Qiu,Zhenyu. Shear behavior of architectural coated fabrics under biaxial bias-extension. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 187:964-973.

[50] 张祎贝;高冀峰;陈务军;张大旭;房光强;曹争利;彭福军. 织物复合材料空间可展桁架模态试验与分析. 振动与冲击. 2018, 37(17):155-160.

[49] 樊鹏玄,陈务军,赵兵,胡建辉,张大旭,房光强,彭福军. Prony级数形式的形状记忆聚合物有限应变黏弹性本构模型. 浙江大学学报. 2018. 52(6):1194–1200.

[48] 樊鹏玄;陈务军;赵兵;胡建辉;张大旭;房光强;彭福军. 基于广义Maxwell模型的形状记忆聚合物力学本构. 36365线路检测中心学报. 2018. 52(08):969-975.

[47] 王丽君;陈务军;樊鹏玄;张大旭;房光强;曹争利. 环氧形状记忆聚合物的热力学性能试验研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报. 2018, 39(11): 1804-1808.

[46] 祁荷音,陈明明,徐倩,张大旭. 基于纤维束渐进损伤性能的平纹陶瓷基复合材料拉伸力学行为预测. 中国科技论文. 2018. 13(4): 444–449469.



[45]Mingming Chen, Matthew Blacklock, Daxu Zhang, Jinghai Gong. 2017. Effects of stochastic tow waviness on stiffness and strength of plain-weave ceramic matrix composites. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 9(8) 1–10. DOI: 10.1177/1687814017727973

[44]Shengbin, Gao, Jie, Ni, Daxu Zhang, Hanbin Ge. 2017. Strength degradation of reinforced concrete piers wrapped with steel plates under local corrosion. Steel and Composite Structures. 24(6): 753–765.

[43]Yu Hu, Wujun Chen, Yufeng Chen, Daxu Zhang, Zhenyu Qiu. 2017. Modal behaviors and influencing factors analysis of inflated membrane structures. Engineering Structures. 132: 413–427.

[42] 李纯,陈务军,蔡祈耀,张大旭,彭福军,方光强. 对角伸展太阳帆结构及膜面应力导入分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2017. 49(4): 23–34.



[41]    Xiao Guo, Qingsong Li, Daxu Zhang, Jinghai Gong. 2016. Structural Behavior of an Air-Inflated Fabric Arch Frame. Journal of Structural Engineering – ASCE. 142(2): 04015108. (SCI)

[40]    Liping Duan, Jincheng Zhao, Sai Liu, Daxu Zhang. A B-splines-based GBT formulation for modeling fire behavior of restrained steel beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v 116, p 65-78, January 1, 2016. (SCI)

[39]    陈明明,张大旭. 基于非线性双组元模型的平纹陶瓷基复合材料拉伸行为预测. 中国科技论文.录用(核心)

[38]    刘彧,张大旭,陈务军,何世赞,邱振宇,高成军. 柔性充气操控臂转动行为数值模型与试验. 2016, 50(12):EI

[37]    康雄建,房光强,张大旭,陈务军,彭福军. 形状记忆四枚缎纹编织复合材料拉伸力学性能试验研究. 上海航天. 2016, 33(5):63-70.(核心)

[36]    高成军,陈务军,邱振宇,张大旭,胡建辉. 建筑织物膜材双轴剪切试验与分析. 实验力学. 2016, 31(1):25-30.(核心)

[35]    蔡祁耀,陈务军,张大旭,彭福军,房光强. 空间薄壁CFRP豆荚杆悬臂梁屈曲分析及试验. 36365线路检测中心学报. 2016,50(1):145-152.EI

[34]    蔡祁耀,陈务军,张大旭,彭福军,房光强. 透镜式薄壁管状空间伸展臂压扁拉扁数值模拟与试验.36365线路检测中心学报. 2016,50(4):601-607.EI



[33]    CHEN Yufeng, CHEN Wujun, HE Yanli, Daxu Zhang. Vibration characteristics analysis and experiment of non-rigid airship with suspended curtain. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (science). v 20, n 5, p 625-633, October 1, 2015 (EI)

[32]    王浩伟, 张大旭, 陈明明. 陶瓷基与碳/碳复合材料拉伸性能试验研究进展. 硅酸盐通报. 2015.34(7):1907-1914, 1920. (中文核心)

[31]    张金龙,陈务军,张大旭,彭福军,房光强.盘绕式空间伸展臂连续纵杆大转角纯弯曲试验. 哈尔滨工程大学学报.2015.36(6):750-753. (EI)

[30]    张金龙,陈务军,张大旭.新型大变形纯弯曲试验装置与细杆弯曲试验. 空间结构. 2015.21(1):64-67,89. (中文核心)



[29]    Daxu Zhang, D.R. Hayhurst. Prediction of stress-strain and fracture behaviour of an 8-Harness satin weave ceramic matrix composite. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2014 51:3762-3775. (SCI)

[28]    Jianwen Chen, Wujun Chen, Daxu Zhang. Experimental study on uniaxial and biaxial tensile properties of coated fabric for airship envelopes. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2014. 33(7):630-647. (SCI)

[27]   高圣彬, 徐旻洋, 张大旭. 内填部分混凝土箱形截面钢桥墩的延性影响参数.哈尔滨工业大学学报.2014.46(12):89-95. (EI)

[26]    陈宇峰, 陈务军, 何艳丽, 张大旭. 柔性飞艇主气囊干湿模态分析与影响因素研究. 36365线路检测中心学报. 2014482):234-238. (EI)

[25]    陈宇峰, 陈务军, 何艳丽, 张大旭. 柔性飞艇及其悬挂屏体系结构力学性能分析. 哈尔滨工程大学学报. 20147826-832. (EI)

[24]    蔡祁耀,陈务军,张大旭.  Kapton薄膜折叠力学行为分析与试验. 36365线路检测中心学报. 2014, 8:1109-1115. EI



[23]    Daxu Zhang, Xu LH, Ye JQ. Prediction of failure envelopes and stress strain curves of fiber composite laminates under triaxial loads: comparison with experimental results. Journal of Composite Materials. 2013. 47(6-7) 763-776. (SCI)

[22]    Gong J, Daxu Zhang, Tseng Y, Li B, Wirtz D, Schafer BW. Form-Finding Model Shows How Cytoskeleton Network Stiffness Is Realized. PLoS ONE. 8(10): e77417. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077417 Oct 17, 2013 (SCI)

[21]    陈建稳,陈务军,张大旭. PVDF/PES涂层织物循环拉伸力学性能及弹性模量.华南理大学学报(自然科学版).2013. 41669-76.EI



[20]    Daxu Zhang, Gao S, Gong J. 2012. Seismic behaviour of steel beam to circular CFST column assemblies with external diaphragms. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2012. 76 :155-166. (SCI)

[19]    Ye JQ. Daxu Zhang. Prediction of failure envelopes and stress strain curves of fiber composite laminates under triaxial loads. Journal of Composite Materials. 2012. 46(19-20): 2417-2430. (SCI)

[18]    Zhao-qiang Wang, Jin-cheng Zhao, Da-xu Zhang, Jing-hai Gong. Restrained torsion of open thin-walled beams including shear deformation effects. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. 2012. 13(4): 260-273. (SCI)

[17]    Jin M, Zhao J C, Chang J, Daxu Zhang. Experimental and parametric study on the post-fire behavior of tubular T-joint. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 70(1): 93-100, March 2012. (SCI)



[16]    Daxu Zhang, Hayhurst D R. 2011. Influence of Applied In-plane strain on Transverse Thermal Conductivity of 0º/90º and Plain Weave Ceramic Matrix Composites, International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2011. 48(5): 828-842. (SCI)

[15]    张大旭,张素梅,高圣彬. 圆钢管混凝土柱-钢梁外加强环节点滞回性能.哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2011. 43(增刊2):229-232.EI

[14]    Yu WJ, Zhao JC, Luo HX, Shi JY, Daxu Zhang. Experimental study on mechanical behavior of an impacted steel tubular T-joint in fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2011. 67(9): 1376-1385. (SCI)


2010 and before

[13]    Daxu Zhang, Hayhurst D R. Stress-strain and Fracture Behaviour of 0º/90º and Plain Weave Ceramic Matrix Composites from Tow Multi-axial Properties. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2010. 47 (21). 2958-2969. (SCI)

[12]    Ye JQ, Lam, D, Daxu Zhang. 2010. Initiation and Propagation of Transverse Cracking in Composite Laminates. Computational Materials Science, 2010. 47 (4). 1031-1039. (SCI)

[11]     J. Tan, P. J. Meadows, Daxu Zhang, Xi Chen, E. López-Honorato, X. Zhao, F. Yang and P. Xiao. 2009. Young's modulus measurements of SiC coatings on spherical particles by using nanoindentation, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 393 (1): 22-29. Aug 2009 (SCI)

[10]    Daxu Zhang, Ye JQ, Lam D. 2007. Free-edge and Ply Cracking Effect in Angle-ply Laminated Composites subjected to In-plane Loads. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 133: 1268-1277. Dec 2007  (SCI)

[9]      Daxu Zhang, Ye JQ, Lam D. 2007. Properties degradation induced by transverse cracks in general symmetric laminates. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44 (17): 5499-5517. Aug 2007  (SCI)

[8]      Daxu Zhang, Ye JQ, Lam D. 2006. Ply cracking and stiffness degradation in cross-ply laminates under biaxial extension, bending and thermal loading. Composite Structures 2006, 75(1-4): 121-131. Dec 2006  (SCI)

[7]      Daxu Zhang, Ye JQ, Sheng HY.2006. Free-edge and ply cracking effect in cross-ply laminated composites under uniform extension and thermal loading. Composite Structures, 76(4): 314-325. Sep 2006 (SCI)

[6]      张大旭, 李继雄. 2003. 预应力技术在北京新闻文化中心工程中的应用. 施工技术, 32 (11): 25-26.

[5]      蒋东宇, 张大旭. 2003. 中关村科技大厦高效预应力混凝土连续梁的施工. 建筑技术开发, 6.

[4]      蒋东宇, 李国立, 张大旭. 2003. 北京科技会展中心预应力混凝土平板开洞技术. 建筑技术开发, 5.

[3]      张大旭, 张素梅. 2001. 钢管混凝土梁柱节点动力性能试验研究. 哈尔滨建筑大学学报, 34(1): 21-27. Jan 2001EI

[2]      张大旭, 张素梅. 2001. 钢管混凝土柱与梁节点抗剪承载力. 哈尔滨建筑大学学报, 34(3): 35-39. June 2001EI

[1]      张素梅, 张大旭. 2001. 钢管混凝土柱与梁节点荷载-位移滞回曲线理论分析. 哈尔滨建筑大学学报, 34(3): 35-39. Aug 2001EI


Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers



[19] Weiyu Guo, Yi Zhang, Daxu Zhang, Yuqi Feng, Long Wang, Yonglong Du. Characterisation of damage evolution on textile ceramic matrix composites by in-situ X-ray computed tomography test. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-23), 30 July – 4 August 2023, Belfast, UK.EI

[18] Heyin Qi;Mingming Chen;Yonghong Duan;Daxu Zhang. Stress-strain response and fracture behaviour of plain weave ceramic matrix composites under uni-axial tension, compression or shear. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), 20-25 July 2017, Xi’an, China.EI

[17] Mingming Chen;Heyin Qi;Shutong Cheng;Daxu Zhang;Jinghai Gong. A non-linear orthotropic binary model to predict thermo-mechanical behaviour of plain weave ceramic matrix composites. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), 20-25 July 2017, Xi’an, China.EI

[16]    许子璇,祁荷音,张大旭. 基于离散元的膜结构褶皱效应数值模型研究. 工业建筑2016(增刊):1698-1703.第十六届全国现代结构工程学术研讨会. 2016722日,山东聊城.

[15]    刘彧,陈务军,张大旭. 波纹式充气管的力学性能研究. 工业建筑2016(增刊):1538-1543. 第十六届全国现代结构工程学术研讨会. 2016722日,山东聊城.

[14]    Zixuan Xu, Daxu Zhang, Wujun Chen, and Fujun Peng. Modelling centrifugal membrane deployment of solar sails with the discrete element method. IV International Conference on Particle-based Methods – Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES 2015), 28-30 September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.

[13]    W. J. Chen, C. J. Gao, Daxu Zhang, J. H. Gong. Shear Test Method Of Architectural Coated-Fabrics Subjected To Biaxial Tensile Loading.  In TEXTILE COMPOSITES AND INFLATABLE STRUCTURES VII. Edited by: Onate E; Bletzinger KU; Kroplin B. 544-554. 2015

[12]    王浩伟, 陈明明, 张大旭. 2D/碳复合材料拉伸应力应变响应预测. 中国力学大会.2015815-28, 上海. 中国.

[11]     陈明明,张大旭,龚景海,王浩伟. 2D陶瓷基复合材料力学行为双组元模型分析. 中国力学大会.2015815-28, 上海. 中国.

[10]    蔡祈耀,陈务军,张大旭,彭福军,房光强. 薄壁管状空间伸展臂压扁拉扁数值模拟与试验分析. 2014年可展开空间结构学术会议. 20141025日,西安. 中国.

[9]      高圣彬,倪捷,张大旭. 外包钢板加固钢筋混凝土桥墩的局部锈蚀分析. 中国钢结构协会钢-混凝土组合结构分会第十五次学术会议. 20131016-18.西安.中国.

[8]      Daxu Zhang, Wang X, Chen W, Peng F, Gong J, Qiu G. 2013. Mechanical behaviour of glass fibre-reinforced polymer thin rods. The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-19), 28 July-2 August 2013, Montreal, Canada.

[7]      张大旭,唐超,王浩伟. 平纹编织陶瓷基复合材料力学行为预测. 中国力学大会.2013818-21日,西安.中国.

[6]      高圣彬,徐旻洋,张大旭.内填部分混凝土箱形截面钢桥墩的抗震性能研究. 中国钢结构协会钢-混凝土组合结构分会第十四次学术会议. 2013913-15.西安.中国.

[5]      陈务军,高海健,张大旭,付功义. 2011.临近空间飞艇充气膜结构工程设计分析理论与计算方法.临近空间飞艇系统技术发展研讨会.20111012-13.长沙.中国.125-132.

[4]      张大旭,陈务军,段登平. 浮空器研究进展参加2011AIAA LTA/BAL 会议总结. 临近空间飞艇系统技术发展研讨会.20111012-13.长沙.中国. 浮空器研究. 2012. 6(1): 26-31.

[3]      Chen W, Daxu Zhang, Duan D, Fu G. 2011. Equilibrium configuration analysis of non-rigid airship subjected to weight and buoyancy. 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, 20-22 September 2011, Virginia Beach VA, USA.

[2]      张大旭,J Ye, 于德湖. 2011.第二届世界复合材料破坏评估:三轴荷载作用下复合材料层合板的破坏.中国力学大会.2011822-24日,哈尔滨.中国.

[1]      Daxu Zhang, Hayhurst D R. 2009. A finite element model to predict stress-strain response of Ceramic Matrix Composites with strain induced damage. The 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-17), 27-31 July 2009, Edinburgh, UK.EI


Book Chapters


Ye JQ, Daxu Zhang. Chapter 4: Three-dimensional Modelling of Stress Transfer, Stiffness Degradation, failure and Transverse Cracking in Composite Laminates. In: Q.H. Qin and B. Sun (ed.), Advances in Engineering Mechanics (series), Volume 1, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2011 (ISBN: 978-1-60876-901-8).

F.C. 坎贝尔. 结构复合材料[M]. 陈秀华,刘沛禹,杨慧等译.(第21章陶瓷基复合材料:张大旭、徐倩译),上海:36365线路检测中心出版社,2019.




《气膜钢筋混凝土结构设计规范》NB/T 51079-2017

《气膜钢筋混凝土结构工程施工与验收规范》NB/T 51080-2017
















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