2023-12至今 36365线路检测中心 36365线路检测中心土木工程系 副研究员
2019-10至 2023-12 36365线路检测中心 36365线路检测中心土木工程系 助理研究员
中国岩石力学与工程学会青委会 委员
Ocean Engineering,Applied Ocean Research,Ships and Offshore Structures等期刊审稿人
上海市自然科学基金面上项目, , 2022-2025, 项目负责人
[1] Wang T, Zhang Q*, Yan B, Zhu W, Ye G. Combined VHM bearing capacity of pile leg-mat foundation on marine clay seabed. Ocean Engineering 2023;288:115962.
[2] Zhang Q, Yan B, Zhu W, Ye G. Influence of Static and Repeated Surface Surcharge Loadings on Tunnel Displacement Considering Small-Strain Stiffness of Soft Clay. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2023;28:939–50.
[3] Zhang Q, Xie W, Zhu W, Ye G. Experimental and numerical investigations of eccentric uplift capacity of mat foundation on marine clay seabed. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 2023;0:1–7.
[4] Cai H, Zhang Q*, Ye G, Lu L. Investigation on strong vertical permeability and micro-pore characteristics of Jinan red clay using X- ray micro-tomography. Environmental Earth Sciences 2023:1–31.
[5] Zhang Q, Zhu W, Ye G, Tian Y, Yan Y. Centrifuge tests and numerical simulations on vertical bearing capacity of mat foundation on marine clay seabed. Applied Ocean Research 2023;135:103534.
[6] Sun B, Zhang Q*, Zhu W, Leng J, Ye G. Borehole Instability in Decomposed Granite Seabed for Rock-Socketed Monopiles during “Drive-Drill-Drive” Construction Process: A Case Study. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2023;11:990.
[7] Long Y, Zhang Q*, Ye G, Zhu W. Numerical study on the suction force of jack-up mat foundation on marine clay seabed. Applied Ocean Research 2022;121:103084.
[8] Zhang Q, Zhu W, Gao B, Ye G, Jeng D sheng, Wang T. Numerical investigation on horizontal deformation of large diameter monopile under cyclic wave loading with local scour holes. Ocean Engineering 2022;266:113059.
[9] Gao B, Zhu W, Zhang Q*, Ye G. Response of suction bucket foundation subjected to wind and earthquake loads on liquefiable sandy seabed. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2022;160:107338.
[10] Zhang Q, Fang T, Ye G, Liu G, Wang R, Tian Y. Effect of sitting time on the breakout force of mat foundation on soft marine clay seabed. Ocean Engineering 2021;234:108770.
[11] Cai H, Zhang Q*, Ye G. Numerical simulation on undrained cylic triaxial test of soft marine clay considering end restrictions of soil specimen. Ocean Engineering 2020;216:108100.
[12] Zhang Q, Zhou X, Xia X, Li W, Zhang S. Coupling Effect of Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Submarine Pipeline and Local Scour Under Steady Current 2019;141:1–13.
[13] Zhang Q, Zhou X-L, Wang J-H. Numerical Analysis of Current-Induced Local Scour Under a Vibrating Pipeline BT - Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Advances in Soil Dynamics and Foundation Engineering. In: Qiu T, Tiwari B, Zhang Z, editors., Singapore: Springer Singapore; 2018, p. 766–73.
[14] Zhang Q, Zhou X-L, Wang J, Li W-L. Dynamic Interaction between Two Parallel Submarine Pipelines Considered Vortex-induced Vibration and Local Scour. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 2018.
[15] Zhang Q, Zhou XL, Xia XH, Li W-L, Zhang S. Coupling effect of Vortex-induced vibration of a submarine pipeline and local scour under steady current. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2018.
[16] Zhang Q, Zhou XL, Wang JH. Numerical Analysis of Current-Induced Local Scour Under a Vibrating Pipeline. GeoShanghai International Conference, 2018.
[17] Zhang Q, Li W-L, Zhou X-L, Wang J-H. Numerical investigation of current-induced local scour below two parallel vibrating pipelines. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference 2018:290–5.
[18] Zhang Q, Zhou X, Wang J, Guo J. Wave-induced seabed response around an offshore pile foundation platform. Ocean Engineering 2017;130:567–82.
[19] Zhang Q, Zhou XL, Wang JH. Numerical investigation of local scour around three adjacent piles with different arrangements under current. Ocean Engineering 2017;142:625–38.
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