2009.09-2014.12,The Ohio State University,博士
2016.06-2019.11,The Ohio State University,研究助理
2015.01-2016.05,The Ohio State University,博士后
赵澎阳,博士,男,1986 年生;2009 年于复旦大学获得物理学学士学位;2014 年于美国俄亥俄州立大学(The Ohio State University)获得材料科学与工程博士学位;毕业后留校开展科研工作,先后担任博士后研究员和研究助理,主持和参与了美国国家自然科学基金会(NSF)、美国能源部-国家能源技术实验室(DOE-NETL)、美国通用电气(GE)等组织机构的多个科研项目;2019 年 12 月通过长聘体系入职36365线路检测中心,现为长聘教轨副教授;先后入选各类人才项目计划资助,包括国家级青年人才项目,上海海外高层次人才引进计划,上海市浦江人才计划等。
2020-至今 上海市力学学会会员
· Xiong, Z., Yang, P., Zhao, P.* (2024). Physics-driven neural networks for nonlinear micromechanics. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 273, 109214.
· Qiu, D., Feng, L., Zhao, P.* (2024). Modulating superdislocation cores and planar faults of Ni3Al through applied stresses. Computational Materials Science, 237, 112865.
· Yang, P., Zhao, P.* (2023). Void nucleation at dislocation boundaries aided by the synergy of multiple dislocation pile-ups. International Journal of Plasticity, 171, 103779.
· Qiu, D., Zhao, P.*, Wang, Y. (2021). A general phase-field framework for predicting the structures and micromechanical properties of crystalline defects. Materials & Design, 209, 109959.
· Im, S., Wang, Y., Zhao, P., Yoo, G. H., Chen, Z., Calderon, G., ..., Hwang, J. (2021). Medium-range ordering, structural heterogeneity, and their influence on properties of Zr-Cu-Co-Al metallic glasses. Physical Review Materials, 5(11), 115604.
· Liu, J., Zhang, X., Wang, R., Long, F., Zhao, P.*, Liu, L.* (2021). A mosquito-eye-like superhydrophobic coating with super robustness against abrasion. Materials & Design, 203, 109552.
· Qiu, D., Zhao, P.*, Trinkle, D.R., Wang, Y. (2020). Stress-Dependent Dislocation Core Structures Leading to Non-Schmid Behavior. Materials Research Letters, 9, 134-140.
· Zhao, P.*, Song, E.L.T., Wang, Y., & Niezgoda, S. (2020). Finite Strain Phase-Field Microelasticity Theory for Modeling Microstructural Evolution. Acta Materialia, 191,253-269.
· Wang, G., Huang, L., Zhao, P., Zhang, X., Qin, Z., He, W., Liu, F., Nie, Y. (2020). Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ODS Nickel-Based Superalloy via Strengthening Mechanism. JOM, 72, 3279-3287.
· Wang, D.*, Liang, Q., Zhao, S., Zhao, P., Zhang, T., Cui, L.*, & Wang, Y.* (2019). Phase field simulation of martensitic transformation in pre-strained nanocomposite shape memory alloys. Acta Materialia, 164, 99-109.
· Qiu, D., Zhao, P., Shen, C., Lu, W.*, Zhang, D., Mrovec, M., & Wang, Y.* (2019). Predicting grain boundary structure and energy in BCC metals by integrated atomistic and phase-field modeling. Acta Materialia, 164, 799-809.
· Zhao, P., Shen, C., Savage, M., Li, J., Niezgoda, S., Mills, M., & Wang, Y.* (2019). Slip transmission assisted by Shockley partials across alpha/beta interfaces in Ti-alloys. Acta Materialia, 171, 291-305.
· Zhao, P.*, Mills, M., Wang, Y., & Niezgoda, S. (2018). A homogenized primary creep model of nickel-base superalloys and its application to determining micro-mechanistic characteristics. International Journal of Plasticity, 110, 202-219.
· Im, S., Chen, Z., Johnson, J., Zhao, P., Yoo, G., Park, E., Wang, Y., Muller, D., & Hwang, J.* (2018). Direct determination of structural heterogeneity in metallic glasses using four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 195, 189-193.
· Liu, H., Lin, F., Zhao, P., Moelans, N.*, Wang, Y.*, & Nie, J.* (2018). Formation and autocatalytic nucleation of co-zone A-2 deformation twins in polycrystalline Mg: A phase field simulation study. Acta Materialia, 153, 86-107.
· Zhao, P.*, Shen, C., Niezgoda, S., & Wang, Y. (2018). Heterogeneous gamma’ microstructures in nickel-base superalloys and their influence on tensile and creep performance. International Journal of Plasticity, 109, 153-168.
· Zhao, P.*, Wang, Y., & Niezgoda, S. (2018). Microstructural and micromechanical evolution during dynamic recrystallization. International Journal of Plasticity, 100, 52-68.
· Zhao, P., Shen, C., Li, J., & Wang, Y.* (2017). Effect of nonlinear and noncollinear transformation strain pathways in phase-field modeling of nucleation and growth during martensite transformation. npj Computational Materials, 3(19).
· Zhao, P., Li, J., Hwang, J.*, & Wang, Y.* (2017). Influence of nanoscale structural heterogeneity on shear banding in metallic glasses. Acta Materialia, 134, 104-115.
· Zhao, P., Song, E.L.T., Wang, Y.*, & Niezgoda, S.* (2016). An integrated full-field model of concurrent plastic deformation and microstructure evolution: Application to 3D simulation of dynamic recrystallization in polycrystalline copper. International Journal of Plasticity, 80, 38-55.
· Qiu, D.*, Zhao, P., Shi, R., Wang, Y., & Lu, W.* (2016). Effect of autocatalysis on variant selection of alpha precipitates during phase transformation in Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Computational Materials Science, 124, 282-289.
· Qiu, D., Shi, R., Zhao, P., Zhang, D., Lu, W.*, & Wang, Y.* (2016). Effect of low-angle grain boundaries on morphology and variant selection of grain boundary allotriomorphs and Widmanstätten side-plates. Acta Materialia, 112, 347-360.
· Zhao, P., Li, J.*, & Wang, Y.* (2014). Extended defects, ideal strength and actual strengths of finite-sized metallic glasses. Acta Materialia, 73, 149-166.
· Zhao, P., Li, J.*, & Wang, Y.* (2013). Heterogeneously randomized STZ model of metallic glasses: Softening and extreme value statistics during deformation. International Journal of Plasticity, 40, 1-22.