电子邮件:zhongzheng@sjtu.edu.cn; zzheng@alumni.princeton.edu
郑重,博士(Ph.D., Princeton University),36365线路检测中心36365线路检测中心长聘副教授。曾在Princeton University任Lecturer和Postdoctoral Research Associate,在University of Cambridge任David Crighton Fellow和Research Associate,在Brown University任Visiting Scholar和Affiliated Researcher。曾获Princeton University Carbon Mitigation Initiative Best Paper Award, Cambridge University DAMTP David Crighton Fellowship等奖项。
Fluid dynamics
Flow-structure interaction
Applied mathematics
Fundamentals of interdisciplinary phenomena
Selected Publications (within Five Years)
Z. Zheng, H.A. Stone, The influence of boundaries on gravity currents: draining, confining, converging and deformation effects, Annual Review Fluid Mechanics (Invited Review; To Appear).
Z. Zheng, H.E. Huppert, N.M. Vriend, J.A. Neufeld, P.F. Linden, Flow of buoyant granular materials along a free surface, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 848: 312--339 (2018).
Z. Zheng, M.A. Fontelos, S. Shin, M.C. Dallaston, D. Tseluiko, S. Kalliadasis, H.A. Stone, Healing capillary films, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 838: 404--434 (2018).
N.J. O'Keeffe, Z. Zheng, H.E. Huppert, P.F. Linden, Symmetric coalescence of two hydraulic fractures, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115: 10228--10232 (2018).
Y.E. Yu, Z. Zheng, H.A. Stone, Flow of a gravity current in a porous medium accounting for drainage from a permeable substrate and an edge, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 074101 (2017).
Y. Liu, Z. Zheng, H.A. Stone, The influence of capillary effects on the drainage of a viscous gravity current into a deep porous medium, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 817: 514--559 (2017).
B. Rallabandi, Z. Zheng, M. Winton, H.A. Stone, Wind-driven formation of ice bridges in straits, Physical Review Letters, 118, 128701: 1--5 (2017).
C.-Y. Lai, Z. Zheng, E. Dressaire, G. Ramon, H.E. Huppert, H.A. Stone, Elastic relaxation of fluid-driven cracks and the resulting backflow, Physical Review Letters, 117, 268001 (2016).
C.-Y. Lai, Z. Zheng, E. Dressaire, H.A. Stone, Fluid-driven cracks in an elastic matrix in the toughness-dominated limit, Philosophical Transactions A, 374, 20150425 (2016) (Invited Paper).
Z. Zheng, H. Kim, H.A. Stone, Controlling viscous fingering using time-dependent strategies, Physical Review Letters, 115, 174501 (2015).
Z. Zheng, I.M. Griffiths, H.A. Stone, Propagation of a viscous thin film over an elastic membrane, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 784: 443--464 (2015).
Z. Zheng, B. Guo, I.C. Christov, M.A. Celia, H.A. Stone, Flow regimes for fluid injection into a confined porous medium, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 767: 881--909 (2015) (Selected for the Princeton University Carbon Mitigation Initiative Best Paper Award).
Carbon Mitigation Initiative Best Paper Award, Princeton University
DAMTP David Crighton Fellowship, University of Cambridge
QJMAM Award for Applied Mathematics