2020.01–至今 36365线路检测中心 36365线路检测中心 副教授
2013.06–2019.12 36365线路检测中心 36365线路检测中心 助理研究员
2017.02–2017.03 日本九州大学 应用力学研究所 访问学者
2008.10 – 2012.10 瑞典查尔莫斯理工大学,船舶与海洋工程,工学博士
2007.09 – 2008.08 36365线路检测中心,船舶与海洋结构物设计制造,博士研究生
2004.09 – 2007.07 武汉理工大学,船舶与海洋结构物设计制造,工学硕士
2000.09 – 2004.07 武汉理工大学,船舶与海洋结构物设计制造,学士
2018.02–至今, 《水动力学研究与进展》期刊,编委
2017.06–至今, 国际海洋与极地工程学会(ISOPE),会员
2013.09–至今, 上海市船舶与海洋工程学会,会员
2016.01–2019.12, 上海市力学学会青年工作委员会,副主任
Z.Q. Zheng, L. Zou*, Z.J. Zou. A numerical study of passing ship effects on a moored ship in confined waterways with new benchmark cases. Ocean Engineering, 2023.
X. Zhou, L. Zou*, Z.L. Ouyang, et al. Nonparametric modeling of ship maneuvering motions in calm water and regular waves based on R-LSTM hybrid method. Ocean Engineering, 2023.
C.Z. Chen, S.Y. Liu, Z.J. Zou*, L. Zou*, J.Z. Liu. Time series prediction of ship maneuvering motion based on dynamic mode decomposition. Ocean Engineering, 2023.
Z.Q. Zheng, L. Zou*, Z.J. Zou. A numerical study on the effects of ship-generated waves on a moored ship in restricted waterways considering initial acceleration process. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023.
Z.L. Ouyang, Z.J. Zou, L. Zou. Adaptive hybrid-kernel function based Gaussian process regression for nonparametric modeling of ship maneuvering motion. Ocean Engineering, 2023.
X.J. Tang, M. Zou, Z.J. Zou, Z.Y. Li and L. Zou*. A parametric study on the ice resistance of a ship sailing in pack ice based on CFD-DEM method. Ocean Engineering, 2022.
L. Zou, Z.J. Zou. A comparative numerical study of bank effects on a cruise ship in crabbing motion based on URANS method, Applied Ocean Research, 2022.
X.J. Tang, M. Zou, Z.J. Zou, Z.Y. Li, L. Zou*. A parametric study on the ice resistance of a ship sailing in pack ice based on CFD-DEM method, Ocean Engineering, 2022.
C.Z. Chen, L. Zou*, Z.J. Zou, H.P. Guo. Assessment of CFD-Based Ship Maneuvering Predictions Using Different Propeller Modeling Methods, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022.
L. Xia, Z.J. Zou, Z.H. Wang, L. Zou, H. Gao. Surrogate model based uncertainty quantification of CFD simulations of the viscous flow around a ship advancing in shallow water, Ocean Engineering, 2021.
L. Zou, Z.J. Zou. URANS simulations of a cruise ship in crabbing motion, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2021, 2021.
L. Zou, Z.J. Zou, L. Xia Li, H. Gao. CFD-based virtual static captive model tests of a cruise ship, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE2020, 2020.
L. Xia, S. Yuan, Z.J. Zou, L. Zou. Uncertainty quantification of hydrodynamic forces on the DTC model in shallow water waves using CFD and non-intrusive polynomial chaos method, Ocean Engineering, 2020.
L. Zou, Z.J. Zou, Y. Liu, H.P. Guo. A numerical investigation on hydrodynamic performances of a container ship in cross flows, Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE2019, June 16-21, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
H.F. Xu, L. Zou*, Z.J Zou, Z.M. Yuan. Numerical study on hydrodynamic interaction between two tankers in shallow water based on high-order panel method, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2019, 74: 139–151.
Y. Liu, B. Li, L. Zou*, Z.J. Zou. Manoeuvrability Prediction for Container Ships in Deep and Shallow Waters, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2019, Vol.23, No.3, 267–282.
Y. Liu, L. Zou*, Z.J. Zou. Computational fluid dynamics prediction of hydrodynamic forces on a manoeuvring ship including effects of dynamic sinkage and trim, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2019, 233(1), 251–266.
Y. Liu, L. Zou*, Z.J. Zou and H.P. Guo. Predictions of ship maneuverability based on virtual captive model tests, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 12:1, 334–353.
B.W. Fu, L. Zou, D.C. Wan. Numerical study of vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible cylinder in an oscillatory flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2018, 77: 170–181.
Y. Duanmu, L. Zou, D.C. Wan. Numerical analysis of multi-modal vibrations of a vertical riser in step currents, Ocean Engineering, 2018, 152: 428–442.
J.H. Wang, L. Zou, D.C. Wan. CFD simulations of free running ship under course keeping control, Ocean Engineering, 2017, 141: 450–464.
Y.L. Zhang, L. Zou, D.C. Wan. Simulation of fluid-structure interaction with violent free surface by MPS-FEM coupled method, Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2017, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 330–335.
B.W. Fu, L. Zou and D.C. Wan. Numerical Study on the Effect of Current Profiles on Vortex-Induced Vibrations in a Top-Tension Riser, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2017, 16 (4): 473–479.
Y. Duanmu, L. Zou and D.C. Wan. Numerical simulations of vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible riser with different aspect ratios in uniform and shear currents, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2017, 29(6): 1010–1022.
H.F. Xu, Z.J. Zou, S.W. Wu, X.Y. Liu, L. Zou. Bank effects on ship-ship hydrodynamic interaction in shallow water based on high-order panel method, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12:6, 843–861.
J.Y. He, C.L. Zhang, Y. Zhu, L. Zou, W. Li, F. Noblesse. Interference effects on the Kelvin wake of a catamaran represented via a hull-surface distribution of sources. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2016, 56:1–12.
H.F. Xu, Z.J. Zou, X.Y. Liu, L. Zou. Unsteady hydrodynamic interaction between two cylindroids in shallow water based on high-order panel method,Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2016. 09. 01, 70: 134–146.
L. Xia, Z.J. Zou, J. Chen, L. Zou, L.L. Li. Uncertainty Analysis in CFD for Resistance of Japan Bulk Carrier with and without an Energy Saving Device[C]//Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, November 5-8, 2017.
Y. Liu, L. Zou*, Z.J. Zou. Numerical Predictions of Hydrodynamic Forces and Squat of Ships in Confined Waters[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Methods, July 25-29, 2017.
Y. Liu, L. Zou, Z.J. Zou. Manoeuvring Prediction for Container Ship Based on Virtual Captive Model Tests[C]//Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ship Manoeuvring and Control (MACO’2017), January14-16, 2017.
H.F. Xu, Z.J. Zou, L. Zou. Numerical Study on Hydrodynamic Interaction between Two Tankers in Shallow Water based on High-order Panel Method[C]//Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ship Manoeuvring and Control (MACO’2017), January14-16, 2017.
Y. Liu, Z.J. Zou, L. Zou. RANS-based Numerical Simulation of Captive Model Tests in Shallow Water for the DTC Container Carrier[C]//Proceedings of 4th MASHCON Conference, Elbcampus, Hamburg, Germany, 2016.5.23-2016.5.25.
L. Zou, L. Larsson. CFD Verification and Validation in Practice - A Study Based on Resistance Submissions to the Gothenburg 2010 Workshop on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics[C]//Proceedings of 30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics (30th SNH), Hobart, 2014.11.2-2014.11.7.
L. Zou, L. Larsson. Numerical predictions of ship-to-ship interaction in shallow water, Ocean Engineering, 2013, 72: 386–402.
L. Zou, L. Larsson. CFD Prediction of Bank Effects Including Verification and Validation, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2013, 18(3): 310–323.
L. Zou, L. Larsson. Confined Water Effects on the Viscous Flow around a Tanker with Propeller and Rudder, International Shipbuilding Progress, 2013, 60 (1–4): 309–343.
L. Zou, L. Larsson, Michal Orych. Verification and Validation of CFD Predictions for a Manoeuvring Tanker, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010, 22(5): 438–445.
L. Zou, L. Larsson. Investigation of Ship-to-Ship Interaction during a Lightering Operation in Shallow Water Using a RANS Solver[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Marine Simulation and Ship Manoeuvrability, MARSIM2012, 2012.4.23-2012.4.27.
L. Zou, L. Larsson. A V&V Study Based on Resistance Submissions to the Gothenburg 2010 Workshop on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics[C]//Proceedings of 14th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, 2011.10.22-2011.10.24.
L. Zou, L. Larsson. G. Delefortrie, E. Lataire, CFD Prediction and Validation of Ship-Bank Interaction in a Canal[C]//Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water, 2011.5.18-2011.5.20.
L. Zou, L. Larsson. CFD Prediction of the Local Flow around the KVLCC2 Tanker in Fixed Condition, Gothenburg 2010[C]//Proceedings of A Workshop on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, 2010.12.8-2010.12.10.
Book Chapters:
L. Zou, L. Larsson (2014) A Verification and Validation Study Based on Resistance Submissions. In: L. Larsson, F. Stern, M. Visonneau (eds) Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics. Springer, Dordrecht.
L. Zou, L. Larsson (2014) Additional Data for Resistance, Sinkage and Trim. In: L. Larsson, F. Stern, M. Visonneau (eds) Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics. Springer, Dordrecht.
L. Larsson, L. Zou (2014) Evaluation of Resistance, Sinkage and Trim, Self Propulsion and Wave Pattern Predictions. In: L. Larsson, F. Stern, M. Visonneau (eds) Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics. Springer, Dordrecht.
Doctoral thesis:
L. Zou. CFD Predictions Including Verification and Validation of Hydrodynamic Forces and Moments on Ships in Restricted Waters, Chalmers University of Technology, ISBN 978-91-7385-726-0 (ISSN 0346-718X), 2012.
Licentiate thesis:
L. Zou. CFD Predictions Including Verification and Validation of Hydrodynamic Forces and Moments on a Ship in Restricted Waters, Chalmers University of Technology, ISSN 1652-9189, Report No. 11:126, 2011.