Multi-Modality Image-Based Modeling Approach for Cardiovascular Disease: Simulation, Assessment, Prediction, and Virtual Surgery
日期:2018-10-10  来源:学术报告  阅读:61707





  Prof. Dalin Tang

  Mathematical Sciences Department & Biomedical Engineering Department

  Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA


  时    间:2018年10月17日 下午14:00-16:00

  地    址:36365线路检测中心 木兰楼A211

  联系人: 龚晓波


  Medical imaging and image-based modeling have made considerable progress in recent years in cardiovascular research, such as identifying atherosclerotic plaque morphological and mechanical risk factors which may be used in developing improved patient screening strategies, and performing virtual heart surgery seeking optimal surgical procedures for best post-surgical outcome. We will report recent progress in using multi-modality image-based models to predict vulnerable plaque progression and vulnerability change. In particular, we will report our recent results using IVUS+OCT data to obtain more accurate stress/strain calculations.  Inflammation and cap erosion will affect cap material properties. If OCT image could provide inflammation and erosion information, cap stress/strain calculation can be further improved.  Preliminary results using molecular imaging will be presented.

  Patient-specific ventricle models were constructed to perform virtual surgery for patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) to predict post-surgery outcome, and to seek parameters which could be used to identify patients who could benefit more from pulmonary valve replacement surgery.  Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) data were obtained from 16 TOF patients (8 male, median age, 42.75) and 6 healthy group (HG) volunteers (1 male, median age, 20.1). CMR-based patient-specific computational RV/LV models were constructed to obtain RV wall thickness (WT), volumes, curvature, and mechanical stress and strain for comparative analysis. It was found that mechanical stress could be a good predictor for surgical outcome.



  唐达林教授于1982年毕业于南京工学院(现东南大学)。自1983年赴美留学,并于1988年获得威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校应用数学博士学位,1994年任美国伍斯特理工学院数学和生物医学工程终身教授。美国机械工程师学会Fellow, 美国心脏学会Fellow,美国数学学会和美国生物力学工程学会会员。目前担任Journal of Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics 主编, PLOS ONE Academic Editor, BioMedical Engineering OnLine副主编。参加多项美国及国际学术评估委员会工作 (包括美国心脏学会、美国国家科学基金会、美国国家健康基金会, 中国基金委)。唐达林教授三十多年以来一直从事心血管疾病数学模型,临床与基础研究,先后发表国际期刊和学术会议论文300余篇;共主持和参与包括美国国家健康基金会 (NIH)、美国国家科学基金会 (NSF)等30余项研究项目,并与美国哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、华盛顿大学(Seattle)、华盛顿大學 (St. Louis)、佐治亚理工学院、日本信州大学,以及中国北京师范大学等学校有多项联合重大研究项目。在2010年被授予WPI 最佳科学研究教授奖 (伍斯特综合理工学院学术研究最高荣誉),于2008年获得WPI 软件开发奖(Kalenian Award)。于2005年获得麻州Massachusetts 软件开发奖,在2007年代表美国数学学会,在华盛顿向美国国会成员报告以医学图像为基础的心血管疾病计算力学分析诊断方法的研究成果。美国国家健康基金会(NIH/NIBIB) 曾发表专门文章高度评价其在心血管疾病的计算力学分析诊断方法的贡献,并被众多媒体转载报道其最新的研究进展。


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