Mesoscopic modeling of mechanical and biological systems
日期:2015-06-08  来源:学术报告  阅读:3264

     报告人: 李学进 

  时   间: 2015-06-12 10:00:00 
  地   点: 36365线路检测中心木兰楼A1006 
  主   办: 工程力学 
  联系人: 李寅峰 
  报告简介:Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is a particle-based Lagrangian method for simulating dynamic and rheological properties of simple and complex fluids at mesoscopic length and time scales. In this talk, we shall discuss the use of DPD method to study the mechanics, rheology and dynamics of physical and biological systems. We cover the traditional one-component whole-cell model but also a novel two-component whole-cell model used to simulate the interactions between the lipid bilayer and the cytoskeletal network of human red blood cells. We highlight examples of successful simulations of hematological disorders including malaria and sickle cell anemia. Specific applications on modeling shape transformation of membrane vesicles will also be presented.
  近年来,共在PNAS, Chem Commun, Macromolecules, Soft Matter, Nanoscale等SCI期刊发表学术论文26余篇。SCI论文共被他人引用330余次,H-index达到14,受到国内外同行专家的高度认可和关注。应邀为Soft Matter杂志撰写Tutorial Review文章一篇,为《Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology》撰写科普性短文一篇;参与撰写专著章节两章。2009年参加全国高分子学术论文报告会并获优秀墙报奖,2010年参加中国化学会第27届学术年会并作分会邀请报告,2012年受邀参加美国物理年会Self-Assembling Structures记者招待会推介研究成果,2013年参加美国国家数学和生物合成研究所“模拟血液—细胞相互作用”创新论坛并作邀请报告。担任ACS Nano, Macromolecules, Soft Matter, Biophys J, PLOS One, Polymer等学术期刊审稿人。

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