Wave Research in the Centre for Ocean Engineering, Science and Technology
日期:2015-06-29  来源:学术报告  阅读:4018

报告人: Prof. Alexander Babanin(Director of COEST, Professor of Ocean Engineering and Physical Oceanography of the Swinburne University)

时   间: 2015-07-08 10:30

地   点: 木兰楼B808

报告简介:The seminar will describe research conducted on the ocean waves and wave-related processes in the atmospheric boundary layer and upper ocean, in the Centre for Ocean Engineering, Science and Technology (COEST) at Swinburne University, Australia. This includes dynamics of nonlinear waves, direct and spectral wave modelling, sea drag, wave-induced ocean turbulence and mixing, extreme oceanic conditions, wave climate, metocean engineering.

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