泰国苏拉那里工业大学Suksun Horpibulsuk教授学术讲座
日期:2016-07-12  来源:学术报告  阅读:4957

题    目:Bearing Reinforcement Earth Wall as a Truck Ramp Support in Mae Moh Mine

时    间:2016 年7月13日(星期三)下午14:00

地    点:上海交大闵行校区木兰船建楼A1006 会议室

联 系 人:沈水龙  教授

主 讲 人:Suksun Horpibulsuk教授    泰国苏拉那里工业大学 土木工程学院院长、教授

          Prof. Suksun Horpibulsuk has joined the Surnaree University of Technology (SUT) as a lecturer since 2002 and become a professor since 2010. He serves now a professor and chair of the School of Civil Engineering and a founder director of Center of Excellence in Civil Engineering at Surnaree University of Technology. He is presently a president of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) – Thailand Chapter and a president of the Engineering Institute of Thailand – Northeastern Thailand branch. After graduating with a B.Eng. (Civil Engineering) with Honors Award from Khon Kaen University, Thailand in 1996, he was granted by the Royal Thailand Government to pursue his M.Eng. in Soil Engineering at Asian Institute of Technology and graduate in 1998. He then received a MONBUSHO scholarship of the Japanese Government to pursue his Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering at Saga University and completed his PhD in 2001.

          He is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer in Thailand. He has served as geotechnical consultant to numerous projects in Thailand. His most significant contributions have been in the field of ground improvement techniques, specifically issues associated with compaction, earth reinforcement and chemical stabilization. He has been awarded a large number of competitive research grants in ground improvement techniques and has published extensively with over 200 technical publications, including over 110 in leading Geotechnical Engineering and other journals (SCI Journal) and his current ISI Web of Science H-Index is 23.

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