2021.9 - 今,36365线路检测中心,36365线路检测中心,长聘教轨副教授
2021.2 - 2021.8,芬兰阿尔托大学(Aalto),Department of Mechanical Engineering,博士后
2017.8 - 2021.1,德国汉堡工业大学(TUHH),Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory (FDS),博士后
2012.9 - 2017.6,西北工业大学,航海学院,导师:宋保维,博士
2008.9 - 2012.6,西北工业大学,教育实验学院+航海学院,本科
Physics of Fluids
Ocean Engineering
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
2024年,8th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors (SMP'24),德国柏林
2019年,11th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH),德国汉堡
2018年,8th International Conference on Vortex Flow Mechanics (ICVFM),中国西安
国家自然基金青年项目 (2024--2026,基于有限体积-涡粒子耦合的螺旋桨梢涡模拟方法研究)
** 高效低噪组合式推进器改进设计
** 中型组合式推进器(500mm)优化设计
** 小型组合式推进器(110mm)优化设计
M. Zheng, Y. Liu, W. Liu, Y. Tang, Y. Wang, Y. He. Modulation of the wake of a horizontal cylinder by pycnocline thickness in stratified flow. Phys Fluids, 36(8):085131, 2024.
陈超, 余欣, 王有江, 等. 大型绞吸挖泥船阻力预报的设置方法[J]. 中国造船, 2024,65(03):265-275.
刘正浩, 赵建, 万初瑞, 丁举, 孙红, 王有江. 基于CFD变形网格法的螺旋桨水中附加转动惯量研究[J]. 船舶工程, 2024,46(05):49-55.DOI:10.13788/j.cnki.cbgc.2024.05.07.
刘正浩, 赵建, 张东江, 丁举, 孙红, 王有江.侧斜分布对冰级桨强度的影响[J].船舶工程,2024,46(04):96-104.DOI:10.13788/j.cnki.cbgc.2024.04.13.
王有江, 刘正浩, 余龙.船舶螺旋桨空化噪声的数值预测方法分析[J].船舶工程,2023,45(03):20-31.
Y. Wang. An easy-to-implement highly efficient algorithm for nonlinear Kutta condition in boundary element method. Phys Fluids 2022;34:127111.
Y. Wang, T. Mikkola, S. Hirdaris. A fast and storage-saving method for direct volumetric integration of FWH acoustic analogy. Ocean Eng 2022;261:112087.
M. Zheng, Y. Liu, Y. Tang, Y. Wang, Y. He. Two-dimensional hydrofoil hydrodynamic performance and waveform evolution studies in density stratification and homogeneous fluid. Ocean Eng, 2022;263, 112366.
Y. Wang, K. Wang and M. Abdel-Maksoud. noiseNet: A neural network to predict marine propellers’ underwater radiated noise. Ocean Engineering, 236(6):109542, 2021.
Y. Wang, U. Göttsche, M. Abdel-Maksoud. Sound field properties of non-cavitating marine propellers. J Mar Sci Eng 2020;8:1–22.
Y. Wang and M. Abdel-Maksoud. Coupling wake alignment lifting line method and boundary element method for open water and unsteady propeller simulation. Ocean Engineering, 213:107738, 2020.
Y. Wang and M. Abdel-Maksoud. Application of remeshed vortex method for the simulation of tip vortex at high Reynolds number. Aerospace Science and Technology, 93:105347, 2019.
Y. Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and B. Song. A boundary element-vortex particle hybrid method with inviscid shedding scheme. Computers & Fluids. 168:73-86, 2018.
Y. Wang, and M. Abdel-Maksoud. Application of remeshed vortex method to the simulation of 2D flow around circular cylinder and foil. Ship Technology Research. 65(2):79-86, 2018.
X. Wang, B. Song, P. Wang, W. Tian, and Y. Wang. Surrogate-based optimization of location hole for contactless power transmission system. Ocean Engineering. 157:35-43, 2018.
Y. Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and B. Song. Simulating marine propellers with vortex particle method. Physics of Fluids, 29(1):017103, 2017.
Y. Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and B. Song. A fast method to realize the pressure Kutta condition in boundary element method for lifting bodies. Ocean Engineering, 130:398-406, 2017.
Y. Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, K. Wang, and B. Song. Prediction of tip vortex cavitation inception with low-order panel method. Ocean Engineering, 125:124–133, 2016.
Y. Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and B. Song. Convergence of different wake alignment methods in a panel code for steady-state flows. Journal of Marine Science & Technology, 21(4):567–578, 2016.
B. Song, Y. Wang, and W. Tian. Open water performance comparison between hub-type and hubless rim driven thrusters based on CFD method. Ocean Engineering, 103:55–63, 2015.
X. Du, X. Li, C. Hao, Y. Wang. Stability analysis of two-point mooring autonomous underwater vehicle. J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.). 20:618-624, 2015.
蒋雪, 何雨欣, 王有江. 环形螺旋桨关键几何参数对水动力性能的影响研究[C]. 第三十五届全国水动力学研讨会,哈尔滨,2024.
Y. Wang, J. Yang, X. Huo, Xin Y, Y. He. Twin-skeg or deadwood for cutter suction dredges? A comparison of the propulsive efficiency. OMAE2024, Singapore, 2024.
J. Su, Y. Ding, Y. Wang, J. Li. Improving accuracy of panel method under low advance ratio conditions. SMP’24, Hamburg, Germany. 2024.
H. Wu, J. Liu, L. Yu, Y. Wang. A superposition method to evaluate the strength of propellers in crushed ice flow considering collision and hydrodynamic load. SMP’24, Hamburg, Germany. 2024.
Y. Wang, Z. Yang, Z. Liu, T. Zhang, L. Yu. Further development and discrepancy analysis of the acoustic overlapping mesh technique. SMP’24, Hamburg, Germany. 2024.
Y. Wang. On suitable CFD setups for cavitation dynamics. IWSH 2023, Espoo, Finland. 2023.
Z. Abdelghafor, G. Taimuri, P. Kujala, Y. Wang, S. Hirdaris. Numerical studies on tugboat performance during pushing operations. IWSH 2023, Espoo, Finland. 2023.
Y. Wang. The performance analysis of marine propellers in inclined flow with boundary element method. 5th underwater unmanned system technology summit forum, Xi’an, China: 2022. (In Chinese)
Y. Wang, T. Mikkola, S. Hirdaris. Hydroacoustic evaluation of cavitating flow based on direct FWH approach and dual mesh technique. smp’22, Wuxi, China: 2022.
A. Dashtimanesh, MH Ghaemi, Y. Wang, A. Karczewski, RN Bilandi RN, S. Hirdaris. Digitalization of High Speed Craft Design and Operation Challenges and Opportunities. Procedia Comput Sci 2022;200:566–76.
S. Krüger, Y. Wang, M. Scharf, U. Göttsche, and M. Abdel-Maksoud. A hybrid calculation concept for single and multi-component propulsors. SMP’19, Rome, Italy, 2019.
Y. Wang, U. Göttsche, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and S. Krüger. Different techniques to simulate tandem propeller with Boundary Element Method. IWSH 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Y. Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud. Application of Remeshed Vortex Method for the Simulation of Tip Vortex at Re=53000. ICVFM 2018, Xi’an, China.
Y. Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, P. Wang, and B. Song. Simulate the PPTC propeller with a vortex particle-boundary element hybrid method. SMP’17, Espoo, Finland, 2017.
船舶设计基础II (静力学)
AI+船设:路线探索与初步论证 (2024-2025)
基于深度增强学习的智能水翼形状设计 (2024)
基于机器学习的推进器性能预报 (2023-2024)
新型环形螺旋桨节能特性研究 (2023-2024)
水下推进器高效定子形式探索 (2023-2024)
工程计算软件的前端界面与后端算法开发 (2023-2024)
acousticsPlus声比拟流噪声计算软件,软著登字第10772440号, 登记号:2023SR0185269, 2023, 软件著作权.
交互式螺旋桨三维型值生成软件,桨形V1.0,软著登字第11840017号, 登记号:2023SR1252844,2023,软件著作权。
2021 上海海外高层次人才计划