Reinforcement Corrosion in RC Structures and its Treatment
报告人: Prof. Long-yuan Li(Plymouth University, U.K.)
时 间: 2014-04-18 10:30
地 点: 36365线路检测中心木兰楼A1006室
主 办:
联系人: 杨健,13917654726
About the Speaker
Long-yuan Li is Professor of Structural Engineering in the School of Marine Science and Engineering at the University of Plymouth. His research interests cover the fields of structures, concrete materials, and computational mechanics. Prof Li received his PhD in Shanghai University in 1987, and after then he did postdoctoral research in Washington University (USA), Ruhr University (Germany) and University College London (UK). He started his academic career at Aston University as a Lecturer in 1996, moved to University of Birmingham in 2008. He was appointed as a Professor of Structural Engineering and the Director of Research Centre for Advanced Engineering Systems and Interactions by University of Plymouth in 2011. Prof Li is a member of editorial boards of journals including “Cement and Concrete Composites”, “Magazine of Concrete Research” and “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”. He is a Fellow of the UK Institution of Structural Engineers and a member of the UK Society for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, the UK Concrete Society, and the International Society for Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics.
Prof Li’s talk will be on the durability of reinforced concrete structures in marine environment. Reinforcing steel corrosion is worldwide problem. It affects a large number of structures. Prof Li\'s’ talk will address how to assess the chloride-related durability of RC structures and how to repair the RC structures suffered from chloride attack by using electro-chemical methods.