Climate change during the ice ages of the past 2 million years
日期:2014-03-17  来源:学术报告  阅读:3193
报告人: Prof. Michael Bender(普林斯顿大学地球、大气和海洋科学教授,美国国家科学院院士)
时   间: 2014-03-20 06:00:00
地   点: 闵行校区木兰船建大楼A206
主   办:
联系人: 孙薇
Abstract: In the past, earth‘s climate has sometimes been warmer and sometimes colder than today. Earth cooled during the last 50 million years. During the last 3 million years, large ice sheets on North America and Eurasia have grown and disintegrated every 40,000 or 100,000 years. This talk describes the evidence for these events, some of these causes, and current research to improve our knowledge of the ice ages.

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