2022.12 - 至今 36365线路检测中心 长聘教轨副教授
2018.12 - 2022.11 法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS) 博士后(合作导师:Michael Baudoin、Jean-Louis Thomas)
2016.12 - 2018.04 美国华盛顿州立大学 (WSU) 访问学者(合作导师:Philip L. Marston)
2013.09 - 2018.09 华中科技大学 博士(指导导师:李威教授、赵耀教授)
2009.09 - 2013.06 华中科技大学 学士
* 物理声学
* 水声工程
* 声波操控微粒/微流体理论和技术
* 水下声涡旋器件和换能器设计与制备[1kHz-100MHz]
李世玉 (联合指导,研究方向:声波操控微粒和微流体)
程玄 (研究方向:海空界面气泡声学问题)
魏良媛 (研究方向:信号调制与应用)
王铖鋆 (研究方向:低成本集群水声通讯与导航)
陈利伟 (研究方向:声涡旋散射和信号处理)
陆啸天 (研究方向:水下运动、集群目标声学问题)
郝 雅 (研究方向:弹性目标TS快速预报)
傅正阳 (36365线路检测中心大学生创新计划)
张 喆 (36365线路检测中心本科生研究计划PRP)
刘 硕 (36365线路检测中心本科生研究计划PRP)
鞠礼乐 (大学生创新创业大赛)
王铭海 (大学生创新创业大赛)
* 第十一届船舶力学学术委员会委员(振动与噪声学组,2023-2028)
* 美国声学学会高级会员(2会士推荐)
* 中国造船工程学会第二届青年工作委员会委员(2024-2026)
* 中国声学学会会员
*Sound & Vibration期刊编委
* 物理学期刊《Frontiers in Physics》专题编辑: "Ultrasound Micromanipulations and Ocean Acoustics: From Human Cells to Marine Structures"
* 海洋科学与工程期刊《Journal of Marine Science and Engineering》专题编辑: "Artificial Intelligence Applications in Underwater Sonar Images"
* 声/光/电磁领域专业期刊《散射辐射与传输学报》青年编委[欢迎联系投稿]
* 2024全国空间智能遥感与海洋测绘导航学术大会暨先进装备展览会大会执行共同主席
* 期刊审稿人:
Physics (Phy. Rev. Lett./A/B/E/Applied/Fluids, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, J. Appl. Phys., Appl. Phys. Lett., Physics of Fluids, 中国物理B, 物理学报, Geophysics);
Acoustics (JASA稿件20余篇, Ultrasonics, J. Sound Vib., Wave Motion, Shock Vib.);
Modeling and Computations (Applied Mathematics and Computation; Applied Mathematical Modelling; Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements);
Engineering (Ocean Enginnering; Communications Engineering; Micromachines; Sensors, Applied Science, Remote Sensing) …
* 学位论文函评专家(中国科学院大学、复旦大学、浙江大学)
2024.01 - 2026.12:国家级青年人才项目,主持
2023.11 - 2025.11:科技委基础研究领域重点项目,主持
2022.12 - 2025.12:“双一流”建设项目人才科研经费,100万RMB,主持
2020.12 - 2022.11:法国I-SITE基金会国际人才项目,14.2万欧元,主持
[B20] 龚志雄, 陈利伟,范军,基于空间相位信息的涡旋声呐主动探测原理和应用研究, 2024全国空间智能遥感与海洋测绘导航学术大会暨先进装备展览会—海洋信息技术论坛,December 21-22, 2024, Weihai (China).
[B19] 龚志雄, 陈利伟,范军,基于空间相位特征的水下目标声探测技术, 西北工业大学海上无人平台技术学科论坛,November 24, 2024, Ningbo (China).
[B17] 龚志雄, 单波束声镊操控微粒和微流体理论与技术, 同济大学物理科学与工程学院格物论坛,November 20, Shanghai (China).
[B17] 龚志雄, 单波束声镊理论和技术:选择性操控及潜在细胞力学测量研究, , October 18-20, 2024, Shanghai (China).[会议日程]
[B16] 龚志雄, 高精度选择性操控细胞的单波束声镊理论与技术, 2024年中国声学学会, September 19-22, 2024, Nanjing (China).
[B15] 龚志雄, 单波束声镊操控微粒和微流体理论与技术, , September 18, 2024, Nanjing (China). [海报]
[B14] Z. Gong, Acoustic vortex beams: From theory to applications, the 7th International Conference on Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (ICNAME2024), August 22-25, 2024, Harbin (China).
[B13] Z. Gong, Acoustic manipulation of microparticles and microfluidics: Single beam incidence, Lund University, August 12, 2024, Lund (Sweden, Europe).
[B12] Z龚志雄, 声涡旋高精度选择性操控细胞,中国福利会国际和平妇幼保健院, July 8, 2024, Shanghai (China).
[B11] Z. Gong, Selective Trapping and Assembly at Cell-sized Level with Single-beam Acoustical Tweezers, PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, April 21 - 25, 2024, Chengdu (China).
[B10] 龚志雄, 声涡旋探测和操控水中目标/微粒, 华中科技大学船海学院“黄群讲坛”第十八期, April 2, 2024, Wuhan (China).
[B9] Z. Gong, 2D and 3D trapping of particles and cells with single beam acoustic tweezers based on focused beams, Multidisciplinary Innovation Forum on Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, October 22 - 23, 2023, Shenzhen (China).
[B8] 龚志雄, 高次谐波影响下Eckart声流理论, 操控与传感学术研讨会, 中科院深圳先进技术研究院,October 23, 2023, Shenzhen (China).
[B7] 龚志雄, 声涡旋散射、操控水中微粒和微流体, 水声技术重点实验室2023年海洋信息论坛,第十三期, 哈尔滨工程大学,September 22, 2023, Harbin (China).
[B6] M. Baudion, R.A. Sahely, O. B. Matar, J.-C. Gerbedoen, Z. Gong, A. Sivery, N. Smagin, J.-L. Thomas, A. Vlandas, Single beam selective acoustical tweezers: from acoustical vortices to focused beams, The 75th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD), 20-22 November 2022, Indiana (United States).
[B5] Z. Gong, M. Baudion, Single focused-beam acoustical tweezers, The 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 23-27 May 2022, Denver (United States).
[B4] M. Baudion, R.A. Sahely, Z. Gong, O.B. Matar, J.-C. Gerbedoen, N. Smagin, R. Chutani, Active holographic tweezers based on spiraling interdigitated transducers, The 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 23-27 May 2022, Denver (United States).
[B3] Z. Gong, M. Baudion, Small particles assembly using cylindrical Bessel vortices in two dimension, 2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics, 3-6 September 2019, Bruges (Belgium).
[B2] Z. Gong, W. Li, P.L. Marston, Potential of theoretical approach and T-matrix method for designing numerical acoustical tweezers toolbox, The 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 7-11 May 2018, Minneapolis (United States).
[B1] Z. Gong, W. Li, Y. Chai, Y. Zhao, Forward scattering of an acoustical Bessel beam by rigid structures using T-matrix method, The 7th International Conference on Computational Methods, 1-4 August 2016, Berkeley (United States).
[M1] Z. Gong, F. Cai, W. Li, T. Baasch, eds. (2023)., Ultrasound Micromanipulations and Ocean Acoustics: From Human Cells to Marine Structures, Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. ISBN 978-2-8325-2976-8.
[29] S. Li, Z. Gong*, Reversing the acoustic contrast factor by tuning the medium can make focused beams trap cells in three dimensions, Phys. Fluids, In proof (2025).
[28] D. Shen, et. al, Ionic Hydrogel-Based Moisture Electric Generators for Underwater Electronics, Adv. Sci., 2024, 2408954 (2024). [DOI] [PDF].
[27] S. Li, W. Cui, T. Baasch, B. Wang, Z. Gong*, Eckart streaming with nonlinear high-order harmonics: an example at gigahertz, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9: 084201 (2024). [DOI] [PDF] [注:推导了考虑非线性声传播时声流效应源项的理论表达式]
[26] Z. Gong*, F. Cai*, W. Li*, T. Baasch*, Editorial: Ultrasound micromanipulations and ocean acoustics: from human cells to marine structures, Front. Phys., 11:1237899 (2023). [DOI] [PDF]
[25] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Single beam acoustical tweezers based on focused beams: A numerical analysis of 2D and 3D trapping capabilities, Phys. Rev. Appl., 18: 044033 (2022). [DOI] [PDF] [注:理论和数值仿真验证了单波束聚焦声场无法在三维空间捕获水中典型细胞]
[24] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Three-Dimensional Trapping and Dynamic Axial Manipulation with Frequency-Tuned Spiraling Acoustical Tweezers: A Theoretical Study, Phys. Rev. Appl., 16: 024034 (2021). [DOI] [PDF]
[23] Z. Gong*, M. Baudoin, Equivalence between angular spectrum-based and multipole expansion-based formulas of the acoustic radiation force and torque, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 149(5): 3469-3482 (2021). [DOI] [PDF] [Collections] [注:严格证明了4个权威团队分别推导的三维声辐射力理论表达式的等效性]
[22] Q. Wang, A. Riaud*, J. Zhou, Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Acoustic radiation force on small spheres due to transient acoustic fields, Phys. Rev. Appl., 15: 044034 (2021). [DOI] [PDF] [注:理论推导了瞬态声场作用下Rayleigh微粒的声辐射力表达式]
[21] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Three-dimensional trapping and assembly of small particles with synchronized spherical acoustical vortices, Phys. Rev. Appl., 14: 064002 (2020). [DOI] [PDF]
[20] Z. Gong*, M. Baudoin, Acoustic radiation torque on a particle in a fluid: an angular spectrum based compact expression, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(5): 3131-3140 (2020). [DOI] [PDF] [注:推导了任意声场下微粒的三维声辐射力矩紧凑理论表达式]
[19] M. Baudoin*, J.-L. Thomas, R.A. Sahely, J.C. Gerbedoen, Z. Gong, A. Sivery, O. Bou Matar, N. Smagin, P. Favreau, A. Vlandas*, Spatialy selective manipulation of cells with single beam acoustical tweezers, Nature Commu., 11: 4244 (2020). [DOI] [PDF] [News] [Codes] [注:实验实现了真实人体细胞选择性捕获,受Nature Review文章引用报道]
[18] Y. Chai*, Z. Gong, Wei Li, Y. Zhang*, Analysis of transient wave propagation in inhomogeneous media using edge-based gradient smoothing technique and bathe time integration method, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 120: 211–222 (2020). [DOI] [PDF]
[17] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Particle assembly with synchronized acoustical tweezers, Phys. Rev. Appl., 12: 024045 (2019). [DOI] [PDF] [注:提出了“同步声镊”用于微粒选择性组装]
[16] Z. Gong, P.L. Marston, W. Li*, T-matrix evaluation of three-dimensional acoustic radiation forces on nonspherical objects in Bessel beams with arbitrary order and location, Phys. Rev. E, 99: 063004 (2019). [DOI] [PDF] [注:推导了Bessel型声场入射下的三维声辐射力表达式,可指导微粒位置平移操控]
[15] Z. Gong, P.L. Marston, W. Li*, Reversals of Acoustic Radiation Torque in Bessel Beams Using Theoretical and Numerical Implementations in Three Dimensions, Phys. Rev. Appl., 11: 064022 (2019). [DOI] [PDF] [注:揭示了Bessel型声场入射下的三维声辐射力矩反转物理机理,可指导微粒旋转操控]
[14] W. Li, Q. Gui, Z. Gong*, Resonance scattering of an arbitrary Bessel beam by a spherical object, IEEE UFFC, 66: 1364-1372 (2019). [DOI] [PDF]
[13] Y. Chai, W. Li*, T. Li, Q. Zhang, Z. Gong, Application of smoothed finite element method to two-dimensional exterior problems of acoustic radiation. Int. J. Comp. Methods, 15: 1850029 (2018). [DOI] [PDF]
[12] W. Li, Y. Chai, Z. Gong*, P.L. Marston, Analysis of forward scattering of an acoustical zeroth-order Bessel beam from rigid complicated (nonspherical) structures, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 200: 146-162 (2017). [DOI] [PDF]
[11] Z. Gong, P.L. Marston, W. Li*, Y. Chai, Multipole expansion of acoustical Bessel beams with arbitrary order and location, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141: EL574-578 (2017). [DOI] [PDF] [注:推导了Bessel型声场一般入射下的散射场理论解]
[10] Z. Gong, W. Li*, Y. Chai, Y. Zhao, F.G. Mitri, T-matrix method for acoustical Bessel beam scattering from a rigid finite cylinder with spheroidal endcaps, Ocean Eng., 129: 507-519 (2017). [DOI] [PDF]
[09] Y. Chai, Z. Gong, W. Li*, T. Li, Q. Zhang, A smoothed finite element method for exterior Helmholtz equation in two dimensions, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 84: 237–252 (2017). [DOI] [PDF]
[08] Y. Chai, W. Li*, G. Liu, Z. Gong, T. Li, A superconvergent alpha finite element method (SαFEM) for static and free vibration analysis of shell structures, Comput. Struct., 179: 27-47 (2017). [DOI] [PDF]
[07] W. Li, Z. Gong, Y. Chai*, C. Cheng, T. Li, Q. Zhang, M. Wang, Hybrid gradient smoothing technique with discrete shear gap method for shell structures, Comput. Math. with Appl., 74: 1826-1855 (2017). [DOI] [PDF]
[06] Z. Gong, W. Li*, F.G. Mitri, Y. Chai, Y. Zhao, Arbitrary scattering of an acoustical Bessel beam by a rigid spheroid with large aspect-ratio, J. Sound Vib., 383: 233-247 (2016). [DOI] [PDF]
[05] Z. Gong, Y. Chai, W. Li*, Coupled analysis of structural–acoustic problems using the cell-Based smoothed three-node Mindlin plate element, Int. J. Comp. Methods 13: 1640007 (2016). [DOI] [PDF]
[04] Y. Chai, W. Li*, Z. Gong, T. Li, Hybrid smoothed finite element method for two-dimensional underwater acoustic scattering problems, Ocean Eng., 116: 129-141 (2016). [DOI] [PDF]
[03] Y. Chai, W. Li*, T. Li, Z. Gong, X. You, Analysis of underwater acoustic scattering problems using stable node-based smoothed finite element method, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 84: 237–252 (2016). [DOI] [PDF]
[02] Y. Chai, W. Li*, Z. Gong, T. Li, Hybrid smoothed finite element method for two dimensional acoustic radiation problems, Appl. Acoust., 103: 90–101 (2016). [DOI] [PDF]
[01] W. Li, J. Li, Z. Gong*, Study on underwater acoustic scattering of a Bessel beam by rigid objects with arbitrary shapes, Acta. Phys. Sin., 64: 154305 (2015). [DOI] [PDF]
[04] X. Cheng, S. Li, Z. Gong*, J. Fan, Linear Modulation of the Resonant Frequency of a Double-bubble Model Below an Air-Water Interface, 2024 OES China Ocean Acoustics (COA) (2024). [DOI] [PDF]
[03] X. Lu, Z. Gong*, Analytical Solution of Radiated Acoustic Field by Moving Monopolar and Dipolar Sources, 2024 OES China Ocean Acoustics (COA) (2024). [DOI][PDF]
[02] S. Liu, Z. Gong*, Y. Chai, W. Li, Underwater acoustic scattering of Bessel beam by spherical shell using T-matrix method, 2016 IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics (COA) (2016). [DOI] [PDF]
[01] Z. Gong, W. Li, Y. Chai, Acoustic resonance scattering of Bessel beam by elastic spheroids in water, Proceedings of ICCM2015, pp.1-9, (2015). [DOI][PDF]
本科生专业必修课:《智能船舶基础 I 》
[2] 36365线路检测中心水声工程研究所,水中目标声散射建模用几何模型通用要求, 2023(标准编号: MTB37-2023)
[1] 36365线路检测中心水声工程研究所,水中目标辐射噪声特性理论建模与验证通用要求, 2023(标准编号: MTB38-2023)
[7] 龚志雄,李世玉,一种聚焦声涡旋 MEMS 换能器及其设计方法、制备方法(发明专利申请号:2024113955226)
[6] 龚志雄,李世玉,一种基于单波束聚焦声场三维空间捕获细胞方法(发明专利申请号:2024114041138)
[5] 陆啸天,范军,龚志雄,唐叶峰,陈昌雄,一种水下结构物垂直上浮试验系统设计方法(发明专利申请号:2024113254813)
[4] 龚志雄,陈利伟,范军,一种基于声涡旋空间相位相关分析的目标探测方法(发明专利申请号:2024105829058)
[3] 龚志雄,李世玉,一种焦距精确可调的聚焦声场 MEMS 器件及其制备方法(发明专利申请号:2024109908665)
[2] 龚志雄,陆啸天,基于运动单极子和偶极子声源的复杂运动声源模拟方法(发明专利申请号:2024109908684)
[1] 龚志雄,程玄,基于双气泡跨介质声传播系统的共振频率线性调制方法及装置(发明专利申请号:2024109908716)
[1] 三维声辐射力计算软件包(Nature Communications期刊文章附件,2020)[Codes]
* 2023年入选国家级青年人才项目
* 2023年度36365线路检测中心“小米青年学者”
* 2022年当选美国声学学会高级会员(Elected ASA Member)
* 2021年入选上海海外高层次青年领军人才
* 2020年ASA Early Career Meeting Support Award
Scholars & Labs
Societies and Association
Websites of sound/acoustics and some physics